Before I replied back to Chad, I slowly opened the door to a worried Sydney.
"Is everything ok? I heard crying!" she asked, rushing in.
"I'm fine re-" I was cut off.
"Sydney! This isn't what it looks like!" I quickly replied.
"Stella! You PROMISED me you'd try and stop doing this!" she cried. I just looked down in shame.
"Where is it!?" she demanded.
I sighed and led her to my bathroom. I rambled under the sink and untaped the last knife I owned. She snatched it from me and put it in her pajama pants pocket. She then rambled through my medicine cabinet to clean and bandage me up.
"Are you SURE thats all of them?" she asked sternly.
"Positive." I sighed.
"Stella, you have GOT to stop doing this. Do it for us? Do you remember that Kellin said wrists are for bracelets and NOT cutting?" she said sadly.
"I guess." I sighed again. "I'm sorry." I said on the verge of tears.
"It's ok. As long as you STOP this madness. You're still my sister, though." she said, hugging me.
"Ok, I'm gonna go to bed. See you tomorrow?" I said.
"You got it!" Sydney replied before leaving.
I sighed and replied to Chad's message. I braced myself for whatever was gonna happen after that.
"sure, we can talk. everything ok?"
"I guess..I'm not trying to start an argument, but did you say something bad to my girlfriend?"
"What? NO! she sent me a friend request and sent me an odd message, but i didnt say anything bad to her?"
"She's saying she sent you a friend request, and messaged you trying to be friendly and get to know you, but you we're being very rude. I just wanna know what's up?"
"NOTHING IS UP! I promise! She sent me a not so friendly message first, i was in no way trying to be rude at all!"
"You swear?"
"I swear :("
After I sent that, he stopped replying. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated and angry. Whatever that bitch said to him, he obviously wasn't happy. I swear she's trying to sabotage me. I was just a fan. That's all I EVER will be! This is why I DO NOT get buddy-buddy with girls in general, if I can help it. SO much drama. I sighed and logged off facebook and quickly fell asleep. Man, was I tired.
My alarm blared "to keep from getting burned" at 8:30. I groaned and rolled out of bed after I shut of my alarm. Time for my daily grind. I took a shower and got into my uniform. As I was doing my makeup, Sydney waltzed in.
"Hey hey hey!" she chimed.
"Hello there." I laughed.
"Only 3 more weeks till the farewell, my love ep comes out!" she exclaimed.
"Speaking of them, Chad wasn't too happy with me last night." I sighed.
"What he say!?" she asked concerned.
"He thinks I'M the one who started shit with his girlfriend, when she clearly added me first." I said dryly.
"Wow...bitch, much? What she say to him?" she replied.

The Hardest Heart (A Farewell, My Love Story)
Fanfiction1 band, 1 message, 1 love. Will this all be enough to save the life of Stella Skye? Or will this fail to save her? Will Stella ever learn to live with her best friend, Clayton's death?