(9) school?

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No ones POV:

A week passes and not much happens, the rest of the avengers come to terms with the new found information. Although they do have to be careful with saying certain things as Ivory will copy them. Ivory has gotten closer with Peter and Loki throughout the week. And even though Fury is  often busy, he will always find time to help Ivory try to understand new things. sometimes he'll even bring her too meetings for 'creative ideas', the others in the meeting don't mind as they find her adorable plus they don't have to deal with an always angry Fury. She has definitely rubbed off on him, Fury has softened up so much people aren't even surprised at him smiling at her like a doting father.

Due to her age it is mandatory for her to go to school. Fury and the other avengers are having a secret meeting early in the morning so that Ivory doesn't know about it. "Legally she has to go to school Stark...","Is that a really good idea?", "what if she's home schooled?". The meeting went on for longer than they expected so a curious child starts to go explore.

Thanks to the care she's been given the past two weeks she is about the right weight maybe a little under still. They also let her go into the training area to get rid of some energy by working out, mainly by running or self defence, obviously she is supervised.


Ivory's POV:

I wonder where everyone else is. They're probably busy, I'll go find something to do. I ended up in the training area, I've been here a lot recently. Oooh looks like there's a new obstacle course set up! It consists of, strings in place of laser beams, crawling under a net, tires, a plank over some foam, a climbing wall then a tree top climbing zone set up with zip lines and everything. Now this looks fun. When training I only have two rules: don't use my wings as to train the rest of me and always be supervised. I mean no ones going to know, they won't know, probably.

I tuck in my wings and make my way carefully through the 'lasers' then crawl under the net. I do a little run through the tires which was kind of fun until I tripped,  but I got back up and headed to the plank and spread both my arms and wings to balance. Once I'm over the beam I head over to the climbing wall which I free climb over. At the top is a small platform before stepping onto a bunch of swings? I cross them and zip line over to the net and crawl up it, finally there were two hoops to swing onto, to do some acrobatics. So I hop into place and pull myself up using the rings, then flip myself upside down holding the position.

Then I hear the dreaded sound of the door opening, I had no chance to even move before an angry Steve begins to make his way over to me. "What do you think your doing young lady?" I flip back over and connect my feet into the hoops so I hang like a bat to talk to him "Well I couldn't find anyone and I got bored then I ended up here and saw the new course and gave it a go. Then I started having fun with these hoops, then you walked in" I pretty much rambled on, he sighs "come down here" I whine "why you're here now, technically I'm now being supervised" he furrows his brows and calls me again I ignore him and continue to place with the hoops. Before I notice him gone he's by my side at the top of the obstacle course. "Ivory everyone else wants to talk with you" I'm now sat upright doing the splits on the hoops "fine" I grumble before grabbing a hold of Steve's hand which he held out. "that wasn't so hard now was it" I continue to grumble and huff as he slinks me over his shoulder and carries me to the others.

I hear them all laugh as Steve walks into the room with me on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes "someone was too fixated on the new obstacle course, mainly the gymnastic rings at the end." I hear a few chuckles and a few saying "why am I not surprised" but then I hear Fury "if we were all here does that mean she was in the arena by herself?" Steve nods and puts me down "Ivory look, there's only two rules. One is to help you train and the other is to keep you safe" He calls me over to him so I stand beside him awkwardly looking at the ground "even if it means dragging one of us there please have someone with you" I nod thinking of someone I could pick up and fly over to the training area.

Fury's POV:

"Now that's out of the way, sit down Ivory. We have something to discuss with you" She sits on the table facing me with her legs crossed, as it seems she doesn't like chairs that much "do you know what school is?" She nods "somewhere I can't go" I look at her in disbelief "what do you mean?" "well I was told I would never go there cause I was a freak and I shouldn't have even be born let alone have money spent on me." Most the words that come out of her mouth still shock me each day, as most of the time she's like an innocent child but then the rest of the time she is almost robotic. Fully devoid of emotions and speaks in a monotone voice, that's how we know she's either reciting what her 'parents' told her or she remembers all the abuse and pain she's been in. As Dr Strange and Bruce said, it's going to take a long time for her pain to lessen. The problem is we don't always know how to help. I sigh "you can go to school Ivory, you're allowed to go. In fact you should already be there" she looks up at me tilting her head "you know that place Peter goes to most days" "uh huh" she nods her head "that's school" Her face practically lit up "I'm going to school with Peter!" I sit back in my chair "not exactly. You won't have lessons with him but you can spend you lunches with him." She rests her arm on her leg and her face in her hand, "I don't know..." "how about this then. You try have a few days of lessons without him then after if you don't like it you can join his classes, but you have to be honest about whether you like being there or not okay" she nods quickly and stands up on the table, then proceeds to run off out of the room. Most likely to tell Peter of the news. Wait, he's in school right now. I suddenly stand up and explain what's happening to the others but its too late. She escaped again.

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