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;crack wedding au

;jungkook's nervous

;they were bestfriends, now they are married

;470 words

After 8 years of dating Taehyung and Jungkook are finally getting married. While Taehyung is excitedly sending a selca to his brother who wasn't able to come to the wedding, he hears a shout calling him. "Taehyung! We can't find Jungkook anywhere."

"Taehyung! We can't find Jungkook anywhere."

Everyone expects a downcast pair of eyes, but instead they see the soon-to-be-wed rolling his eyes.

"That scared motherfucker must be hiding in the bathroom peeing his pants," He says casually before sighing. "Be right back."

Taehyung's mother shoos all the staff back to work whose eyes are almost popping off, at the casual approach to the situation.

It was a common occurrence and sight to see for her. Before dating the couple were the ultimate 'bestfriend duo'.

A lot of playful bickering and silly words are passed around when they are together, making their relationship even more merrier to the eyes.

It was. They were so happy in their relationship.

Even after all the bantering at the end of the day, only loving words were shared.

So as expected Taehyung finds his soon-to-be-husband, stress walking around in the banquet's bathroom, fiddling with his engagement ring.

"We are not going for a war, Jungkookie, c'mon." Taehyung's echoing voice in the room, makes the other flinch.

But he calms down when Taehyung wraps his arms around his neck, facing directly towards him — faces close, sharing a sweet kiss.

"We have practiced this so many times hm? You will say I do and I will say, I do. Easy?"

"The only times we practiced this were when we were drunk off our asses, Tae."

The younger snorts back a reply, making the older giggle — his favourite smile in the world, which he hopes to continue seeing for the rest of his life.

"C'mon, it still counts. You were okay when I proposed to you, why are you so scared now." The older asks in a whisper.

"I was bawling my eyes out babe, how was I okay that day?" Jungkook whines out, his hold on the other tightening.

"Everyone's waiting, should we go or run to Bali and get married there?" Taehyung jokes as they break their hug.

"We both wanted to get married there on the beach, the hell we are doing here?" The younger jokes back before entwining their fingers.

Their diamond rings shining under the reflected light of the ceiling.

Laughing together, they reach the waiting room — resulting in Jungkook getting whacked on his head by Jimin — his best man — for worrying him to death, before his wedding.

"Jeon Jungkook, do you take Kim Taehyung to be your wedded husband?"

Passing a cheeky smile to the older he speaks, "I do."

"Kim Taehyung, do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your wedded husband?"

Holding their hands together Taehyung says, "I do."

— the end. 

 i wrote this to lift up my mood, i hope you at least smiled once. if you didn't it's okay, im totally not gonna cry or smth haha ;-; HSDJSHD anyways thank you so much for reading my attempt at crack :> 

 your beloved, addie <3

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