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;demon angel au

;demon tae turns to angel tae

;angel jk turns into a demon

;1.4k words

When demon Taehyung and angel Jungkook, swapped their roles when they kissed.Even when the bond between an angel and a demon is an unpardonable sin.

The former demon-angel pair knew there would be consequences to this mistake which defied the laws of nature, but it was inevitable.

When Taehyung — the erstwhile demon, saw the brown haired boy clad in the white attire between the gates of hell and heaven, he was swept off his feet.

After meeting each other in the annual new year gala, the demon comes to know how Jungkook wasn't any different. The older's sharp gaze and huge jet black wings catching his eyes.

Their eventual growing bond was predictable, as they kept meeting under the massive black clouds — or sometimes even in the comfort of the fluffy milky white ones. They shouldn't have kept this relationship going on, but it was inevitable.

It was the night when the clouds were thunderous, but the pure angel was in the embrace of the demon's colossal wings. It was the night when Taehyung pressed light pecks on his moles. The moles on his nose, his cheek, his neck, under his lip.

Taehyung was tempted — to place just a chaste kiss on the plump glossy lips, but he knew. He knew that one intimate touch with the other would be an atrocious move. One which will never be forgiven.

The days fade away in a jiffy, when they are together. From spending time together in making flower garlands for which Taehyung hesitantly agreed, only nodding a meek yes when the angel's pout adorned his face — to trying to serenade each other using several tricks and tactics.

Both of the boys were okay with it, what they had together right in the moment.

Every month to every week to every night, in the confines of the four beige walls, they hid themselves spending the night together, stargazing. They were scared — if someone would catch on to their relationship, but it was inevitable.

When their friends found them, who themselves belonged to the respective divisions, they were separated.

To say both of them were miserable would be an understatement. It was so hard to not be in the arms of someone — they were so used to, for the past year. The demon's heart pained, the longingness, a foreign feeling — spread across his body, every single moment away from his lover.

The angel's pure heart had fallen for the other. Tears — crystal embellishments, a sparkling contrast to the pale face. It was when Yoongi, a fellow angel and the younger's closest friend found him crying clutching a black feather pendant.

"I love him so much, hyung. Too much even."

The boy was distraught and seeing the helpless eyes, Yoongi couldn't help but make the couple meet again. He was an angel — doing a sin — but just for a beautiful love to bloom.

Sequences of thank yous and hugs, Jungkook was elated.

On the other side of the world, the demon is back to being the stoic faced he was.

'Never must have believed, it would have worked.' The mantra running in his mind.

But it was the sight of the doe eyed, standing in front of his mansion that broke him out of that running thought.

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