"Stella! Earth to Stella!" Lola sang. "What are ya lookin' at?" she laughed.
"Who lives there?" I asked cautiously.
"Those are my neighbors, the Helitzers. They're very nice people. Their daughter is kinda shaky sometimes, but they're pretty cool!" Lola simply replied.
I froze. PLEASE don't tell me it's who I think it is. Way to make my great day go completely bad. I had enough of her without even meeting her.
"Oh jeez..." I sighed.
"You know them?" Lola asked.
"I might. Is their daughter named Baylie?" I asked.
"Yup. I don't trust her. She has days when she's a sweetheart, but other than that, she's pretty uptight and rude." Lola explained.
"UGH!" I groaned. "She thinks I'm after her fucking boyfriend!" I complained.
"Oh boy...bummer. She's dating that Chad guy, right?" she asked.
"Yup. Drummer for the band we're seeing tomorrow night." I said.
"I'm pretty sure nothing will happen. She's so insecure." she laughed.
"Exactly! I'm just a fan girl. I don't know what her damage is." I sighed.
"Forget about her. Just have fun tomorrow. You're not there for anyone but the band, so don't let her get to you." she assured.
"Thanks!" I smiled.
"Anytime, darling!" she smiled.
We finished getting our bags and coolers from the car and got settled in. Her house was pretty nice! It was a brick and stone one story house. She had 2 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. Lily wanted to sleep in the tv room since she loves recliners; she would share Lola's bathroom. Sydney and I were sharing the spare bedroom and bathroom.
"So, how are auntie and uncle witz?" Lola piped up. Thats Witworth for short in the dictionary of Lola.
"They're good! They told us to tell you call them when we get here." Sydney said.
"Okie dokie!" she said.
"So, how have you been?" I asked.
"I can't complain! I moved up in my job, and my boyfriend comes back from Canada next week!" she exclaimed.
"That's exciting! How's Garrett anyways?" Lily asked.
"He's alright! We wanna eventually move in together within the next six months!" Lola replied.
For the next hour or so, we all spent time catching up and talking about tomorrow. I still had to tell Lily and Sydney about Baylie. Or did they know that already since their cousin is next door? DUH! Everyone except Lola was now in the family room.
"Were you guys aware that Baylie lived next door to Lola?" I asked.
"WOAH! What!?" Sydney gaped.
"Yup. Lola told me. I didn't know whether you guys already knew since shes your cousin and all." I said.
"We never payed any mind, but damn...small world." Lily replied.
"At least you might get to see Chad if HE goes over there!" Sydney winked.
"Oh yeah! But he's gonna be around her, and I don't wanna be around to see the two lovebirds be all mushy." I sighed.
"Well, fuck her. We're here for the band." Lily said.
"True! You guys hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah! We should really save the last of our food and drinks for when we leave again tomorrow night. Lola has plenty of food and snacks." Sydney explained.

The Hardest Heart (A Farewell, My Love Story)
Fanfic1 band, 1 message, 1 love. Will this all be enough to save the life of Stella Skye? Or will this fail to save her? Will Stella ever learn to live with her best friend, Clayton's death?