254 9 6

;single dad jungkook

; art student taehyung

;4.6k words

"You have a child, scratch that— two kids?"

"Yeah...?" Jungkook scratches his head, nervously.

"They are so fucking adorable." Taehyung squeals.

College had never been easy for Taehyung, from barely being able to think properly during classes, from being sleep deprived to the taste of coffee always on the tip of his tongue.

Even with all the assignments piling up, Taehyung loved his major. The wide array of rich brilliant colours pulling him in profoundly. Likely, with time art became a comfort for him, his safe place when he could express what he felt into a blank canvas.

Art blocks were common for him just like any other student, but when he got trapped it was the comforting nimbus of nature that calmed him from the high of hues.

So, when he felt that feeling of restriction hitting him he naturally made his way towards the rooftop of his dorm, the breeze hitting his black curled locks. Closing his eyes involuntarily, he sighs, absorbing the coolness.

The mellow muffled sound of the city beneath —a warm blanket around him, snatched hearing the door slamming against the wall. The black haired flinches hard.

"Kiara— come on— no! You're not understanding— Kia—" A deep sigh. "Of course you would hang up on me."

It was the distress in his laced in the stranger's voice that hiked Taehyung's curiosity. He looks back, ready to comfort the person. But stops when he hears the door slam again.

The stranger left.

Taehyung sighs again, eventually looking back to check, but he's met with just an empty place with a pile of cardboards and glass on the corner. 'Oh?' He picks up a few glass bottles with his paint covered hands and runs down to his flat, the thought of the man long gone.

It was the day of the spring festival, when all the students of their college were roaming on the grounds moving from one stall to the other. The loud music playing on the stereo, muffling the chatter of the students.

Each department had their stalls up. Few had food carts, fun games but of course the art department had a mini exhibition. Every student's work standing proudly against the wall.

"Tae!" Taehyung looks over the shoulder of the person with whom he was talking, to see Hoseok coming towards him with a big toothy smile planted on his face in big strides.

He nods at the person as he turns towards his best friend, and smiles back. "We are dating!" Taehyung gasps. "Jimin and you?" Hoseok groans, "Who else?" his smile, not fading.

Giggling, they both hug each other and laugh about all the times Hoseok embarrassed himself in front of his not so secret crush.

"Wait— is that Jeon Jungkook?" The older interrupts Taehyung, causing him to follow Hoseok's gaze, eyes falling on the art stall.

Tilting his head slightly to the left, the black haired looks at the figure carefully analysing each piece of work, his hand stuffed in the front pockets of his dark washed jeans. "Huh, who knew Jeon Jungkook would be into these things." The older said while snorting slightly.

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