Chapter 4

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"Good morning, Mr and Mrs Rogers." You hear a females voice echo through the room as you begin to open your eyes.

"Hey Friday. What time is it?" You ask, as you sit up and rub your eyes.

"It is currently 9:34am, Mrs Rogers. The temperature is cool. And everyone is downstairs." Fridays voice echoes through the room again.

"Thanks." You mumble, looking to your left. There lies Steve, so peaceful. His dirty blonde hair glistens in the sunlight peeking in through the blinds. Fuck. His hair is blonde. Not grey. Blonde. You start to sweat as you stumble to the bathroom. You stare at yourself in the mirror.

"What do I do?" You mumble out loud. You can't believe it. Yesterday was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, you were meant to marry the love of your life! Turns out the love of your life is his best friend, your husbands best friend. You sink down against the wall and bury your head in your hands. What the hell are you meant to do? Do you leave the most amazing person you know, days after you finally got married, for someone you don't know? Or do you continue to live a lie, ask Bucky to leave, and live forever asking what if?

"Hey my love- hey, what are you doing on the floor?" Steve asks as he stumbles into the bathroom.

"Nothing. Stood up too fast." You reply, standing up with his aid.

"Hey. Good morning wife." Steve smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist as your chest tightens with guilt.

"Good morning husband." You smile back, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Come. Everyone is downstairs. Breakfast is ready." He smiles. He takes you by the hand as you both head into the elevator, still both in your pyjamas. You rest your head on his shoulder as you wait to reach the bottom floor, and the thoughts flooding your mind are soon overrun with the smell of bacon and coffee.

"Morning newlyweds." Wanda smiles at you from the kitchen, holding a pan.

"Morning guys." Steve smiles, heading towards the coffee machine.

"No no, allow me." Vision says, cutting Steve off from the machine. Steve chuckles and puts his hands up for surrender.

"Morning Buck." Steve smiles, patting him on the shoulder as he joins you at the table.

"Morning Steve. Hey, y/n." Bucky smiles at you.

"Buck." You smile back.

"You look like you had fun last night." Natasha smirks at you over her cup of coffee.

"What do you mean?" You innocently ask, running with the lasting joke that is Steve's church-boy image. Natasha simply looks at your neck, then back up at you. You open your phone and check your neck in the reflection, and sure enough, there is a big deep red mark on your neck. You scratch your neck and try to bury your neck into your shoulder, hoping your cheeks don't turn the same colour. You look back at Natasha and she chuckles to herself behind her coffee. You make eye contact with Bucky, but he quickly looks away at the newspaper next to his breakfast place.

"Captain America! How dare you commit such unholy acts in this household? Shame on you." Tony exclaims from the breakfast bar, which results in giggles from various people around the kitchen.

"Like you're such a saint." Steve retorts, looking between him and Pepper.

"I'll have you know, I would never do such a thing in a sanctuary like this." Tony says, which results in Pepper rolling her eyes at him. "What?"

"Okay Mr. Saint. You have work to do. Go." Pepper says, holding his jacket out to him in one hand and a coffee in another.

Thank you, love you." Tony says, kissing her on the cheek. "And no more funny business guys, I'm already gonna have to cleanse this house now that those two are married." He points his fingers towards you and Steve. You laugh as Wanda places a huge breakfast in front of you.

"Wanda, you didn't have to!" You smile at her.

"Hey, seeing as you're not allowed to have a honeymoon, I figured we'd bring the honeymoon to you." She smiles back.

"Well, they will." Natasha says from behind her coffee. "I don't think anyone else is gonna do jack shit."

"Well thank you guys. Hey babe, i'm gonna go for a run, do you wanna join me?" Steve asks you, standing up.

"No thanks. I'll see you in a bit." You smile at him.

"All right, see everyone later." He gives you a kiss on the forehead and walks out the door.

"Yep, I have work to do." Natasha says, standing up.

"Me too." Pepper smiles, heading out the door. Wanda and Vision are in their own little world in the kitchen. Which leaves you and Bucky alone in the dining room.

"Hi." You say to him.

"Hi." He smiles back.

"So." You say, the room filling with awkward silence.

"How was your night?" Bucky smirks at you. You shoot a glare towards him and he jokingly surrenders to you.

"Hey, just trying to ease the tension." He chuckles, returning to his newspaper.

"What are we going to do Buck?" You ask him. He looks back up at you.

"I don't know." He shakes his head in response.

"What can we do?" You ask, still in shock.

"I don't know." He repeats.

"We need to figure something out." You say.

"Well, I think we should just take it one step at a time. Act like nothing happened, and go about our normal lives. And then we'll see what comes." He says sincerely. You can see the pain behind his eyes and give him a smile.

"Sounds like a plan." You say.

"What sounds like a plan?" Wanda asks, as she walks over to clear the table.

"Oh n-nothing." You stutter, completely forgetting that there was other people in the room. Bucky's eyes grow wide with humour, and he looks back down at his paper.

"Okay!" She simply replies, walking away with empty plates. You look over at Bucky who is trying to contain his giggles. You slap him on the shoulder.

"It's not funny!" You exclaim.

"No no, I know." He says, trying to contain his smile. His smile is so contagious, and soon you're both in fits of giggles.

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