walking in a winter wonderland

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By : crybaby (toplinson) (ao3)


Louis opens the door still in his pyjamas and Harry's heart beats n his throat because Louis has milk at the corners of his mouth and biscuit crumbs on his chin and Harry thinks that this is what love might feel like, having your heart beat in your fingertips and rattle your body in an attempt to break free and give itself over to the object of your affection.
(Harry has a serious crush on Louis Tomlinson that ends up with him accidentally signing up to be on the Winter Ball committee)

Work Text:

'I swear to god Harry, if you don't go talk to him, I will go up to him and ask him out myself.' Zayn snaps, and Harry startles from where he's been shooting heart-eyes at Louis across the common room.

'What?' Harry asks, picking up his discarded sandwich and pointedly not looking at where Louis is sitting.

'You haven't listened to a single word I've said because you've been too busy dreaming about sucking Louis Tomlinson's cock.' Zayn husks, and Harry flushes, down past the collar of his school shirt.

'Haven't.' he defends softly, taking another bite.

Niall grins at him and takes another bite of his leftover-supper. 'Have.' he teases. Harry needs better friends.

'Well, are you going to go and talk to him or do I need to do it for you?' Zayn asks, cocking an eyebrow, and the thing is that, one, Harry can't help but always do what Zayn tells him, two, Zayn definitely will go up to Louis and it's definitely not an empty threat, three, Zayn will certainly, one hundred percent, embarrass Harry.

'Zayn-' Harry starts to whine, but Zayn raises one of his perfect eyebrows and Harry groans. 'Just talk to him?'

Zayn pauses, swallowing his forkful of salad before shrugging. 'Asking him out would be preferred, but yeah, talking's fine.'

Harry pointedly ignores Niall's mumbled: 'Ask him to the storage cupboard.'

'Okay.' Harry says, brushing his hands off on his thighs. 'Fine. I'll do it.'

Zayn punches his shoulder lightly as Harry stands up.

His heart thumps in his throat and his palms start to sweat as he approaches where Louis is sitting across the courtyard, talking to Liam. Harry can feel his ears flushing and his cheeks going pink as his eyes flick over him, swallowing down his warm smile and bright eyes, his fingers holding a clipboard to his chest.

Harry stops some way away from them, not wanting to interrupt, as he runs what he's going to say through his head. He sees Louis' eyes flick away from Liam and onto him, and his heart thumps out against his ribcage, battling to escape his bones. And Louis smiles, bright enough that Harry can see how sharp his teeth are and his eyes crinkle.

Harry tries to get the words out, but his throat feels like sandpaper, and he has a horrible flashback to Geography lessons and dry lands. He feels his body burning with heat as Louis stops talking to Liam and turns to face him fully, dropping the clipboard to rest on his thighs, and Harry's lips start trying to form words.

'Hi Louis,' he croaks, and he can feel the words would you go out with me? in his chest, ready to come out but weighed down by his jittery paperweight of a heart.

'Hi Harry!' Louis beams and Harry gulps.

He wants Louis to stop talking, stop looking at him, so that he can just force the words out and accept his rejection before slinking back his table with his head held high. And it's almost there, almost, and he has the words, rising in his throat, but.

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