nobody, baby, but you and me

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By : imsosorry (ao3 )


He's had the ring for months now. It's actually unbelievable that he hasn't asked Louis yet, because the question pops into his head at least three times a day. Just last night, he'd arrived home to a sleepy Louis in bed, who'd mumbled, "fuck you you fucking wanker" after he'd made too much noise in the bathroom, and Harry's first thought had been, Marry me.
(Or, the one where Harry's going to propose to Louis. He really is.)

Title from You and Me by Penny & The Quarters.

Work Text:


There's just enough snow on the ground to make getting home a nightmare, the tube packed and the sidewalks too slushy for Harry to safely navigate. He's not going to risk slipping and breaking his arse, so he crams himself into one of the eight o'clock trains.

He stayed late at the office for the third time this week, and Louis is going to absolutely skin him. It's only Harry's fourth month with the big-time London publishing firm, and he hasn't exactly built up the seniority to kip off early, especially with the extra workload he's getting from Niall, who fucked off to Ireland for his brother's wedding a week ago. He's overwhelmed, and he's tired, and he's sure his hair is going grey, and he hasn't had sex in weeks.

Week, singular, he thinks, wistfully recalling the rushed shower sex last Friday morning, Louis held up against the foggy glass, giggling as they tried to decide whether their organic bath soap was an acceptable form of lube. Louis had to go home to Donny for the twins birthday over the weekend, Harry too busy with work to tag along, and with his new promotion, their weekday schedules are completely opposite. Louis is serving his residency at a hospital in order to become an OBGYN, and as one of the lowest people on the totem pole, he generally gets handed the morning shifts. He's out the door by five a.m. most mornings, and almost always sleeping when Harry gets home.

So. Yes, Harry's horny, but he's also twenty-three years old, and maybe sex shouldn't be this much of a priority for him. He's been with Louis for nearly four years now, but they both still go at it like champs when they find the time.

He accidentally makes eye contact with an old lady whose sitting near the exit, and he flushes, as if she can hear his unsavory stream-of-consciousness. He shoots off a text to Lou, telling him he's on his way home, should he pick anything up, but of course he only gets a reply once he's off the train and halfway up the street to their house.

It's a small flat, just three bedrooms, but they chose it for the nice area - not many twenty-somethings can afford a place in Primrose Hill, and they were both drunk off of their respective successes, and they signed for it without a second thought. Plus, it's on the ground floor of the building, so there's a sizable garden that's all theirs.

Bring me surprises!!! Lou's texted with two emojis, a classic tempura prawn and, inexplicably, the head of a dragon.

Harry rolls his eyes, fumbles with his keys for a few seconds before he's enveloped into the warmth of their flat. Louis gets cold easily, so they always keep it warm inside, even though he still steals all of Harry's jumpers and wears them around until he's complaining about the heat.

"I'm home," Harry calls. Louis is probably watching TV in bed, and the thought brings a smile to his face - Lou likes to curl up on Harry's side, in nothing but a jumper and his glasses, while he watches shit reality programs.

He peaks into the bedroom, but Louis is, surprisingly, not there. After a cursory glance at both the living room and the bathroom, he makes his way toward the kitchen, all the way at the back of the flat. Louis is there, of course, making a pot of tea and wearing panties.

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