Chapter 4= Fury knew

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*no ones p.o.v.*

The Avengers cancels the press conference and arrives back to Avengers compound where they'll meet the rest of the Avengers and Nick Fury, they're in a vehicle driver by a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Sam and Bucky siting in front of Nat and Steve.

"(Y/n)" Sam speaks up first. Nat and Bucky looks at him.

"You said a name, is that her name?" Sam ask. Bucky and Steve looks at Nat waiting for an answer.

"Yes" Nat says simply, and looks down at her hands.

"How do you know her" Steve ask.

"She was trained in the same facility as I was, she was a very shy kid, but she was strong very strong, and a quick learner, the director would always put us together to train and that's how we got close, until I had to leave" Nat says as a tear slides down her cheek.

"Why'd you leave" Bucky ask.

"I had to leave, since I "graduated" (y/n) is the youngest so she had to stay behind, the last time I saw her she was 14, she didn't want me to leave, but I had to, I shouldn't have left" Nat sobs out, as she covers her face.


They arrived in front of the compound, Nat storms out with the 3 men behind her, she speed walks to the conference room where the rest of the Avengers are along with agent Hill and Nick Fury, she aggressively pushes the glass door open and walks to Fury.

"Did you know ?" Nat yells out, Steve grabs her arm to pull her back, Nat yanks her arm away from Steve and glares at him. The Avengers looks at Nat confuse.

"You guys okay, we heard what happen" Bruce says standing up.

"Yeah we're fine" Steve says.

"Im not going to ask again Fury, did you know?" Nat says. Fury looks down at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Fury says calmly, then he looks over at Bucky, Nat looks at Bucky confuse till the light bulb in her clicked.

"You knew about her?" Nat says in a low threatening voice, Bucky looks down ashamed.

"Nat I- I can explain" Bucky says stepping close to her.

"I don't need an explanation, did you or did you know it was her" Nat yells at him.

"Yes" Bucky says simply, Nat looks at him in disbelief and her eyes gloss as more tears falls. She aggressively pushes Bucky on the table and punches him repeatedly.

"Nat no stop" Steve pulls Nat away from Bucky. Nat sobs as she hugs Steve, Steve let's her hold him as she sobs in his chest.

"Alright, Fury what the hell is going on" Tony ask as he stands up and walks towards Fury.

"Yeah Fury why don't you tell them"Nat threatens.

"The Venom soldier is none other than (y/n) (l/n)" Fury says simply, the Avengers looks at each confuse some in shock.

"I'm sorry Fury that name doesn't ring a bell" Tony says.

"She's the first child that Hydra ever experimented on, Hydra believed it would be easier to train a child than an adult to be a stronger soldier, and they did"Fury informs.

"Why is Nat acting like this?" Bruce ask as he looks at Nat worriedly.

"She used to train with me in the Red Room, she was just a child, an innocent child" Nat sobs as she falls on her knees and covers face with her hand once more.

"I'm sorry Nat, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Bucky apologizes.

"How do you remember her?" Nat ask as she looks up towards him.

"I was the one who killed her parents" Bucky looks down ashamed once more.

"We trained together once she came back from that facility and when they injected her with the super soldier serum and the symbiote, I was there when it happened" Bucky says, Nat looks at him, she looks down.

"We have to save her, she doesn't deserve this, we have to save her" Nat desperately says as she gets up about to walk out.

"Woah Nat wait, we don't know if it's really her" Clint argues.

"This isn't up for discussion, we did it for Steve why can't you do it for me, I'm going after her, I abandoned her once I'm not going to do it again" Nat says with determination, she looks at everyone in the room and walks out, she needs time alone, she needs a plan on she going to get her back.

*with Hydra*

Crossbones, Pierce and the rest of Hydra forces the female soldier to sit on the wipe machine.

"That woman, the woman on bridge who was she?" She ask with a sad look.

"You met her in a earlier mission a couple weeks ago" Pierce says, the woman looks at him.

"Pierce you may have been wiping my memory to forget but I know when your lying to me, she said a name, who is she, do I know her" she yells at him.

"Calm down soldier" Crossbones tells her calmly.

"I know her, don't I?" She ask quietly.

"Wipe her" Pierce orders as he walks out, two soldiers pushes her down by her shoulder, they place the mouthpiece in her mouth, she shivers waiting for the pain to come. The machine comes to close to her head and turns on. She groans as she feels the pain going through her body.

"Stop that's enough" Venom screams as a blob of black appears from her back.

"She had enough" Venom yells, The doctor stops and the machine lets go, the female shakes violently as she passes out.

"You can't keep doing this to her" Venom growls.

"Then you should keep in check" Pierce says simply.

"I can't wait till I eat you Pierce, you deserve it" Venom growls as he snaps his teeth.

"Get them out of here" Pierce says.

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