Chapter 3

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   After my shift ended, I made a quick stop to charley's subs for a turkey cheddar melt and a cherry slushie. Once I got home, I went straight to Sydney's room with my arms crossed.

"What happened?" she asked hesitant.

"Guess who sent me a friend request and left a slightly rude message?" I asked.

"Some bitch from high school?" she replied.

"Nope. BAYLIE! She sent me a friend request and I was just like 'ok! coolio! she seems nice' but NOPE. She thinks I'm after Chad. A girl can dream can't she?" I complained while Sydney read the message.

"Well then, thats rude. Tell her you're not after her man." she simply said.

   I sighed and messaged her back. I hope she isn't getting the wrong impression of me. I crush on Chad just as much as the next girl does...or more.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about dear, but you don't have to be rude."

   Within 5 minutes, she messaged me back. Oh brother.

"Hun, it's obvious you like my man...I'm not stupid. You had goo goo eyes through the whole stickam...just watch your back, got it?"

"LOL @ your jealousy. I'm not the only one whose drooling over your man. You should be smart enough to realize NOTHING will ever happen between us or any other fan. Understand?"

"I'm no where near jealous. Don't flatter yourself. Just back off for your own good. And coming all the way from florida to see them play is a pretty obvious sign of obsession if you ask me..."

"Hm, you sure seem like you're jealous and insecure to me. NOT a good look in a relationship. If you honestly think Chad would dump you for some random fan he doesn't know, then YOU are the one with the issues, not me or anyone else. Please, re-evaluate yourself and be nicer, then we'll talk. Toodles... :)"

  After I sent the message, I waited for another one of her sly replies. After 5 minutes of waiting, I realized she deleted me. No skin off my damn nose.

"She couldn't think of a comeback?" Sydney laughed.

"Nope! Bitch deleted me. HA! I win this round!" I laughed.

"I can't believe she thinks we're obsessed for road-tripping to arizona!" Sydney flailed her arms.

"Uh, we are obsessed!" I laughed. "She's just jealous and thinks Chad's gonna leave her." I scoffed.

"Well, with that insecurity, I'm surprised they're still together after all these years." she simply replied.

"I'd hate to be in the same hometown as them knowing how much I fangirl over these guys" I shook my head.

"Exactly." Sydney said. "Well, Lily and I are off to downtown disney. Wanna join?" she asked, starting on her makeup.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed, running to my room to change clothes.

   I changed out of my work clothes into some regular clothes. It was pretty cold today, so I dressed according to weather. I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair up differently, along with my makeup. After I was finished, I went downstairs and waited on Sydney and Lily.

(Stella's whole look:

"Someone looks extra hipster today." Lily teased as she came downstairs.

"Stoooop. You know I don't do labels!" I laughed.

"Ok. So how was work?" she asked, grabbing an orange juice from the fridge.

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