Our russian vacation

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Noah's pov
I looked at Collinn or warden and spoke "blackjack" as I put down my cards showing the Ace and Jack, he stared at me before saying "you've rigged this shit" I smiled and replied "for each of those and one year more god has smiled upon the corps" he scoffed as I heard Mike or thatcher at the end of the barracks "alright start packing we're moving out tomorrow at 05:00." I looked at collinn and asked "wanna do one more round?" He replied challengingly "double or nothin" I asked matching his confidence "you sure you wanna lose that money?" He gave me a look as Jordan aka thermite, the last marine to make up our trio, started to hand out the cards. I lifted mine and saw a 10 and 3, mentally I sighed before Jordan asked "Do you want a hit Kerry?" I replied in monotone "hit me" as the card placed face down infront of me and I saw it was a 6, that puts me at 19. He asked "another hit?" I replied "no, I'm good" as he turned his attention to collinn and asked "hit?" Collinn nodded and got his card, his eyes deceived him and showed his nerves starting to fray.
He asked for another card before throwing his cards down and groaning "...god damnit" as I looked at them and saw they added up to 22. I smirked victoriously and replied "well my friend, you owe me $150" he looked at me "get fucked" as he stood and walked over to his cot, pulling out the money and walking back over. I counted it before putting it in my wallet and helping pack up the cards and move the foot locker back. I heard Sebastien to my left "so you won your game?" I nodded and he spoke jokingly "so when're you treating your good buddy Sebastien to a fancy dinner?" I looked at him and replied teasing him "I don't think hell has frozen over yet my friend" he just laughed as I transferred all of my belongings from my foot locker back to my carry bag leaving only my 60 gun and uniform out. I called across the aisle "hey Jordan, thanks for being the dealer." He nodded and stopped packing for a minute "anytime man, it's fun to watch" I sat on my cot and pulled out a magazine reading about interior design.
       Suddenly my light was blocked making it hard to read my magazine causing me to look up and see Meghan and Tina standing next to my cot, I dog eared my page and closed the magazine "what can I do for you two ladies?" Meghan answered "Tina wanted to know what you're reading and I wanted to know why you're not packing?" I replied by lifting the magazine "it's about interior design, quite interesting really. I'm done packing, all my things are in my bag" Meghan chuckled as Tina asked "why the hell are you reading about that?" I asked in return "what's so bad about that?" She answered "I don't know it just seems weird to me that a marine as hard as you is reading about interior design" I replied "gotta pass the time somehow" Meghan nodded and spoke "I hear we're getting rooms like back at basic, you know the bedrooms with 2 bunk beds?" I sat up "really?" She nodded as Tina explained "it's just rumors tho, we won't know til we get there" I looked around at the rest of the people in the barracks, about half of rainbow and wondered out loud "I wonder who's gonna be my bunk mate"
Tina joked "someone very unlucky" I looked at her and feigned offense as I checked the time "wow.... okay okay I see how it is tina" she smiled with a shit eating grin before Mike called me over "Oi Noah, come 'ere for a minute" I looked over and gave a nod as i pushed myself off the bed and walking over to his cot near the door. He looked at me and spoke "I know you're new here so I'm gonna give you the run down of how this team works" I nodded and listened as he spoke "we've got 12 team leaders, they're the shot callers. I'm aware you have quite a bit of experience with that. Each team is 5 members strong, except for Erik's, with another team on qrf duty." I asked "who's the team leaders?" He spoke "Sebastien(buck), myself, Eliza(ash), Elias(blitz), Gilles(montagne), craig(Blackbeard), Alexsandr(Tachanka), Elena(Mira), jalal(kaid), Erik(maverick), marius(Jäger) and Miles(castle)" I asked "Sebastien's a team leader?" Mike nodded and I looked over at him joyfully talking with some other team members "good for him, he's a good soldier"
      Mike spoke "I heard a couple stories about you from Tina and Sebastien, I look forward to seeing if you live up to them" I replied confidently "I look forward to proving them right" he chuckled and spoke once more "welcome to rainbow lad" I dipped my head in thanks. I walked back to my bed and sat on it reading my magazine for a while longer until thatcher called "Lights out in 5 minutes!" The operators nodded and started getting ready to go to sleep as I walked to the bathrooms and brushed my teeth looking in the mirror, I'm exhausted, my face isn't doing much to hide it either. I muttered under my breath "I hope I sleep like a rock tonight" as I turned off the water and walked back to my bunk. The next morning I woke up at the standard time of 4:30 and headed down to the chow hall to get the fresh food before it goes cold and starts to feel like plastic. I talked with a couple of the cooks as I got my food before sitting down at a table and starting to eat, I just wasn't paying too much attention to the surroundings until a tray and cup of tea appeared at the top of my view.
      I looked up and saw a pale woman, she had on a splinter pattern camo uniform and a JPC plate carrier which I noticed had the Denmark flag along with a team rainbow patch. I spoke "howdy, I'm Noah, most call me Kerry" She looked at me and asked "why do they call you Kerry? Inside joke?" I replied chuckling slightly "my last name is Kerry, Noah Kerry" she replied "Freyja, Freyja Anderson" I spoke "nice to meet you face to face Nøkk" she paused for a second before speaking "how'd you know?" I pointed to her chest with my pinkie finger. She looked down and replied "the flag would be a give away wouldn't it" I nodded and replied "plus I've worked alongside you guys for long enough to know there's only one Dane at the org" she nodded before speaking "so why did you join? You've had the opportunity several times already so why now?" I asked "how'd you...?" She replied "I've done some digging, answer the question" I took a drink of my coffee and replied "never had the desire to join"
She looked at me and asked "just happy being a raider?" I nodded and replied "that and I enjoyed teaching the younger marines" she sipped her tea before speaking "so why the sudden shift in decision?" I paused for a second thinking over why I joined before I replied simply "it just felt like the right choice" she nodded as we sat in the silent chow hall eating before I asked "why did you wanna know?" She looked up and replied "I like knowing the motivations of my allies, it gives me insight into who they are as a person" I asked intrigued "and what insight did my answers give you?" She answered "you're impulsive and instinct driven, you go where your gut leads you. You're protective of your teams and you're proud of where you came from" I paused before replying "almost right" she asked "what'd I get wrong?" I answered "my gut doesn't lead me anywhere, if it did I would've been here at rainbow years ago." She looked at me with interest before speaking "you're an odd one Kerry" I looked at the door as a couple of the soldiers and marines filtered in to get their chow "I get that a lot"
       She chuckled before I asked "think the others are up by now?" She checked her watch and replied "well we're moving out at 0500 and it's 04:43 so I'd assume so" I heard the door open and looked over seeing a herd of zombie like operators shuffling through the line getting their food as I spoke "well I guess that answers that" she nodded as I finished off my coffee and brought my tray over to the drop off place before I sat down at the table again just as Sebastien and a couple of his friends joined us. He looked between Freyja and I before asking teasingly "the hells goin on with you two?" I just laughed as Freyja replied "I'm meeting the new guy" Sebastien looked at me and asked "you got questioned didn't you?" I nodded as Shuhrat(fuse) spoke "those were not fun" I extended my hand to him "nice to see you again my friend" he shook it and smiled "you too friend, been a long time" I nodded with a sigh before Siu(ying) asked "what time is it?" I checked my watch "about 4:47 why?" She sighed as the group that just arrived started to inhale their food.
     Freyja explained "we have to do formation 10 minutes before we head to the airfield, to make sure we have all of our members" I nodded and said "we should probably grab our bags then shouldn't we?" Sebastien stood and said "well I guess we cut that one a bit close" I chuckled as Dominic replied "ja, probably a bit too close" as I started walking towards the barracks. I stopped so the group could catch up before I talked amongst them as we moved, when we walked in I saw Tina still sleeping. I looked at Sebastien pointedly which he noticed, "what?" I motioned to Tina and spoke "she's your unit mate, you wake her up" he replied knowingly "this is because of Iraq isn't it?" I nodded as Jordan asked "what happened in Iraq?" I explained "I got voluntold by the task force commander to wake up Tina and when I tried she punched me in the face" he winced and spoke "she's got a fuckin arm on her doesn't she?" I replied having flashbacks "I'd rather get shot again than get punched in the face by her"
Sebastien walked forward and looked at Jordan and I, causing us to take a step back as he spoke "come on devil dogs, hold down her arms" I sighed and walked forward as Jordan joined me and I took her right arm putting my weight on it as Jordan did the same to her left and Sebastien gripped her shoulders and shook her causing me to feel her muscles tense as her right arm jerked in my grip, as Jordan almost lost grip on her left arm as I saw her head jerk up and her eyes were wide and feral until she noticed us. She started to calm down as I spoke "get up, it's almost time to head to formation" she jumped up as I grabbed my bag and we started out to the formation square. We all lined up with our bag on the group next to us, Harry walked infront of us and did a roll call before we all loaded into a duece and a half driving out to the air base a half mile away. When we arrived we all loaded into a C17 and I used my bag as a pillow taking the chance to get any sleep like the corps had taught me to do.
When we arrived in Russia I found myself pleasantly surprised at the nice weather, I commented "warmer than I expected" maxim(kapkan) replied "it's spring my friend, it will stay warm for a while" I nodded as Harry spoke "team leaders, your teams to the C wing and get them settled in" I stopped next to him and asked "Sir, who's team am I running on?" He replied simply "I'm putting you on Erik's team" I asked "who's on it?" He replied "Tina, Apha, Mark and now you" I nodded and asked "any reason you put me on Erik's team?" He replied "you've done operations with delta before as well as on task force dagger with Tina. The experience will be easy for you to settle into" I looked over and inspected Harry before speaking "if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find my new team and get acquainted" he nodded as we started walking into the building before I peeled off to the C wing and walked until I saw Tina, I called "Tina!" She turned and asked "Kerry, did you find out what team you're on?" I walked up and replied "Fireteam Maverick" she looked at me before asking "are you fuckin with me?" I replied with a smirk "no ma'am" she sighed and spoke "come on I'll show you to the room" I chuckled but followed her through the halls.

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