i hear it all in the center of my heart (you are the love of my life)

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By : tomorrows ( ao3 )


Getting married has turned Louis into a properly whipped sap. Harry may or may not want to punch him in the face.

( a/n : again I haven't updated in a while really sorry hope you like it ( and this its just beautiful ok it's fucking amazing and I cried , hope you it makes you cry too ) )

When it first starts, Harry disregards it as Louis still being in "the honeymoon phase" of their married life - that's what his mum (and everyone else in the world) calls it. But then it goes on for a few weeks too long; past their actual honeymoon and past their first month together as husbands and past what should have been their First Fight as a Married Couple. Should have been.

It doesn't make sense to Harry, is the thing. Since they came out Louis' been a bastard of a sap, entirely whipped and unashamed, worse than he ever was. Getting married didn't help much either because now Harry's got Louis wrapped around his finger. Harry takes a breath from across the room and Louis' by his side in seconds. Harry sneezes and Louis' already dabbing at his nose with a tissue. Harry says the work cock offhandedly and Louis' dragging him to the toilets and getting on his knees. So it's not really a problem, per se, and normally Harry wouldn't have a problem - he knows the feeling, has since he was 16 - but right now, when he's angry at Louis and wants to shake some sense into him, it doesn't help. At all.

Harry yells and Louis does nothing but watch with a fond look in his big, baby blue eyes, trying his best to hold back a stupid grin. It makes Harry even more frustrated because he's used to Louis fighting back - that's what they do, that's how arguments work, damnit - but he's getting fuck all out of Louis. Fighting doesn't work as well when it's one-sided, is the thing.

When Harry's finally stopped yelling and thrown all of their couch pillows at Louis' head, he deflates and collapses on the floor. He's seconds away from wailing miserably into the carpet.

And still, his husband's got a stupid, absolutely patronizing - to Harry, at least - smirk on his face. Harry would typically light up like a smitten puppy in love, but currently it's making him want to pull out his hair, one strand at a time.

"Why are you doing this to me?" he mumbles against the soft fabric of the carpet, "Do you just not care about my sanity anymore? Is that a thing that's just supposed to go away when you get married? Are you pranking me again?"

Louis giggles - fucking giggles - and pokes at Harry's ribs with his little toes from where he's perched on the coffee table, too amused for Harry's liking.

"What?" Harry seethes, gritting his teeth together.

Another giggle and Louis begins lightly running his toes against the contour of Harry's ribs. The feather-light touch feels good; always feels good and relaxing and numbing when Louis touches him like this, but Harry doesn't want to be fucking relaxed. He wants to yell and be yelled at and he wants Louis to stop acting like some lovesick twelve year old.

It really doesn't help when Louis coos a fond, "S'just... You're cute."

If Harry had wanted to pull his hair out earlier, he's now considering dousing himself - and their entire house - in gasoline and setting off a match. Because that's just the kind of effect Louis has on him. Normal, married couple feelings and whatnot.

"Don't," Harry spits.

He can feel his blood pressure rising which is unusual enough because he's typically the calmer of the two of them. Was, at least. He's not really sure how this angry thing is supposed to work, if he's being honest with himself.

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