A routine disrupted

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Hey there. I'm Mirastone. This is the first story that I have ever published (and probably the only one but we will see about that if I ever change my mind) so be gentle with me. I want to make a few things clear before we get into the story (this is mainly addresed to the people who like to type hurtfull messages and asking non-stop about story updates (since I've seen various other writers dealing with these)). Do not throw at me hate comments that have little to no usefull information. Like, tell me what I can do to make my writing style a bit better or to correct my grammar (English isn't my first language, just a heads up). In other words, give me positive criticisem. So comments like "This is awfull", "This is boring", "You are the worst writer ever"etc. are a big no-no. I will not learn to grow from them. Another thing would be when I will upload. I will do it when I have time and motivation to do so. So don't stress me to write more cause, in the end, it will end up either being a bad lecture or discontinued, which is something I want to avoid. I don't have a clear schedule, so chapters will come whenever I feel ready to post them. And I'm still learning so don't expect this story to be perfect. With that being said I hope you enjoy the ride and go on a rollercoaster of emotions with me. Let's get started!

The characters that appear in this story do not belong to me. They belong to the series Fable Legacies, a minecraft roleplay series, created by the Legacies team (check them out cause they are amazing people). The story also follows some headcannons of mine so, if you watched the story and see some things that were never mentioned in the original one, you'll know why. The only thing I own is this storyline and some characters that will be added for the sake of the plot.

-You see this, Fionn? This is a tradition that has been going ever since I was a little girl, banging on my sister's door. began dramatically a feminine voice.
-Anna. said a masculine voice full of fear.
-Not now, babe. We're in the middle of something now. Anyway, all you have to do is to keep your balance and keep your head up.
-Anna. said the voice a little bit higher.
-Not now, Kristoff. Anyways, remember to relax your muscles but in the same time do NOT drop your guard.
-Anna. The voice raised a few notes.
-Kristoff, please. We're having a moment here. Are you ready, Fionn? The blue eyed blond nodded confidentally.
At the top of a huge staircase, on a three-seater bike stood the future ruler of Arrendale, Fionn, followed by his beloved aunt, the Queen of Arrendale, Anna and his uncle, King Kristoff. Both Fionn and Anna felt excitement flowing through their veins as the wheel was getting closer to the edge of the first step. The same couldn't be said about Kristoff. The former iceman was as white as a ghost.
-Anna, look. I love you and all but we have to draw the line somewhere. Plus, is it really necesserlly to have Fionn take the lead? Anna seemed to think a bit about it.
-Uhhh, yeah... but actually no. Now the King was as white as snow. And to answer your question, yes. He needs to grow up, get used to and understand the world around him. And what better way to do so than some little trilling and fun adventure!
-Fun!? This is what you consider fun!? Fionn couldn't stop the sigh from escaping his mouth. He wished that his uncle would be more trusting of his abilities. He was a proud six year old, ready to take on the entire world! Why couldn't he see that? And why was his voice so high? Was he practicing for opera?
Anna rolled her eyes.
-You would think that you would have gotten used to my anttics by now. Kristoff simply huffed at this. Anna turned her attention to her nephew. Alright, Fionn. Take the final step to glory! Kristoff gasped loudly. But before he could react, Fionn already headed his aunt's order. As the bike semi-glided in the air across the giant stairs, the sound of Anna and Fionns cheers mixed with Kristoff's horrified shrieks echoed across the castle. Time seemed to come to a stop as soon as they reached the end of the staircase. The bike, just like a bull, practically yeeted the royal family across the room. As they were gliding in the air, Fionn swore he saw some servants stop from whatever they were doing to stare mortified at the flying royals. Fortunatly, they had a soft landing, credits to Anna for anticipating this outcome and putting a lot of pillows in the area in which they we're all laying on now.
After a few moments of catching their breath, both Fionn and Anna bursted into an uncontrollable laughter. Kristoff, on the other hand, looked like he was gonna pass out any second. The servants simply sighed in relief and while some retook their duties, others hurried up to help the royal family up.
-That was fun. said Anna as she fixed herself up. We should do it again. Kristoff simply shook his head to get rid of the fethers that managed to get into his hair with a deadpanned expression.
-No, we shouldn't.
-Oh, come on, Kristoff! whined Anna as all three of them were leaving for the throne room. You need to loosen up a bit! Being all cramped up will do you no good. Kristoff let out a sigh.
-Easy for you to say. Seeing the questionable look both of his family members were giving him, he quickly changed the subject. And is this the only activity that we can practice around here. I'm sure there are like many, MANY more safer options. Anna didn't seem to like the sudden change of topic but went along with it anyway.
-I mean, there are, but we promised Fionn a really fun day out at the ice rink. But the weather HAD to change its mind in the last minute. she said grummbeling the last part of her sentence.
Fionn looked out the window to see a sky full of gray clouds. Sometimes he could hear the crows's menacing "Crow" along with their really easy to miss flap of their wings. The blond shivered. This had to be the worst weather he had ever seen. It seemed like everything was screaming at him that something was wrong. That everything he once knew would become nothing more than a distant memory. Or it could be just his stomach. Maybe he should of listened to his uncle when he said that he ate too many sweets this morning...
-So, what do we do now? asked Fionn hoping that engaging in a conversation would help ease his worries. Anna scratched her head.
-Now that you've mentioned it, said Anna, I have to meet up with the royal counselor to talk about some strange light coming from far away. We gotta make sure it's not some angered spirit wanting to wreak chaos across Arrendale. Here she paused a little bit. Again. Kristoff facepalmed.
-I completely forgot the meeting with the new captain of the Icemans. Heard a lot of... not some nice stuff about him. Anna giggled. Is THIS the best name they could come up with. Kristoff tried to look defensiv, but his expression kept betraying him.
-Hey, they are good icemans, but not good nicknamers. In the end, they started laughing. After they all calmed down, Fionn turned his head towards his aunt and uncle.
-And me? What do I do? The rulers of Arrendale went silent.
-Uhhh. stammered Kristoff. You could, uhhh, make sure your room is clean. Anna gave him a shoulder in his stomach. As he winced, she kneeled în front of her nephew, placing her hand on his right shoulder and looking pretty guilty.
-I know I promised that we will spend this day together, but unfortunatly we couldn't delay these meetings. Fionn looked down in dissapointment. Don't worry about it though. Cause as soon as we finish them we will be free to do whatever you want to do. A recovered Kristoff kneeled next to his wife and also placed his hand on his nephew's free shoulder.
-Don't worry, big shot. You can't escape us that easily. We will be back before you know it. He then playfully ruffled his nephew's hair. The child giggled, feeling a little bit better already.
-Okay. said Fionn. Both adults stood up.
-Race ya to the throne room! screamed Anna as she ran down the corridor. The boys quickly exchanged glances before they ran after her.
-That's not fair, aunty! The servantes simply got out of the way to avoid the happy, laughing trio.
Fionn couldn't help the immense smile that was getting bigger and bigger on his face by the second. As the future heir to the throne, he had so much to learn. Apparently, being a ruler to a kingdom required a lot of work and everyone had very high expectations of him. In his days off (like today) he had extra time to hang out with his aunt and uncle. Sure, they we're almost always busy, but they make it so they could have plenty of time to hang out with him too. And when his parents returned from one of their extremelly dangerous and important mission, they had SO much fun together. Hopefully they return today so they had plenty of time to catch up! Yes, his life wasn't perfect and it became a routine at this point, but he considered it a good type of rutine. He wouldn't change it for the world.
Anna was the first to arrive at the throne room. She victoriously raised her hand in the air as she bascked in her glory. The boys weren't that happy with that.
-That wasn't fair! whined Fionn.
-All's fair in love and war. said Anna smuggly.
-I want a rematch! demanded Kristoff. This time we ALL start at the same time. Anna simply laughed.
But suddenly the doors to the main entrance were swuang open and powerfull winds spread across the room, forcing the servantes to drop whatever they were holding. The trio whipped their head at the same time to face the uninvited visitors. "That is never a good sign" thought Fionn. Once the doors we're opened a group of individuals entered the room.
-What do you mean "That is all"? asked a blond female.
-Cause that is all. responded the snowman.
-That can't be all there is to it. replied a silver haired man.
-Yes, yes there is.
-It doesn't make any sense! yelled irritated the man. He then stared incrediously at the snowman. Next to a cow? Seriously!?
-YES! yelled exasperated the snowman. What is so hard to understand?
-Olaf. said the blond calmly, trying to reason with him. You have to understand us to. This is a big shock to everyone. We weren't expecting this!
-I understand you, sighed Olaf. But YOU don't understand ME. a weak breeze could be felt throught the room. Me and Gale. corrected himself the snowman. He then turned to the source of the weak winds that we're sometimes felt throught the room. I'm sorry, honey.
-EVERYONE, CALM DOWN! yelled Anna. The group fell silent. The Queen of Arrendale cleared her throat. She then turned to the blond female. Elsa, what is going on? You usually write me a letter to let us know when you arrive. The women sighed.
-It's a long story.
-Mommy? Daddy? Up until now, Fionn had stayed silent, too shocked to say anything else. What is happening? Why were they all so angry? This wasn't part of the rutine he was so used to. Elsa and the silver haired individual stared dumbfounded at their son. They were so caught up in their problem that they hadn't noticed who was in the room. The mother stared pleadingly at her husband.
-Jack. the man nodded.
-On it, babe. He went up to Fionn and kneeled in front of him. Hey, little guy. Let's go talk somewhere else, shall we? As he got up to escort his child out of the room, the snowman immediately gasped.
-No, wait! He didn't get the chance see him! Fionn turned curiously to his "brother". Who was this "him". Only now was the kid noticing that he was holding something. It looked like a piece of clothing. Jack looked unsure about that.
-Uhhh, I'm not sure that is... But the snowman ignored him and walked up to Fionn. As he was coming closer, the kid realised that the piece of clothing was actually conceling something in it cause said something was sometimes giving signs of movement from within its containment. As Olaf gently carried that "something" over to him, Fionn felt a strange nervousness spreading across his body.
Once he reached him, Olaf began to showcase to his little "brother" his most prized treasure that he had ever been blessed to have received.
-I present to you my son. Fionn made eye contact with a pair of electric sky-blue eyes. Austin. Say hi to your nephew!

Wow, that took some time, not going to lie (even if it's short). I feel proud of myself though. This is only the beginning of a fun adventure (at least for me)! As some of you've definally noticed there are a few headcannons of mine that may or may not be confirmed. So, at the end of each chapter, I'll make a few explanation as to why I put them in this story. Let's start, shall we?
Chapter notes:
1)Pugz, Fionn's voice actor, said in one episode of Bri's POV that he (the character) had spent his childhood in Arrendale. Hence why he is here in this point of time.
2)He(Pugz) confirmed on Discord that Fionn had been a cheerfull child when he was little so I tried staying as close to canon as I possibally could.
3)He also said (on Discord) that Anna and Kristoff were tasked with looking after him since his parents we're too busy with their roles to look after him themselfs.
4)Pugz said that Fionn is the heir of the throne of Arrendale since his aunt couldn't have children.
5)Pugz said Fionn never resented his parents for not being in his life that much and that he understood that the world needed them.
6)I remember that Pugz said that Fionn is 4-6 years older than Austin. So I chose the age of six as the date when the snowman bean entered his life.
7)We were never told how Austin was brought into this world (except for the fact that he was born next to a cow and that he had never left his hometown) so I decided to do my own play on it (that's all I'm going to say for now in this regard).
If I missed something that was never explained in a video and/or Discord I'll make sure to write an explanation for it at the beginning of the next chapter.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! This is only going to get better and better as we go!
Thanks to the peoples that read my chapter, you guys are amazing humain beings that deserve the best of the best and I hope you have a beautifull day/night! See you in my next upload! Goodbye!

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