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;unrequited love

;sad ending

;very sad

;based on the song dandelions by ruth b.


in another lifetime.

Jungkook lying alone in the field hopes his love with a white dandelion in his hand through the strong breeze, reaches Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung who was his best friend. Kim Taehyung who got married to the one he loves, yesterday.

With the cool breeze gushing from the northern side, the stems of the dandelions in the field stoop in the same direction with the wind and so do Jungkook's peach locks. Staring up at the sky, he idly looks at the fluffy clouds hovering above the distant mountains and moving with the wind —the sun peeping behind them. Closing his eyes, Jungkook breathes in the fresh gush of air mixed with the fragrance of the earth and flowers surrounding him.

They say when you close your eyes and imagine happiness, the person you love the most comes in front of your eyes, a concealment to the darkness. Jungkook's light to his darkness was Kim Taehyung. The same Kim Taehyung whom he loved since he came into his life, unconsciously always bringing a smile to his plump lips. Jungkook loved every single feature of Taehyung.

His hazel eyes, the mismatched eyelids, his thick eyebrows, always pink adored cheeks, his straight black mop of hair, & the cute spectacles which were always on the brink of falling. And of course his moles and freckles across his cheeks that always complimented his tan skin.

Maybe it's the way you say my name
Maybe it's the way you play your game

But it's so good, I've never known anybody like youBut it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you

"Jungkookie ?" Oh how Taehyung's deep soft voice called out his name, with the rich tone coming from his voice box. Every time Jungkook closes his eyes, he sees a happy Taehyung laughing his heart out running across the field holding Jungkook's hand. /Love comes once in a lifetime/, and Jungkook believes he already has fallen for Taehyung —hard.

And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime,
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine.

Whenever Taehyung looks at him with those soft eyes under his lashes which touch his cheekbones while smiling, Jungkook feels his breath snatched but also he feels so /free & alive/. The feeling's euphoric, just like jumping on those white fluffy clouds at the top of the world.

His heart beat picks up speed on the simple brush of fingers or his heart threatens to jump out from his rib cage when they hold hands. Bad days are nothing compared to the absence of Taehyung in Jungkook's life.

And I see forever in your eyes

I feel okay when I see you smile, smile

He feels he's okay when he even gets one glimpse of the other boy. He feels he's okay when he sees the other boy smile.

Now when Jungkook closes his eyes, he sees a happy Taehyung smiling softly looking at the sunrise, with him by his side. And when Jungkook opens his eyes, he sees Taehyung smiling softly looking at the sunrise with his lover, while they hold hands under the dawning sky.

Jungkook painfully smiles, he always wants to see Taehyung happy. It's okay if he's not the one making him smile. It's okay if he's not the one holding the boy's hand. It's okay if Taehyung's not in love with him. It's okay. He's okay, as long as Taehyung's golden.

Dandelion, into the wind you go

Won't you let my darling know?

The sun rises, as the sky turns dawn orange from a dark blue. Picking a dandelion, while Jungkook lies down on the fresh earth, like every single day he wishes on the white Irish daisy, if Taehyung was his.

Closing his eyes, he blows on it and hopes his love reaches Taehyung. If not in this time, but in another lifetime. With a smile planted on his face, finally a lone tear escapes his eye.

I'm in a field of dandelions

Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine.

—the end.

thank you for your time

addie ♡

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