The kill house

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Tina's pov
      I took in a big breath as I stretched to the sound that was played everyday at 04:30 to wake us up for our routines, I heard kerry sigh. He didn't move but I saw his eyes open and heard the one singular sigh letting me know he was awake until I saw Mark drop from the top bunk face first to the floor, luckily for him the bear skin was there to soften his fall albeit slightly. I saw Kerry sit up before swinging his feet over the edge of his bed and standing stepping over Mark as I climbed out of my bed and shook Mark hearing him mumble "just leave me here to die" I chuckled before speaking "come on, we've got to get some food before Erik has us running the kill house all day" Mark pushed himself up as Kerry finished changing into his typical uniform except his shirt was a short sleeves olive green tshirt. I commented "nice shirt" he replied looking down at it "It's a PT shirt from the sand box" I nodded as Mark and I changed into our uniforms and we all headed down to the mess hall.
     I heard Kerry "you get reset?" Mark replied sounding determined "good as new, I needed that" Kerry nodded and replied sounding like a big brother "don't let your ego overwhelm your mind, you're a smart kid. Your mind is what got you here, don't let you heart take you out of it" I listened to his words that Mark seemed to absorb like a sponge. When we reached the doors to the chow hall I held Kerry back and said "Mark go get some food and pick a table, we'll be in in a minute" he nodded after looking between the two of us. Kerry looked at me in intrigue before I spoke "that kid looks up to you, I don't know if you know it but he does try to mimic you" Kerry replied "I kind of see it, he's got a good future on him" I nodded as we walked in and got our food. We sat down and ate and talked before I heard Mark ask "so how long did it take for them to find out you two are together?" I saw Kerry look at him before sighing "not you too" Mark replied bored "while you might be able to fool them, you can't fool me. Not on this one"
        I laughed causing the two to look at me before I replied "they haven't found out yet" I saw Mark's eyes widen as he registered what I had just confirmed before Kerry spoke "you tell anyone and i smoke you" Mark nodded shell shocked before asking "when did this happen?" I told him "2 days ago, after we got back from that mission" he nodded before laughing "you two have done good to cover your tracks" I heard Kerry "you wouldn't have known unless someone didn't confirm it" I leaned across the table and whispered "I'm the someone" Mark chuckled as we ate. I heard Erik to my left "How're we doing today?" Kerry replied "not bad, tired but excited to get back to training." I replied a second later "I'd rather be sleeping" as Mark answered finally "excited, I wanna keep getting better" Kerry asked "how're you this morning?" Thorn sat down with his food and replied "even after all these years I hate waking up this early" I replied laughing "if you ever don't hate it, you know the army has got you"
       Kerry replied "if I ever enjoy waking up this early, shoot me. Shoot me in the fuckin head" the three of us laughed as Sebastien and Craig sat down. Craig had went back to leading his own team after subbing in on bucks team for the rescue operation after Meghan sprained her ankle in training maneuvers. I heard Sebastien ask "what are we laughing about?" Mark spoke "you had to be here" the two sighed that we wouldn't let them in on the joke before Kerry teased "glad to see you two have grown enough that we don't have to go wake you up with ice water anymore" the two scowled as Kerry and I laughed remembering how one of our jobs at Dagger was to wake up those two since they'd sleep through the roll call. Craig asked "got a mission?" Thorn answered "nah, we're off missions for a while" I heard Kerry ask "it got extended?" Thorn nodded "I was down talking with Harry this morning, we're off rotation until Apha recovers." I sighed as Mark commented "so this means a shit ton of training doesn't it?" Kerry smiled a promise of progression as he replied "oh definitely"
Thorn finished his food and asked "everyone ready?" We nodded before Thorn ordered "go grab your guns and gear, meet me out at the door in 5 mikes" we replied "check" instinctively as we said bye to Seb and Craig and headed for the dorm. I grabbed my Super 90 loading the buckshot before clipping it to the harness as I loaded my pistol and pulled on my kit. I double check everything before asking "Kerry, how heavy is your saw?" He replied as he finished sliding ammo boxes into his ammo pouch "About 22 lbs fully loaded, why?" I heard Mark "22 lbs?" I replied as I converted it to kilograms "about 10 kgs" Mark asked "that much?" Kerry replied "it's a big gun, mines probably a bit lighter because of the stock. But it's still a heavy gun" I looked at my super 90, a bit less than half the weight. Kerry said "ready?" We nodded as he opened the door "let's go then, we're gonna be running this for a while so be aware of that." We walked through the halls meeting Thorn out at the door to the kill house, he didn't even have to talk before we stacked up.
      I saw a flashbang get held to the left of my vision causing me to nod before, the door got opened and the flashbang went flying through it bouncing off the doorframe. When the bang went off I pushed around the corner lifting my shotgun and firing at the target in the corner, I heard the distinctive bark of Kerry's 249 followed by Mark's mp5 and then Thorn's M4. As my shotgun eviscerated the target I heard "Clear!" Causing me to look around the room before added in my own clear. The stack reformed and I got ready to breach the next room, I felt the squeeze and went around the corner firing my shotgun twice at two different targets dropping both of them as Erik and Kerry cleared the left as I heard "clear!" Followed by Mark "clear!" And Erik spoke "room secure" I heard Kerry "Mark, lead us in" we stacked up with Mark at the tip of the spear this time instead of me. I was second in line as I looked behind me and got thumbs up from the two and squeezed Mark's shoulder sending him into the room, I was hot on his heels.
      I lifted my shotgun and checked the corners before the room was called secure, Kerry spoke "just two more" as we stacked up. This time Erik threw in a flashbang before we were ready forcing up to push, my shotgun was up and ready as I walked through the door firing the last two shells before I pulled my pistol and fired 3 round into the third target, 2 in the body 1 in the head. I heard Mark "Clear" followed by Kerry "room secure" as we got to the door and I quickly reloaded my shotgun. I heard Kerry "you ready" causing me to nod as a flashbang was thrown in followed by a second, we had already started pushing when the second one went off blinding Mark and I as our standard operations procedure kicked in and we hit the deck allowing Kerry and Thorn to prosecute targets. I felt some spent rounds bouncing off my leg as my vision started coming back and the ringing in my ears started to calm down, I heard faintly "Room secure, building clear" as I looked up and saw Kerry with a smile and his hand extended, I grabbed it and got pulled to my feet.
     I heard Erik "you guys did good, I'm glad to see that you knew what to do in case that happens" we smiled at the praise before Thorn spoke "now we're going to keep running it until it's as smooth as silk. Our smiles evaporated as we realized we'd be here all day to which Kerry said in a sing song tune "I told you so" causing us to chuckle as we walked around the outside of the building and ended up at the front entrance again. We ran the kill house for another 7 hours, each time it was different. Different targets, a different layout, a different situation but it didn't matter we ran it flawlessly each and every time which eventually was enough for Kerry to talk to Thorn and get us released for this prison for the day. We all ran the moment Thorn said "you're dismissed but...." I heard Kerry faintly "you should've known they'd be gone the moment you said that" I laughed at the comment before deciding I'd made it a far enough distance that Thorn wouldn't hunt us down and force us to come back, but I think Kerry would talk him out of it.
Kerry's pov
I watched the retreating forms before Erik asked "think I should make em run it one more time just for running?" I replied still chuckling "nah, they've earned their freedom." He nodded with a small laugh "they're an interesting group" I nodded before speaking "they're a hungry group, they want to be the best but even they have their limits for how much they can do before their battery runs out" Erik replied with a undistinguishable tone "and each time we hit that limit, we push it just that much farther" I nodded slowly before speaking "7 hours of constant movement and stress is a pretty good threshold" he commented "but it can always be better" I nodded before excusing myself "I've got to go do some things, do let me know if I have to round up the team for a training set" he nodded as I walked away and started heading to the medical wing. I arrived and signed in before walking to Apha's bed, she looked at me weakly as I asked "how're you feeling?" She replied softly "tired, they've got me on so many drugs I can't feel much."
I nodded before speaking "we can't wait for you to get back, I think Tina misses having another woman on the team" Apha nodded tiredly "I'm tired of laying in this bed" I stood and spoke firmly "just rest, then you'll be allowed to come back to the team." She coughed before asking "did we get those SEALs out?" I nodded and replied "yeah, yeah we pulled them out." She smiled weakly "good, good I'm glad" I asked "want me to have the team come visit?" She nodded with a small smile "I'd like that" I nodded and replied "I'll make sure to have em come down, you heal up quick, ya hear?" She nodded as I walked back to the front and signed out before I walked back to the dorm. I walked in and saw Tina changing I paid it no mind as I changed into a red flannel and jeans until she asked "where'd you go?" I answered "I was visiting Apha" Tina looked over holding her shirt and asked "How's she holding up?" I replied truthfully "she's on so many pain meds she's barely cognitive. She does want you guys to go visit tho" Tina nodded before asking "will you head down with me tomorrow?" I nodded and replied "of course"

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