The raid

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Noah's pov
I looked to my left as my foot hung laxly out of the helicopter as we passed over the Mediterranean, I heard Ash on the net "so Alaska, how much experience with operations on the water are you?" I keyed my mic "pretty familiar, we do practice runs every couple months. I've been deployed to the Horn of Africa as hijack recovery" Maverick spoke "your file didn't list that" I glanced over "Harry has the records, I wonder why he didn't put it in" I leaned out and saw the island of Crete on the horizon, Frost asked "how's everyone's nerves?" I heard various answers but the one that caught my attention was Mute's "bored" I looked at him as Warden asked "Bored? Why are you bored? You're about to make rainbow history for this iteration" Mute answered "I don't know, it just doesn't seem special. Just sounds like another mission" I asked "how far off the coast of Crete are they now?" Maverick replied "128 klicks" I nodded and double checked my 249, I heard Frost "you didn't answer me Alaska, how's your nerves?" I looked over and asked "what nerves? I'm calm as a cucumber"
      She sighed and mumbled "I don't know what I expected" I smirked as Aruni asked "should we know anything before the bullets start flying?" Maverick replied "Keep collateral to the absolute minimum, we can't go punching holes in the hull." Aruni asked "no explosives?" I coughed before crying "no! No explosives!" Aruni sighed as the teams laughed, and we all fell quiet. I looked across at Frost and saw she had her half mask pulled down I leaned out and looked behind me seeing the rocket pods, the gunners were leaning on their miniguns obviously bored as I leaned back and saw Frost looking at me, I flashed a smile which she returned as I leaned back enjoying the feeling of the wind as it chilled me to the bone, it was comforting to be back in a Marine Corps helo. I must've fallen asleep because I jerked awake when I felt someone bump my foot, I saw Frost laughing as Maverick lifted his hand with 5 fingers up, I gave a thumbs up confirming I got the message of 5 minutes to target and did another check of my gear. I clipped the to the hook on the floor of the helicopter and brought the rest into my lap.
I felt the helicopter lurch as the pilot expertly brought the venom to a hover and the crew chief gave me a thumbs up causing me to shove the rope off my lap and out of the helicopter. I gripped the rope and slid down it seeing Maverick on the other side of the helicopter doing the same thing, once my feet hit the deck infront of the bridge I lifted my 249 and fired into the masks. Maverick did the same and the shocked masks were decimated under the combined fire power of his M4 and my 249, I worked around to the door and breached as Mute's feet hit the deck. I radioed "Moving internal, on me" the team stacked up and we moved in firing into any masks that weren't dead so we wouldn't have to take care of them, we started down the stairs and into the hull as Ash radioed "We'll keep our eyes open for any movement on deck" I heard Mute "got it" as we got to the 2nd deck and I spoke into comms "4 rooms, I'll hold the hallway" Maverick spoke off comms "right room first" I nodded as we started down the hall.
As I reached the far side of the door I stopped and crouched aiming down the hall as the team breached, I heard Frost behind me "think we're gonna get contact?" I was about to reply, I had just opened my mouth when a mask group walked around the corner, I reacted first sending a 2 or 3 second burst mowing down 3 or 4 of the masks as Frost's C1 killed the last two. I heard Maverick in my headset "are we good to exit the room?" Frost replied "yea, hallways clear for now" as Maverick, Aruni and Mute cross the hallway and breached the door to the left. Frost and I continued to hold the hallway, as gunshots were heard followed by a muffled clear. They came back to the hallway and rejoined the stack as I started down the hallway again, I stopped on the other side of the doorway just to hear muffled crying, I couldn't tell if it was on this floor or below us as I asked "anyone else hear that?" I heard Aruni ask "crying?" I heard Maverick speak "We clear this deck, then we worry about that"
Just then the door got opened and we all turned our guns on it seeing a mask freeze at the several barrels pointed at him, Mute grabbed him and slammed him to the ground before zip tying his wrists together. I radioed "be advised one mask detained" Maverick and his group entered the room clearing it while I knelt on the back of the mask keeping my gun aimed down the hallway, once I heard clear I grabbed the mask and dragged him into the room. Aruni started questioning him while I talked quietly with Maverick "think we'll get anything out of him?" He replied "yeah, Aruni will get him to talk. She always does" I glanced at the mask before speaking "this is time sensitive, we're losing our advantage." Maverick spoke "Aruni, double time. We need to move" the mask spoke "you're not gonna save them, we already have the bombs set" I looked at him before rushing forward and kicking him in the chest, the chair flew back as I spoke "if you don't tell me where they are, I'm going to tie you to the anchor and send your worthless corpse to the bottom of the sea, capeesh?"
He searched my eyes as I felt my anger seeping into my vision as it started to turn red, his eyes widened before he spoke "they're in the engine room, near the stern" I stood as Frost asked "how can we trust what you say?" He looked at me and spoke "I don't wanna die, I'm too young to die" I heard Maverick speak "clear out the last room and then we'll head down to get them" we nodded and headed back into the hallway as maverick's trio pushed into the last room I radioed "Frost and I are moving to the top of the staircase, how copy?" I got "copy" from the trio as Frost and I started moving. I heard her ask "would you actually have thrown him into the ocean with the anchor?" I replied simply "while I'd love to, I do have to follow ROE and the rules of war" she replied "I was wondering if you were willing to risk a war crimes trial for that" I just chuckled as Maverick and his group rejoined us and I asked "ready to go into the lions den?"
      I heard Frost "all those lions are gonna be dead" I chuckled and spoke "Oscar Mike" as I started down the stair case. Once my feet hit the bottom I heard the full drumming of the engine, I sighed before slowly walking forward checking the corners of the hallway before the engine room door was seen. It was closed, I looked at Maverick as he lifted his torch, Frost put her bear traps in the tunnel behind us while I prepped a couple of my remote smoke grenades. I heard Maverick speak "cutting" I looked over and radioed "Team 2, be advised, we're preparing to breach the reported position of the hostages, over." I heard Ash "we hear you, break, a US Destroyer will be on station in 3 mikes, they'll send a rhib to extract your team" I replied "affirm" as Maverick spoke "door will be open in 30 seconds" as he started cutting through the second hinge. I held on to my grenade and flexed my fingers in anticipation before Maverick stepped back and got the team in a line before pushing the door in as we watched it fall I threw my grenade and hit the clapper watching as the doorway was obscured by a plume of thick dark grey smoke.
     I was the last one in the room as the rounds started flying, I ducked behind the engine and fired a couple round at masks as they stood before I heard Maverick yell "Keep pushing! Just like the kill house!" We all stepped out of cover and worked our way forward as we won fire superiority and the masks started to panic. One stood trying to get away only for my machine gun to cut him down, we reached the hostages as I radioed "hostages under control, Frost help me pull them out" she worked her way over and we got the parliament member and his family up and moving back through the door, once we got into the hallway I informed him "Sir, we don't have any EOD techs. We won't be able to defuse the charges on your yacht" he sighed before saying "Sink it" I asked "are you absolutely sure?" He nodded and I radioed "Maverick, mr. Abbe informed me we have permission to sink the yacht" he came back "Get to the rear deck, we'll meet the rhib there" Frost picked up her traps and we moved up the stairs. I stopped in the room where we left the mask and grabbed him before we walked to the bridge and then down to the deck.
As we walked to the stern of the ship I saw the Rhib doing wide circles before I lifted my arms and waved them seeing the rhib cut in and start heading towards the yacht. I radioed "Maverick be advised, we're preparing to load the HVIs and mask into the rhib." He replied "Got it, we're working our way out. We're on the second deck, be there in 2 mikes" the rhib crew pulled to a stop next to the tail of the ship as we handed the mask to the crew before I pulled my knife and cut the zip tie on each of their wrist before helping them onto the rhib. Just then gunshot from behind us cause Frost and I to fall to a crouch and lift our guns, I saw Maverick and the other two running towards us, I radioed "get in the rhib, I'll suppress and then get in, check?" I got affirmation from all of them as they passed me and I opened up, holding the trigger firing the rest of my box at the masks before pulling my pistol and firing the last 8 rounds as I heard Frost over the fearful whimpers and rounds snapping past me "Get in!"
      I turned as the Minigun on the rhib started shooting past me at the masks, I wasted no time and jumped into the boat as it tore away. I saw the venoms turn away which caught my attention as Ash radioed "Make clear, the venoms are doing a strafe" I told the man driving the boat and he quickly wheeled us away from the yacht. As the venoms did a 180 and came back, I stood watching as the rockets tore out of the pods and sailed directly into the yacht. I saw several explosions tear across yacht as the second venom's rocket hit the yacht before the yacht erupted in a massive explosion, a second later the over pressure wave sailed into us causing me to have to take a step back as it hit. The HMS Prince of Wales was seen next to the destroyer, I heard Maverick on the net "You did good, all of you." The team seemed content with the simple praise as we headed towards the Us vessel.

Operation: smoking trapWhere stories live. Discover now