Part 24

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Vivienne in all her years of life never thought that she will be thrown aside like the way she was. Neville looked her in the face and called her useless, she was bitter and was in a mood for the entire day when they reach the manor. 

At three she realized that she is Vivienne Gaunt she is too young and too cute to be worried over some boy who can't do a spell without causing a natural disaster. She got up out of the bed and looked in the mirror she was a mess there hair was completely dishevelled and her eyes had bags underneath. All over a guy, pitiful.

"Dobby," She called.

Her house-elf appeared meekly rubbing its hands "Yes master Vivienne,". She rolled her eyes "Go start my bath make sure the water is warm this time," she said snidely.

"Yes, master," as it disappeared. Vivienne had no time for house-elf she literally looked like something that would be in a homeless shelter.

"Finnish Miss." Vivienne walked into the bathroom. (Skip this part because I ain't writing a child bath)

After her shower, she rummages through her draw for her brush and finds it broken with curly back hair on it. "Delphini," she says shaking with anger that damn girl is a menace. (Everyone with siblings can relate) she opens her closet and finds half of her stuff gone. 

She changed into a rather comfortable dress since she had no plans for today and rather stay in her private library and study. She walked into the private library and take out a book about memory charms she was in a blue designer sundress that reach her thighs and had a high waistline with a bow and white sandals. She sat on the couch and read the book she hears a shifting noise around the corner she looked around to see behind the shelf Delphini and Ophiuchus fighting over a book.

But stop when they saw Vivienne. "Sister," Delphini said scared knowing she is in trouble. The twins stared expecting to be scolded to the next dimension, "Well why are you in here, don't you have classes," she asked she came all this way for peace and silence.

"We snuck out and hid in here, we found a book but Ophiuchus won't give it to me," Delphini said pointing the finger at her brother.

Ophiuchus gave a scandalized look. "I had it first, besides I doubt that you can read," he snapped. Vivienne sighs these two were a pain a product of Bellatrix and Voldemort affair or the child of Bellatrix and Lestrange, they will go to Hogwarts with fake names due to their parent's infamous reputation. They seem to have an obsession with Vivienne was sightly annoying.

"That is enough, all pureblood children need to learn their etiquette before attending Hogwarts you too are no different, " she said causing them to pout. Delphini hugged her "It is so boring, and I want to spend time with big sister,"

Ophiuchus nodded in agreement with his sister. "We want to stay here, it is not fair you get a library and we don't,"

"I want a goat that eats grass and turns it into gold, now the exit is that way," she says. Vivienne followed the twins out of the room not trusting either to head to her classes. They try to convince her to let them stay but her will was like stone.

The halls of the manor were a bitter silent only sound is the footsteps of the three kids, Vivienne hated these halls spending all her time at the colourful and loud Hogwarts and coming back to the cold and grey manor was frightening. They stayed in a quiet silence until they reached the door to where Narcissa was.

"Aunt Sissy," Delphini said walking into the room followed by her brother. Vivienne wanted to go back to the library but went the other direction to the Living room to get breakfast. There she sees Draco with a large arrogant smirk on his face.

"What do I owe the pleasure, I thought you died in here," he said in a tone so obnoxious that it accidentally sounds hilarious.

"Ah, Draco as smart as ever, tell me how do you manage," she said slyly Draco must have taken it as a compliment as he gave a smirk.

"What is with the changing tone, did Longbottom side step you," he said. Vivienne walked down the steps and faced Draco who was still taller than her "Why are you jealous of him," She said gaining the upper hand.

"So I am right you were ditched," He said, it was annoying for him to be talking but the fact he was right hurt more.

"No matter, you know we have another task at hand," They looked up to see Narcissa walking down the main staircase. 

"Miss Malfoy," Vivienne asked.

"The twins, lessons are already over, as you know you two will soon be old enough to go to official events, Draco will be eligible by spring and you Vivienne will be by yule," she said.

"So we need to learn how to dance and socialize," Draco said, Narcissa nod, "Yes, let us go to the ballroom," she says as she follows the pair to the largest room in the Manor. 

Vivienne rarely if ever entered this room no need to she left it alone, Narcissa watched with hope at the pair, they might start a relationship it would be quite the match, she was a parseltongue with the ability to speak to snakes shows her relation to the dark lord and is a valued ability in pureblood circles. 

Narcissa started the music wanting to artificial build kinship between the two. "remember what you have learnt I want to see progress," she says. 

Draco and Vivienne had no romantic tension between them they are barely even friends, Draco put a hand around Vivienne's waist and Vivienne put a hand on his shoulder and their fingers intertwined with their freehand as they walts.  Narcissa was pleased they are doing great, she had hopes they will be a good social light. 

Draco and Vivienne were dancing but it was a fight of Dominance neither wanting to give up and lose power over the other, they tried to trip each other on multiple occasions, Vivienne was not comfortable this close to him or hand on her waist. They finished the dance Draco tripped up on Vivienne's shoes and leaned on Vivienne to support Draco. They stopped as Draco was embracing Vivienne they stood there for an awkward moment until they separated, both flustered and red. 

Narcissa was very pleased but did not show it as she clapped her hands "Marvellous, you both did great," they faced each other and bowed to each other. It was a mortifying situation but the twins made it worst "Draco and Vivienne sitting n a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"  Delpgini sang while laughing. 

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