Cut Out All the Ropes (And Let Me Fall)

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By : MarchieTheHare ( ao3 )

Harry Styles doesn't believe in soulmates. But then he meets his.

Harry Styles doesn't believe in soulmates.

He was twelve years old when Anne explained what a soulmate is and how people know when they've found theirs. She told him about the mark on his chest, and how somewhere out there, there's one person who has the exact same mark in the exact same area. She told him about Harry's dad-how Anne and him met in uni, and from the moment their eyes landed on each other they just knew. There's a feeling that comes along with it, Harry's informed, and it's like electricity pleasantly running through your veins, like puzzle pieces effortlessly falling into place inside your mind, and you'll just think, it's you.

Anne explained to him that a soulmate will be that one person your heart will desire to be with forever, that one person that you will give all your love to. At twelve, Harry found this idea wonderful, just like a fairytale-except this one is real, and it actually happens in life. It's beautiful, really.

But then two years later, the accident happened, and the beauty Harry held onto died. His dad passed away, leaving his mum alone-broken, depressed, and without a soulmate.

They said soulmates were meant to be with you forever, no matter what. No matter what. They said soulmates will never leave you, through the ups and downs.

That's a lie, apparently.

So Harry stopped holding onto that fairytale. He stopped believing in soulmates.

But then one day, he meets his.


"Pizza delivery!"

There's a weird feeling in Harry's chest. He's sitting on the couch in the living room, trying to pay attention to the movie that's playing on their new flatscreen, but his knee won't stop jumping. He has an urge to get up and answer the door himself, but he tries his hardest to just stay still because Gemma is already taking the pizza herself. He can hear the door opening, and then a high, bright voice is saying, "I've got your pizza!"

The feeling intensifies. Harry balls his hands into fists, grits his teeth and tries to calm down his suddenly racing heartbeat. The blood is running through his veins, making him feel light and slightly dizzy, and when he blinks he finds himself standing up. Anne shoots him a weird look from the other end of the couch, but before Harry has time to return the look his feet are taking him to the hallway outside. It feels like he has no control over his own body, and the nearer he gets to the door the more it feels like he's being shocked by electricity in all the pleasant ways. He can feel the area on his chest tingling right where the mark is, and his thoughts are suddenly racing, nonononono this can't be happening I can't be meeting her she isn't supposed to be real-

He's almost at the door now, and he can hear Gemma telling the delivery boy, "Uh, I already gave you your tip. You can go now," and the boy answering, "Wait, uh, I just... I feel something, like, this is going to sound really weird and possibly stalker-ish but can you let me in?" and Harry realizes that it's not even a she.

He's standing behind Gemma now, and he meets the delivery boy's eyes over his sister's shoulder.

It's exactly how Anne described, and more. The electricity intensifies, and he can feel every single part of his body tingling. Blue eyes stare at him, and Harry feels like drowning in them, like submerging in the bluest ocean and letting everything consume him in a pleasant haze. The area on his chest where the mark lays feels like it's on fire, and Harry is half-sure that it's burning a hole through his shirt. He watches as the boy lifts his hand and places it over his own chest, mirroring where Harry's mark is, and Harry just knows.

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