First Sight in this Strange Life

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I was in the middle of the forest again..every night it was this strange dream. I wondered in the dark. "Hello?? Is anyone there!"
Just the wind whipping around me, I clenched my coat around my trudging on until I reach the pond,
Glow flies fluttered around illuminating the pitch black.
I always end up alone.
If mother were still here. Or one of my brothers.
Kale. Embrom. Raggar.
This war had taken everyone.
The water ripples and I catch my reflection.
Golden eyes peered back at me.
Not my own.


I'm snapped out of my daze by my comrade Arya. She was one of the few fellow females in my troop and my right hand here in the colony.

"Huh? Sorry I was just thinking."

"Hmm? Could it be about the captain?"

Must she always be so direct?
"He wants to speak today about another mission is all. I've been waiting on you to get going."

She scoffs and gives her signature yes ma'am salute. "Well I knew we wouldn't get much of a break. Shit is hitting the fan, especially outside of camp. The Denwer are gaining leverage every day. And with the whole Halo and the other spies-"

"Let's just go."

"I'm sure he's not upset with you. You are betrothed after all."

"It's for the good of the colonies that's all. He only sees it as a tactic."

She nods and we made our way outside and towards the North camp where our captain resided. For better security we have scattered small camps to be aware of our surroundings. The world was becoming barren but so far we had still managed to thrive in our wooded getaway.

The rebellion has shrunk since the great fall but we still had hope. We followed the main trail until it split off, different ribbons guided the ways, strung high in the branches.

<Green markers- civilian core>
(A place were our rescued audience resided under strict security for their safety. Not all who joined the rebels wanted war, but they chose a side and we protect them.

<Blue markers- East Camp>
(A decoy side set further out with watch towers to alert everyone around the colony if anything out of the ordinary is captured. Trained warriors were always ready to guard with their lives.

<White markers- South Camp>
(Were Arya, I and about fifty other specialty trained members lived. Such as high ranked thieves, black smiths, and swordsman..ECT. Also our market side where we traded from time to time.)

<Yellow markers-North camp>
(Here is where the captain's abode lays, in the deepest shadow hidden by the cliff side.
Also held two first ranked tents which were his most trusted.
An elven boy named Axel and warlock everyone just called Jin.)


Our moons loomed over today, though it was still light.
They just seemed so..prominent.
Everything felt off balance.
What was coming?
Or who?

" do you honestly think it would be that bad?"
Arya talking still.

"Honestly I don't see the big deal. You're a powerful being, if he doesn't want to show you off.
Kick him off."
Was that mean?

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