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;pianist taehyung

;ceo jungkook

;piano au

Taehyung is a hobby pianist and Jungkook is a CEO living just under his apartment. Every night working on his projects, he hears Taehyung play his melodious pieces ―a heavenly company gets him going through it. One night, as the minute hand hits 11, as Jungkook's signing a bunch of papers, he hears the keys of the piano weaving a stellar tune, causing him to crack a smile.

'He's here.'

The piano keeps playing, a few notes going wrong here and there. His mother is a professional pianist herself so he often recognises what Taehyung plays. But this seems to be a different harmony, one which Jungkook doesn't recognise. It's addictive. As the piano plays, he gradually hums to the tune.

However, the music stops abruptly.

Jungkook looks over at the digital clock lying on his mahogany desk.

12:30 am.

It was early for his neighbour to stop playing, as he usually hears the piano till 3 in the morning. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows in confusion waiting for the other to continue but he never hears the other playing again that night, and not even the following week.

The CEO gets busy with the upcoming opening of a franchise, causing him to travel to Tokyo for a week.

Exhausted, when he opens the door to his apartment returning. He smiles again when he hears the loud notes and pounding on the keys by the finger's of the player. He softly hums to Gaspard de la Nuit, one of his favourite pieces he listened to growing up and also one of the last pieces his mother played for her last performance on stage. The sound bouncing back through the white thin walls, clear as crystal in the middle of the bitter cold winter.

He feels happy knowing that the pianist has regained his love for playing again. 

It's okay. 

It's okay to take a step back sometimes and relax. Life goes on too fast and sometimes unwinding yourself makes you bounce back even stronger to keep up with others.

It was 9 pm when Taehyung entered the elevator, sighing as the warmth engulfed him. It was a hard day at the café today. Customers crowding the place, because of the Christmas holidays, coming to try the new holiday flavours.

He loved holiday seasons as meeting new people everyday made him learn more and more, but getting scolded by your boss for something you didn't even do and getting nagged by some impatient customers, wears him out. Even though working here for almost 2 years now, he'll never be used to the drained feeling at the end of the day.

The pianist just wants to take a sip of pinot noir, his favorite red wine and play few of his favourite pieces on his treasured grand piano, which soothed him. As he clicks the button for the 11th floor, a hasty hand comes between the elevator doors, making Taehyung shriek. He quickly clicks the open button as he watches his neighbour enter the lift, panting.

"Jungkook-ssi! Are you out of your mind?" It gets both of them flustered at the sudden outburst by the pianist. Jungkook doesn't know how to answer his seemingly hot neighbour's question who's currently glowing beet red in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Taehyung-ssi. The next elevator was getting fixed, I didn't want to wait long." Jungkook says as he clicks for the 12th floor and scratches his nape out of habit, whenever he felt embarrassed.

"It's okay, Just stay safe." They both share awkward smiles as Taehyung mumbles back, absorbing the silence.

"You play the piano so well." Jungkook decides to speak up, clear admiration sparking his eyes. "I work all night, so I hear you playing beautifully everyday." Taehyung feels the warmth rise in his cheeks. He has always played piano as a hobby and never had an audience. Someone complimenting his amateur skills, does make him feel giddy.

The elevator dings, as they reach the 11th floor. Taehyung thanks Jungkook for his kind words. "Let's meet up sometime, Jungkook-ssi." The pianist says as he moves out of the elevator with a shy smile.

Jungkook feels light headed when he enters his bedroom, the sound of the rich chime of the piano resonating within the four silent walls. From that evening onwards, Taehyung tries to play his best, knowing he has an audience.

Eventually, the CEO invites the brunette for dinner. Enjoying each other's company, they start meeting up regularly. One particular 'date' night, Jungkook asks Taehyung to play something for him. Getting into the tidy apartment, he sees the grand piano standing gracefully in the corner of the living room. He imagines Taehyung playing alone all those nights when Jungkook felt lonely with the loads of work.

"What do you want me to play?" A little tipsy, Taehyung asks.

"Show me your best." Is what Jungkook says before watching Taehyung perform a short piece. The pianist's delicate long fingers running against the soft white and black keys playing a balletic tune, enthralls him.

Absolutely falling in love with Taehyung and his passion, Jungkook decides to ask him out that night, as they fall into each other's embrace as the sun rises marking a new day. But what's different is that night when Jungkook's supposed to do his office work he isn't alone, rather with a certain brunette in his arms who played him his favourite piece before ―Gaspard de la nuit.

―the end.


It's their second marriage anniversary when Jungkook surprises Taehyung with a ticket to a piano recital. 

A piano recital by Kim Taehyung.

It was Taehyung's dream to perform his own composed pieces in front of the world and his husband giving him this opportunity, makes him absolutely elated and he feels immensely grateful to the younger.

'It's okay. Your dreams are mine too' Is what Jungkook replies to him.

That night comes when Taehyung performs, receiving a huge round of applause and a standing ovation. Taehyung smiles brightly to the audience before spotting his two precious worlds. Jungkook and in his arms, their beloved four year old, Han. 

His boxy smile couldn't get bigger when he speaks into the mic before leaving the stage. 

"Thank you for coming & listening to me. This was dedicated to the two most cherished people in my life."

Making eye contact with Jungkook, he continues 

"Thank you again. Have a great night."

thank you for reading, i love you so much <3


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