Chapter 2=The Avengers

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*no ones p.o.v.*
      *at the avengers compound*

Nick Fury calls a meeting at compound whic involves Steve Rogers, Natasha Ramonoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Thor, Tony Stark, Bucky, Rhodey, Wanda Maximoff, and Sam Wilson.

"Tell me Fury, why you so bad wanted us here, when we have more important things to do, specifically me" Tony complains as he sits down with the rest of the Avengers.

"Nice to see you too Stark" Fury says ignoring his complaint.

"What is it Fury" Steve ask noticing the files that Fury is holding.

"We found out Hydra has a new Soldier" Furt starts, looking at each person.

"Wait like more winter soldiers like Bucky?" Sam ask.

"Worse, she's more powerful than we've ever seen, we've seen sighting of her, she almost killed Agent 13, if it was t for back up, she would have been dead" Fury says.

"Wait so you're telling me this new soldier was the one that almost killed one of your best agents" Bruce ask nervously.

"Yes, we know what's she's capable of, we believe Hydra tried to kill Sharon because she's related to Peggy Carter, and to get close to Rogers" Fury informs looking at Steve.

"Me? Why me?" Steve ask confuse.

"You're Captain America, everybody wants to kill you, who doesn't" Tony says childishly, rolling his eyes.

"Do you know who this is, Barnes?" Fury faces Bucky.

"They call her the Venom Soldier, that's all I know" Barnes looks down, Fury looks at him suspiciously, has a feelings that Bucky is hiding something, but Fury knows that the truth will come out soon enough.

"Wait a minute, you mean a symbiote, I knew I seen that thing before" Tony says excitedly, everyone in the room looks at him confuse.

"Symbiote?" Sam ask.

"A symbiote is a alien creature that came from space, the government been trying to figure out what it is but what they found out is they need a host to survive, if they don't they'll die, they need to feed which they feed on humans" Bruce explains.

"Wait a minite, she's a trained assassin not only does she have the super soldier serum but she also has the symbiote that the government been trying to hide from the world and if I may it's also a killing machine who people" Clint summarize trying to understand.

"Pretty much" Natasha shrugs her shoulders.

"Fury you've seen what she can do, she's unstoppable, what makes you think we can take her down" Tony ask as rubs his face.

"Believe it or not Stark, I believe in you, each and everyone of one you, she could be a hostage for Hydra's own gain or she's doing it in cold blood, who gives a damn, I just don't want the government up my ass about this assassin, and this is going to be your mission whether you like it or not" Fury says raising his voice a bit.

"Yes daddy" Tony says with a flirty smile. Fury rolls his eyes and starts heading out the files of this assassin.

"This is the information that you will need, I know it's not a lot but it's better than nothing" He says, all the avengers looks at the information that they are given, and looks it over, it shows almost every single detail about how she looks, dress, to how she fights and how she turns to her symbiote side.

"I ain't gonna lie, she looks pretty cool in her symbiote side" Sam says with a chuckle.

(I hoped you guys enjoyed, please vote and comment if I should continue)

The Venom Soldier (Sam Wilson/FalconXchubby/curvy reader)Where stories live. Discover now