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;misunderstood cheating


;don't worry they make up


Jungkook & Taehyung considered as the ideal couple, seem always happy. One day when the neighbors hear screaming from their house it shocks them to the core. 

"You cheated on me for fucks sake Jungkook!" Queue the sounds of things thrown around and more screaming.

"What even makes you think that I cheated on you Tae?!" 

Jungkook screams back even more loudly than the brunette. Seeing Jungkook this angry at him makes his body shudder but the anger overpowers his senses. "You're always fucking out, you're never home!"

"Do I even have to remind you of the times when you forget Yeontan at the vet, when you are supposed to pick him up?" Taehyung breathes heavily, his chest heaving. 

"I told you I had an emergency meeting at the office, I forgot." The blue haired groans out.

"You always forget. You don't care about home anymore Kook, it's always work, work, work." He says back with hands flying around in frustration. 

"Work's pressuring. You wouldn't know!" 

Fuck. Jungkook fucked up. 

"You just did not say that." Taehyung's eyes tip red. 

"What the fuck Jungkook." He whispers looking straight into his eyes before picking up his small shoulder bag and moving towards the door.Jungkook stood frozen. How could he be so insensitive towards his boyfriend.

Taehyung loved his work, he loved designing and he was amazing at his job. But 2 years back his family back in Daegu got into a car accident. Taehyung's parents were okay, but in the crash his older brother who was driving got injured severely. Taehyung left his job at that time even though he just got promoted, but he prioritized his brother. He visited Daegu every week just to check up on his family while working on small projects.It was extremely tiring. Moving back and forth, it was exhausting but Jungkook was there with him the entire time. And out of all people, Jungkook knows how hard working & passionate Taehyung is.

Even after two years of the accident, he still makes time to visit the hospital for his brother, but can't take out time and gather up courage for a decent job yet. And when Jungkook uttered out how Taehyung doesn't understand work pressure, he knows how badly he fucked up.

"Tae." Jungkook snaps out of his daze and grabs Taehyung's arm who's hastily wearing his shoes. 

 "Baby" He speaks up again. 

Taehyung looks up, showing his reddened eyes. "You had no right to say that Jungkook."

Taehyung knows. 

Taehyung knows Jungkook didn't mean that. They both often speak up things in the heat of the moment without thinking. But it hurt so fucking much. It just felt like all his hard work in the past few years was just invalidated in just a sentence.

It hurt that it was not just anybody who said this, it was Jungkook— his boyfriend.The only person after his family that Taehyung trusts his life with. The only person who knows how much he is passionate about his work.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean that. I am so sorry." Jungkook's hands were trembling, his grasp on Taehyung's shoulders tightening. He refuses to accept Taehyung leaving him. He loves his boyfriend too much for him to break up with him over a misunderstanding.

"I know I hurt you." Both of their eyes sting with tears. "I am not cheating on you, love. I am really sorry, I will take time off work for you. I love you Tae, but please... don't leave me." Streams of tears fall over their flushed cheeks.

"Jungkook... stop. Please." Truthfully, Taehyung was extremely weary today. He got back from Daegu but Jungkook wasn't here. He rarely ever comes back home before 11pm. The house was so messy everywhere and he couldn't find Yeontan.

His head hurt from travelling and his mind just went into a spiral. It happened often, Taehyung doubting himself, feeling insecure about things but he used to cope with it, not letting the insignificant thoughts ruin their relationship.

Jungkook was always there to remind how proud he is of Taehyung. But lately with everything happening, his mind inclined to the worst possible scenario. And he knows he was so wrong for the accusation he threw over Jungkook.

"Huh?" Jungkook squeaks up on hearing Taehyung. 

"I am sorry Kook, I assumed you were cheating. I do trust you, but it's just.." Taehyung's body falls limp and hands pulling at his already messy strands of brown hair. The blue haired catches his body and pulls him into his embrace. "It's just those thoughts again..." With that muffled whisper into Jungkook's shoulder, Taehyung breaks into a pained sob. And so does Jungkook.

Everyone living in the neighborhood and their friends knew how loving the couple was, and so did the duo itself. It might be cliché but they felt like they are meant for each other. They picked on each other's habits and small details and embraced it. It was hard to be in a relationship with almost more than half of the society against it. But they loved each other too much to care what others thought about them. 

"It's okay love. It's okay." They assure each other.

After breaking the hug, they seal their lips, the apologies feeling more and more genuine in each other's arms.Everything just falls into place when they are together. And not letting their relationship fall over this misunderstanding, was a hurdle they overcame.

It was definitely much better after that night. The couple talked it out, arranged their schedules and spent more time together on cute date nights and picnics. They both felt like they could finally breathe with every doubt flying away. Because at the end of the day they were together, as a family. 

Taehyung, Jungkook and Yeontan.

—the end. 


thank you for reading,ilysm

addie <3

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