The rescue operation

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Noah's pov
       I lifted the bar and put it on the hooks before I sat up and heard Tina "You're up 20lbs" I wiped my forehead with my towel "Good" as I heard Thorn "That's it for today. Go get cleaned up" we stood and started walking before I heard "Fireteam Buck and Maverick to briefing room 2, Fireteam Buck and Maverick to briefing room 2" we ran down to the dorm and quickly switched into our kit and grabbing our guns before running to the briefing room. We filed in quickly and sat down as Harry started "a friendly helicopter carrying a team of SEALs doing training maneuvers has been shot down over Ukraine, we believe the Masks to be responsible. Your teams will be on the ground securing the crash sight and looking for survivors. We don't know how many enemies are in the area or what weapons they have to bring to bare"
We listened as the brief continued and more details were added to the picture before Harry spoke ending the brief "go and bring everyone home" we stood and filed out. I rested my hand on the stock of my 249 as we walked through the halls, Sebastien joked "Tell the news we're getting dagger back together" I asked "Anyone wondering what the masks got their hands on that can bring down a Blackhawk?" Craig replied by asking "think they managed to steal an rocket launcher?" We sighed before Thorn spoke "it doesn't matter. We've been tasked with bringing our guys home alive or dead and we're gonna do it" I opened the door and held it as the other nine operators walked through as the Chinook that was our ride touched down. We waited for the ramp to lower before walking up and taking our seats while Buck and Maverick walked to the front and talked to the crew chief. I leaned on Frost and heard her ask "tired?" I nodded and replied on comms "yeah, that work out killed me" she chuckled as the pair sat down and spoke "we'll be to the target in 3 hours, get some rest from what ISR is telling Harry there's a lot of gunfire" we gave thumbs ups and got comfortable. Frost and I put our backs to each other and rested our heads on the others shoulder using one another for mutual comfort.
      I heard Blackbeard on comms "and they say they're not in love" I spoke "drop it" as buck teased "couples that cuddle together kill terrorists together" I spoke again more firmly "I said drop it" the duo laughed as I went back to trying to fall asleep. I got woken up an hour and a half later by Maverick "you're up" I nodded as he sat down and started dozing off. I stayed still so Frost had her 'pillow' before checking my watch. 17:00, I mumbled to myself barely able to hear it over the roar of the chinooks engines "it'll be almost dark by the time we reach the target" I felt Frost move before she pushed off me, I straightened and asked "any reason you're awake?" She replied groggily "bad dream" I asked wanting to know "what happened in it?" She replied "I dreamt the helicopter went down, and we all died" I didn't think that would happen but I'm a superstitious man and I couldn't help being unsettled by the dream. I heard Alibi "don't worry about it, we're the best of the best. Those masks won't know what hit em" I replied sourly "I hope you're right, for all our sakes"
      She asked "you superstitious?" I replied "yeah, I am" she nodded before I said "got about an hour before we're on the x" I stood and stretched before looking around at the teams, there's operators scattered around the chinook in random places but each kept their gun close. I sat down on one of the seats and pulled out a tac pad tapping on it before I got patched into the ISR feed, I saw tracers zig zagging across the screen as I counted "3 gunners, I wonder what happened to the rest" I tried counting the masks numbers but lost track at 20. I sighed and mumbled "this is gonna be interesting" I felt someone next to me causing me to see Frost leaning over my shoulder looking at the feed. "That's a lot of tracers" I nodded before speaking "there's at least 3 SEALs still engaged" she asked "any idea where the other 2 are?" I shook my head no and replied "the forest is too thick, I can't go off anything besides tracers and I'm only seeing tracers from 3 positions" I pointed to the ridge line and spoke "a minimum of 20" I heard Maverick "what are you two talking about?" I relayed the new information to him causing him to sigh.
      An hour later my musings were interrupted as we all lined up and prepared to exit the chinook and enter a world of hatred and fire, we were all taking deep breaths and checking our guns when the helicopter jerked to the left throwing us all to the ground. I looked around as I blinked away the double vision and saw tracers ripping through both sides of the chinook. I looked to my right and saw the crew chief and gunner dead, I looked to my left and saw Aruni holding her stomach, a bit of blood seeping through her fingers. I yelled as I got up "Medic! I need a medic over here now!" As I grabbed my 249 and ran out the back of the chinook, the moment my feet left the ramp I fell forward falling 3 feet to the mud below. I heard Maverick behind me on the ramp "Get in the fight! I'll help the flight medic take care of the wounded!" I yelled back "Check!" As I saw Frost, Blackbeard, Buck, Mute and Thermite dropped down and looked at me. I yelled over the gun fire "Take up positions in cover around the chinook, I'll get the frequency for the seal team and get them to work their way to us!"
      The five nodded and went about their business as I radioed "Baseplate, what frequency are the SEALs using?" Susan, our lead intelligence analyst replied "36.72" I replied "thank you" as I switched to the channel and radioed "Seal team, this is Alaska. I'm second in command of the team in the chinook that just got taken down, how copy?" I heard a voice in return "I copy, I'm the SEAL team leader, mako" I asked "Mako, did you see where our chopper went down?" He replied "rog'" I spoke "can your team move towards us? We're hardening our position, we have wounded, what direction are you comin from?" he replied once more "we'll start working our way over, we'll comin from the south west, be advised we have taken 2 casualties. I repeat 2 FKIA" I sighed and replied "Wilco, our freq is 52.94" as I switched back to our radio frequency and asked "Maverick, how many casualties do we have?" He replied "several wounded of various degrees, a couple dead, a few dying. Everyone outside the helicopter is under your command" I pushed to a small depression and laid down and started firing at the shapes in the small clearings through the tree branches.
I radioed "all units be advised the SEAL team will be joining us from the southwest, if you're covering that direction double check targets" as I heard the door of the cockpit open and saw one of the pilots tumble to the ground 4 feet below. I yelled "hey! Stay there!" As the pilot yelled "I can't feel my legs!" I asked "do you have a gun!?" He yelled back "yea!" I yelled my order "sit right there and cover that area!" As I fired another burst at the masks as they ran from tree to tree. I heard Frost "We need more guns! There's too many for us to deal with!" I heard Maverick "I'm working on it!" I heard Mako on the net about 20 minutes later "we're coming in! Bluefor coming in" they ran across the small opening our chinook created and crouched next to me. I spoke over the gunfire "I need your guns on the east side. Our guys are getting hammered over there" they nodded as I radioed "Frost I'm sending the seals over to you"
She came back over the net "thanks I need the firepower" I looked at them as they ran before Maverick dropped from the ramp next to me "We have A-10s en route and the ISR pred has 2 hellfires" I pointed to my 2 and 12 "those are where the masks are the thickest, if the hellfires hit that it'll do wonders to get the pressure off Frost and her group" he nodded "I'll call it in but we're gonna be here for a while. Baseplate said they're tracking mask reinforcements" I spoke "I need a gunner to my 8 o'clock. I saw a couple masks slipping to the left" Maverick nodded and started away as I fired another burst at the the shapes, I saw the missile streak into the trees and explode. I hear screams as the second missile streaked into the ridge. I sighed as I saw masks already replacing their losses before I radioed "Well Maverick I think you're right, we're gonna be here a while" Maestro replied "do not say that" I smiled at the fact there was another LMG here, our 60 guns are going to be important in this battle.
I saw a small outcropping of rock as I radioed "moving to the rocks infront of me" as I stood and ran before falling to a prone and crawling until my barrel cleared the rock, I fired another burst before I noticed rounds skipping off the rocks just infront of me and decided against using the rocks and returned to my depression which had protected me dutifully for the last hour and 15 minutes. Scarface, one of the SEALs, radioed "I've got enemies amassing to the northwest, it looks like they're preparing a charge" I heard gunfire from behind me which I recognized as Maverick's M4 before I heard a yell and saw a massive group of masks come flooding into the opening, I crouched and unloaded with my 249 mowing down the first wave. I saw my belt was almost gone causing me to start the reloading process quickly fishing another box from my pouch and sliding it onto the clip feeding the belt to the feed plate and closing the dust cover before pulling the priming handle. I looked up noticing how dark the area had gotten as the sun dipped below the tree top as I heard Frost "Alaska, I'm moving to your position. They got this side locked down." I replied "Affirm, i need you between Maverick and I"
I heard her footsteps behind me before I spotted a mask step forward as he started lifting his rifle, I raised my saw and fired first dropping him as his rifle fired into the sky. I heard Frost "In position" as the yell signaling another wave was heard, I crouched again and stabilized my saw as the masks flooded the opening again, some tripped over their dead teammates before my saw tore into them. I muttered in horror as the third wave rushed "they're stacking bodies trying to kill us, what the fuck" as I continued firing. I watched as a small wall of bodies started forming before I heard Baseplate "Be advised A10s are on station in 10 mikes" I sighed and muttered to myself "only an hour and a half after we called them" I heard Blackbeard "Anyone else hear that?" We paused as we noticed the gunfire had stopped along with the mask charges. I heard a second 'thump' followed by several more as I wondered what it was before I heard the whistling. My eyes widened as I yelled "Mortars! Find cover!" Before looking up and seeing the vapor trail of the mortars as they tore through the sky. I felt the cold embrace of death claw it's way onto my shoulder as I turned and yelled "Incoming!" Before burying my head and covering my neck with my hands as I felt the thunderous concussion of the shells impacting one after another getting closer to my small depression.

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