What if harry potter was a girl named Harriet Lily Potter? Voldermort out of pride see the opportunity of the chosen one and decides to raise her as his loyal follower.
{The story is getting a little touched up so editing will be happening}
Voldermort has attached many great things so much that some were only legends but nothing compares to taking care of a baby. The problem is he needs her to have an attachment to him or this will be a waste of his time. It has been 7 months and boy he felt like it was fifty years he cringed when he heard about the Weasley's 7 brats.
She has consistently has shown fledgelings of extreme magical potential which means that she can at least take care of her self. He wonders if that is a bad thing since he was distraught to find he turned his skin bright pink there were no meetings that day and Nagini had a laugh. Then he had made a discovery the girl was on the floor in his office he was reading the daily prophet he heard Nagini then he heard her talking back he looked over Nagini and the baby having a full-on discussion when he split his soul his abilities must have carried over this made things difficult if she eve whisper parseltongue in Dumbledore's general direction he will think that they are related so Harriet needed a name change, Vivienne Gaunt if dumbledore even looks into her background he could vouch on his uncle's grandchild.
She seems to have cognition so she could understand his instructions she might as well not have it, since go do it anyway like the time he told her not to call him daddy but no Daddy is his new aliases
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Lord Voldermort
My Lord
He Who Must Not Be Named
"Stop calling me that name," Voldermort hissed at the child "No, daddy," she said defiantly "Stop girl," He replied "Daddy," she continued
"Stop it, girl !"
"Nu, no da da,"
He inhales and sighed well the attachment is working, he learned to hold her properly but is not a habit he rarely does it. She seems to be very interested in my work she sits on my desk and dips her finger in the ink and get everything covered in ink and herself. It was only 5 minutes the only way to have her in my watch and get work done is by having her in his lap and poking her with the wand she was not impressed and said in Parseltounge " Fwuk You," he stopped Nagini who was eating a Muggleborn stopped she folded her arms and leaned back. "What did you say, missy!". Voldermort gave her a proud look. "Tommy is this is how you are raising the child," She slithered over and hissed "No bad never say that"
"Fuck off," she hissed Voldermort smirked. That is what you get for calling me Tommy he thought.
The Death Eaters found out about her existence they were very confused to find a random baby telling Voldemort and quote "Get My Jucse or I will get extraw in here," she turned to them and pointed at Lucius and said "Well gwet my juice pezant ," Lucius looked down at the display and looked at his lord and asked " My Lord?" Voldermort said " You heard her get on with it," Bellatrix fell to the floor in despair his lord had a daughter with another woman. Vivienne gave Voldemort a grimace and said "This is your Awmry, Pwathetic," Bellatrix who was now a crying heap asked " M-my lo-lord is s-he - your daughter," Vodermort wanted her to stop she was making a fool of her self and ruining his favourite carpet that happened to be 36k gallons which aren't cheap, shit came from Ghana " No she is my ward, Vivienne Gaunt," The lady wiped the tears and makeup of her face she gave him a hopeful smile he wondered if it would be bad to say yes she is my daughter after a good bang. "I want to discuss a raid of the ministry take at least 76 hostages," The Death eaters were confused but knew best not to question there lord he continues "I will personally oversee the raid," Lucius came back from his degrading chore and handed the girl her sippy cup she grabbed it from him and was taken away by Nagini who was observing. The girl happily followed her defacto mother.
July 2, 1983
On the day of July 1, the 'death eaters ' attacked and the Ministry and 83 ministry workers went missing the ones that remained have no memory of the incident 50 of them were muggle-borns. The majority of who remains were half-bloods and purebloods. It was dubbed the vanishing act.
Para - Pharsed from the daily prophet
Voldermort sighed the baby was over at the Malfoy's for the day he needed a break her power is developing rapidly and everything fly or get discoloured. He has another plan to take into action he walked to the basement and pushed open the first door the minute the girl saw him she began balling it was a failed attempt since her tongue was cut out; curtsy of Bellatrix he was in a gaming mood he walked in and said " Good news you are the lucky one who will send the message to the ministry," the girls amber eyes soften to the relief he flicked his wand and the chains were gone she wearily got up and ran to the door he turned his want to face her she stopped dead in her tracks like a deer in headlights and said " Who said anything about being alive, AVADA KADAVRA," she fell slumped against the wall. He sighed finally can cast after a period of anguish because a baby is one too many there is so many times he will get out of bed since she decided to shit in the middle of the night. Narcissa has the pleasure to potty train her.
Now focusing on the dead Auror recruit he placed a note in her mouth and ask her to stick her to the ceiling of the Ministry. He wanted a vacation.
a/n like promised an episode I promise to make the next chapter be that last Voldemort centric chap.
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