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If your guess had to do with what the capsule said, then your guesses are more than right.

They are on point, in fact.

What Minho wanted to talk with Jisung, in the beginning, was about what the capsule said. Perhaps not directly, but something related to it.

Minho knew that what his boss was asking him was something he had heard before on repeated occasions. He had never had problems following instructions of such magnitude. Not even if these instructions were heartless. He never questioned nor disobeyed any order.

But for some reason, this time, he felt the need to. The instructions this time lacked a lot of bases for the undercover agent.

More than lacking bases, it sounded despicable and hurt his feelings in so many ways.

Minho was asked to kill an innocent guy that has nothing to do with anything. On other missions, the ones Minho has killed were people that were related to illegal business. They deserved to die. And the painful death Minho provided to each one of them was well deserved. They gained it themselves. But...Jisung? Why would Han Jisung have to die like those guys if he is innocent? He thought.

And the worst of this is that Sr. Geon has no idea that for Minho, Han Jisung turned into someone special in no time. Sr. Geon has no idea that his undercover agent will discover feelings that he never knew resided inside of him.

The only thing Sr. Geon is aware of is that asking Minho's help for extra missions will bring troubles and complications with the current one.

It is enough responsibility to deal with a normal mission. This one, being one of the most classified, is beyond stressful, and on top of that adding more missions? That's just asking for too much.

Even though Sr. Geon is aware of the weight he is putting on Minho's shoulders, he knows that Minho can deal with this and more due to his hard training. A training Sr. Geon himself implemented. So his expectations are high, and Minho knows this.

Thinking that Minho would be developing feelings in this mission is beyond thinkable for that thick-faced man. He'd have never considered it. And to be honest, not even Minho had considered that either.

However, Minho's action says more than anything.

Since he read that letter, Minho's mood dropped. He feels uneasy and uncertain.

He knows that the best way of protecting Jisung is by sneaking out of their room without being caught by him. But given the fact that Han Jisung is the type of guy that likes to stay up until very late, watching random videos on youtube, will complicate everything. Jisung will certainly catch Minho one way or another, right? He would be too dumb if he didn't.

If this ever happens, what is Minho supposed to do? Kill him just like Sr. Geon ordered? Maybe something less scary? Like...hit him and make him unconscious?

Just remembering how sweet and caring Jisung was with Minho the night before made the undercover agent's heart ache.

Minho felt so grateful to Jisung for what he did yesterday. It is the first time someone cared for him in that way. So, by now, we all know that none of those options mentioned above are in Minho's repertoire. Neither killing nor hitting. There is no way Minho would dream of hurting that cute blue-haired boy that was so sweet and nice to him, not even by accident.

At least...that's what he hopes.


Out of nowhere, a petrified yell was heard. This made the black-haired boy snap out of a deep train of thought.

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