The time in afghanistan

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Noah's pov(2014)
I ducked as a round snapped past my head before I stood and fired a long burst at the muzzle flash, I looked to my right and saw Buck firing as well causing me to yell "Another river of blood runnin under my feet!" As I fired another burst. I heard Executioner, the task force CO, "Alaska, we've got a buncha cunts on all sides, work with arty and get warheads rainin on the fuckers! Before this goes tits up!" I yelled back "oorah sir!" As I pulled off the prc-120 and got the map from my bag before I radioed "Stroke 2-1, this is Alaska, requesting close air support, immediate fire mission, how copy?" Stroke came back over the net "I copy, cast an immediate fire mission" I replied "a-ffirm I got targets in Zulu sector compounds 4-2, 2-1, 2-5 and 3-4, break, we also have target in bravo sector compounds 2-1, 1-8 and 1-2." Stroke repeated the coordinates as I radioed "I need immediate fire mission on the ridge to our east, preplanned target 3006, how copy?" Stroke replied "I copy, immediate suppression on preplanned 3006"
I heard buck to my right "did you think today would be this exciting?" I yelled back as I fired a long burst "fuck no! I was expecting the same boring shit we've had for the last 2 months!" I radioed "stroke 2-1, can I get an ET on arrival?" He replied after a second "Alaska, hacksaw is 30 mikes out, golf company is in a tick on the other side of kandahar air port" I replied "that's affirm, break, we are in heavy contact and I need that fire mission" stroke replied "tracking heavy contact, I'm gonna put you in contact with the battalion fire officer in arrow, they'll be clearing all fires from here out, how copy?" I sighed before speaking "I copy" I heard the CO behind me "Alaska, what's the ETA on that fire mission?!" I turned and yelled "arrow is dickin around and won't fucking send it! I'm working-" I heard stroke on my handset "we got a dust off from a flight of 2 Apache gunships from bagram eta 1 hour" I replied "roger, any word on that fire mission?" He replied "affirm, We're just waiting for ISR to confirm the lack of any civilians on target"
I replied "copy" as I turned to the CO yelling over the gunfire "They're waiting for ISR to confirm no civilians! We've got a flight of 2 Apaches inbound from BAF!" He nodded before I heard Bobcat on comms "I need artillery on the north" I looked to my right and yelled to buck "think you can handle it without me for 5 mikes?!" He nodded as Executioner walked away. I carried my SAW laxly by my side as I walked past the task force and our marine detail as they stood on piles of pallets firing at any flash of a muzzle. I yelled "Get Some!" As I walked past getting "oorah's" in return. I climbed up next to Bobcat and placed the map on the top of the sand bag wall, I looked at bobcat "howdy, where's the targets?" He pointed on the map "alpha sector, preplanned 2031. They're in that fucking cave" I nodded and radioed "Stroke 2-1, this is Alaska, I need an immediate fire mission" I got replied "Go for stroke 2-1, cast fire mission" I spoke calmly as rounds snapped all around "I have targets in alpha sector preplanned target 2032, how copy?"
Stroke replied "I copy, alpha sector preplanned target 2032. ISR has confirmed no civilians on targets 4-2, 2-1, 2-5 and 3-4, as well as 2-1, 1-8 and 1-2. Sending the rain in 2 mikes" I smiled "affirmative on ET" as I fired a long burst at the cave entrance before looking to my left at bobcat "2 mikes" he nodded as I dropped off the pallet pile and started walking to the command tent. I walked in and saw executioner and the other officers working on coordinating between squad leaders. He looked up and spoke "Alaska, tell me you have good news or so help me god" I replied simply "fire mission has been approved, shells are inbound in 2 mikes. Apache flight is about 35 mikes out" he sighed in relief before speaking as he pointed to a map of the compound "Frost's team has taken heavy casualties, take a squad of marines and reinforce them." I saluted as he stopped me "do not fuck this up, I have too many problems as it is, check?" I replied smiling slightly, I'm gonna get to get stuck in, "Check sir" as he spoke "now fuck off" I turned and walked out seeing a squad of 1st recon marines.
I called "Recon marines, on me!" They came running over as I looked at their corporal "where's your sergeant?" He replied "he took a chunk of car to the face sir, he's in the med tent. Shit was gnarly" I replied "you're with me, let's move. We're reinforcing the south wall, they've taken heavy casualties" the marines nodded as we walked over to where I saw Frost, I climbed up next to her as the recon marines filled in empty spots and we started firing at muzzle flashes. I asked over the gunfire "Who got hit!?" She replied "Kiwi got some shrapnel, Hunter took a round to the shoulder, I don't know how bad, and hund took one to the thigh!" I commented "wow you guys really got torn apart" just then I heard the colossal explosions as 155mm howitzer shells hit their targets. I chuckled at the cheers of the men as I fired at muzzle flashes, another salvo hit the targets in Zulu and bravo sector reducing the enemies in those areas to pieces. I looked up and saw the next salvo heading to alpha sector.
     I heard Executioner on the net "All units be advised a flight of 2 Apaches will be on station in 20 mikes" I sighed but fired another burst as Frost asked "this all you're doing?" I replied with a confident smile "I am the commo guy" as I saw an RPG in the air. I shoved Frost down off the pallet stack and got thrown by the blast of the rpg as it hit the other side of the wall. I coughed as I felt the pain set in, I saw Frost scramble to her feet and move over to me as she checked me for wounds. I felt a warm liquid on my forehead and then Frost spoke but I couldn't hear her, my ears were ringing incessantly. I saw her lift her canteen and wiggle it slightly I nodded and she started pouring it over my face the ringing started to subside as she wiped my face I asked "are you okay?" She nodded as I asked "how bad is it?" She replied "just a gash on your head" I nodded and started sitting up. I checked my 249 before speaking "the battles not done."
       I saw nothing wrong with my gun before I climbed back up to the wall and started looking for any muzzle flashes, it didn't take long before I saw what I was looking for and I fired a long burst at it. About 18 minutes later, I heard the chopping of helicopter blades and saw the flight of 2, I smirked as I saw their hydra rockets tear out of the pod and impact any heat signature outside the compound. I watched as one hovered directly over before the 30mm chain gun started to fire tearing into the terrorists infront of me, I could watch it all day until spent casings started to fall directly on Frost and I causing us to move out of the way and let the Apaches handle it. The battle had been waging for over 45 minutes but the moment the Apaches arrived on station and began to prosecute the enemies the battle ended and they retreated, I mentally reminded myself that I love Uncle Sam's close air. I started back towards the command tent before Frost stopped me by saying "are you going to the medics" I looked at her and saw the worry in her eyes replying "no" she asked "can you atleast let me bandage it?"
      I took a glance at the command tent before speaking "let me report to executioner, I'll meet you at your cot after, okay?" She looked happy with the offer before nodded and playfully ordering "I expect to see you there immediately" I turned and walked to the command tent, feeling the blood running from my gash, I heard Buck to my right "so when are you gonna tell her you love her?" I looked at him and asked "are you okay? Why would I love Tina?" He responded with a pointed look before speaking "you never let the medics take care of you until your men are taken care of yet here you are letting Tina treat you first" I replied like it was obvious "because if I don't she'll go into that depressive state and be all sad and shit" he nodded clearly not believing me before replying "I've seen how you two are together, you can lie to yourself but I see it" I scoffed before we walked into Executioner's tent. He looked up "ah, my two competent team leaders, Alaska, I see you were hit." I replied "not serious sir, just an RPG" he nodded before speaking "well done with those artillery strikes, they decimated the enemies on targets"
     I dipped my head in appreciation before he spoke "Buck, well done organizing a defense on the East wall." Buck replied graciously "thank you sir" executioner stood "Alaska get patched up by a medic, I need your teams ready to hit targets tomorrow." I asked "Sir, what about Frost?" He looked at me in interest and asked "what about her?" I replied "I'd like her to be on my team" he asked "and why should I allow this?" I explained "she's been in the field as much as any of us, her team is all wounded to various levels and if she's here, she'll be your problem" he paused as he thought over the time we had left her team at the FOB while we did a strike and she reorganized all of Executioner's things. He replied "cleared, she'll be attached to your team. Keep your squads on alert in case the enemy reappears, once I tear the other squad leaders a new ass for standing around with their foot in their dick, no check that, in my dick, I'll have them switch out with your teams for guard. Stay squared away men, you've got bright futures"
      Sebastien and I snapped salutes and walked out before he looked at me and spoke "you really don't think you're in love with her?" I looked at him like he's insane "you're grasping at straws man" he said "Kerry, you know how much she enjoys being in the field and you just made sure she's on the team that gets the most field time" I replied "I did it to keep her from getting in trouble with Executioner again" he nodded and spoke "sure you did" I waved him off "you're insane seb, absolute batshit" he just laughed as I spoke "your team take the East and south I'll station north and west?" He nodded before teasing "first go get patched up by your girlfriend" I started walking and saying "I'll see you here in 5- wait what?" He yelled as he pointed at me "Aha! You admit it!" I sighed and replied "you're a kid" as I walked into tina's squad's tent and saw her sitting on her cot with medical supplies. She seemed excited to see me causing me to ask "what?" She replied excitedly "I didn't think you'd actually come" I sat down and pulled off my torn boonie hat and scratched headset "I told you I would"
      She laughed before standing infront of me and grabbing some stuff to clean the wound, I hissed at the touch while she spoke "I know but I need to clean it" I replied "I know, oh, you're on my team now." Her hands stilled as she asked furious "why?! Does executioner think I can't lead a team?" I replied "no, I asked for you to be on my team" she asked with barely controlled anger "why?" I answered "because your team is wounded, I know you like field time and I didn't want you to sit around the base and get in trouble again. It's only until your team recovers" she sighed and mumbled "thank you for looking out for me" I laughed and spoke "you're one of my best friends and Seb thinks of you as a sister, we always look out for you" she nodded and replied "I'm gonna start to stitch it closed so be still" I kept still as I felt the needle and suture go through my skin. After a minute or two, Tina pulled out gauze and wrapped my head in it before stepping back "all better"
I grabbed my 60 gun and informed her "grab your gear we're on guard for a bit, Executioner is tearing the other squad leaders a new ass for not communicating. Said and I quote 'standing around with their foot in their dick, no check that, in my dick' so needless to say he isn't happy" she shivered and grabbed her smg and we headed out to find the rest of my team and get to being on guard, the recon marines helping out while everyone else rebuilt the base and did a loss assessment.

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