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"AAAAHHH~~ what are you doing?!!!"

"I wasn't-"

"Move! Move!! Move!!!"

"I'm sorry-"

Jisung almost cried from the impact he received. It really hurt.

He pushed Minho to the front and felt his lips. Even if he couldn't see them, he felt that his lower lip was in a bad shape.

Both guys were astonished, but for different reasons.

"I'm sorry!!" Minho apologized again. It was as if he only knew those words. "I was just trying to-"

But Jisung was more worried about the pain he felt on his lips than the fact they both had an indirect kiss. So he said, "you say sorry, but you are still above me! Move, man! You are so heavy!!" He pushed Minho aside and got out of bed.

"But I-"

Jisung ignored the secret agent and rushed to the bathroom while holding his right hand over his mouth.

Minho stayed in bed for some seconds. He was still in shock.

His hand was about to go and caress his lips, but he slapped it with the other.

"Shit! How did this happen?"

As Minho could, he came out of his shock and followed his partner to the bathroom.

He needed to check if Jisung was okay.

The door of the bathroom was ajar, so Minho only had to push it a little bit to encounter his roommate watching himself in the mirror.

Minho was genuinely worried. The terror the other person had while scrutinizing his lips in the mirror was troublesome.

He thought that this could cause major trouble in the future with his roommate. Perhaps, a fissure in their companionship, something that could ruin the mission.

"I said I'm sorry..." Minho said for the ninth time. At this point, he seemed like an old record, repeating and repeating the same words.

Jisung replied without averting his eyes away from the mirror, "Nah, don't worry. I am also sorry. I treated you bad earlier." He completely took his mask off to vent the wound Minho caused, "I thought I broke a tooth or something, but I'm all good. It's just a small cut," he hissed while trying to touch it, "shit- I'm fine..."

"A small cut?" Minho approached Jisung and turned the boy around to face him. He widened his eyes when he saw Jisung's blood going down his chin. "Fuck! That's not a small cut! It's bleeding a lot!"

"No, it's not," Jisung turned to the mirror, once again, to check what Minho just pointed out and then back at Minho. He was about to say that the cut wasn't bleeding that much, but when he turned around, the black-haired boy was no longer in sight. He vanished.

"Huh...?" Jisung blinked in confusion. One second Minho was holding his shoulders, and the next second he wasn't in front of him. Jisung didn't even last long looking at the mirror to not notice when the other left. He said with a slight tilt of his head, "where did he go...?"

The moment Jisung turned his sight to the mirror, his face was brought again to the front by a pair of warm hands.

He was startled. It was Minho who turned him around to face him.

Minho spoke, "okay, let me see again..."

"What the- How is that you disappear and appear-"

"I brought this..." Minho intercepted, not letting the other person talk.

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