Chapter 11

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"Ren wake up! We have to go to the studio today." Mia shook me awake.

I groaned. "UGHHH...give me 5 more minutes I'm tired!" I whined, as I buried my face back into my pillow.

"No! If you hadn't stayed out kissing Matt, then you wouldn't be tired!"

"Um I came back to the room to find you and Shawn making out on MY bed. Then I had to disinfect it. I didn't want whatever germs you two rubbed all over it." I grumbled as I climbed out of bed and picked out my outfit for the day. Since we were spending the entire day recording, I just wore black Nike shorts, one of my personalized, green, tank tops that I wear for meet and greets, and some black vans. I put my hair up in a messy bun and brushed my teeth before I left.

"Alright I'm ready to go! C'mon Mia, we can't be late!"

"Alright! I'm coming, the car is already out front!"

We hurried out the door and down to the hotel lobby. We found our car and climbed in as quickly as we could. We spent the 30 minute drive singing at the top of our lungs to a bunch of different songs. When we got there, we went up to the recording studio and saw Simon waiting on us.

"Aw girls! It's good to see you. So today we want you to perform with some of the One Direction boys. So to start off, Mia you will be with Harry, and Renee you with Niall. They're already in the recording booths warming up. Some songs you will sing with them and some you will sing by yourself." We both smiled and nodded our heads and walked to our booths. I saw Niall and was excited to hang out with him today.

"Good morning Niall. How are you?" I asked while sitting down on the stool next to him.

"I'm fine, how are you?" He asked while smiling brightly.

"Good. Hey Nash told me that you stopped by the hotel to hang out with Mia and I. I'm sorry I wasn't there, I was at the lake, but I would love to hang out some time."

"Alright sounds good. Anyways, are you ready to sing? I'm excited to hear you sing. Everyone I've talked to says your great." He was chattering, but I could tell it was just because he was nervous.

"Eh...I'm alright, but I'm nothing close to you." I told him because it was the truth. Niall was a great singer.

I watched him blush as he smiled. "Well thank you."

Just then Simon talked to us through the sound system. "Ok so let's start off with just Renee singing by herself. Niall you come out here and sit with us." I was extremely nervous to sing in front of them.

"Good luck, Ren! Don't be nervous. We've all had to do this before." Niall rubbed my back as left the booth.

"Ok, so to make sure you're not uncomfortable we will play whatever you want and you can just sing along until we say stop or change the song. So what would you like us to play?"

I bit my lip trying to think of a good genre of music to sing along to.
"Um...well my favorite kind of music is country, but I know it's only a big deal in America, so..."

"So you really are a bit of a country girl, huh? Okay let's see how many songs you actually know. Play the tracks." Simon commanded.

I heard one of my favorite songs and forgot all about what I was doing and just sang my heart out.


I was so excited to be able to spend the day with Ren. Even if she did break my heart, I can't blame her. She doesn't even know. I swear my heart skipped a beat whenever Renee said she wanted to hang out with me.

I was currently sitting outside the booth getting ready to listen to her sing. I could tell she was extremely nervous, but I really wanted to hear what she sounded like. I heard the music play and expected her to sound like a normal 16 year old girl, but she was amazing. Her voice was like liquid gold and I was mesmerized.

"Holy Sh-" I started.

"Shh, Niall be quiet!" Simon hissed at me.

I don't know how many songs Ren sang before she finally asked, "That's the tenth song, can I please take a water break?"

We had gotten so distracted listening to her sing that we lost track of time.

"Oh my! We're sorry, Ren. Go ahead and take a break and then we'll have Niall join you in there." Simon told her.

He then turned to me and told me what we would be doing today. "Alright we are going to play some male/female duets and I'm sure you know how those work. After that you're free to go home. I'm going to go take a quick break and then we will be ready to record again."

"Alright sounds good." I said while walking into the booth.

After a few minutes Ren came back in and I decided to ask why she was on crutches. "So Renee, what happened to your foot?"

"I was playing basketball and I fell on it. I just sprained it though and should be off crutches soon." She told me. I was about to ask her about her vines, but was stopped whenever her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" She said through the phone.

I heard a lot of screaming, but she didn't even seem phased.

"No we left at 8!"
"I wasn't going to go into your room just to tell you I was leaving."
"Well Taylor, Cam, and Shawn knew we had to be here today, and he just got here yesterday!"
"No I did not take your new shirt, I promise!"
"No Matt, we are going out tonight with Mia and Shawn!"
"Matthew Espinosa! That is inappropriate!"
"Yes. Okay, bye babe see ya later."

I was having a good time with Ren until Matt called her. I didn't want to hear their phone conversation, but I did and it was like another stab to the heart. Not only was she going out with Matt tonight, but she also called him babe in front of me. I want to pretend like it was me she was calling babe, but it wasn't.

"Hey sorry about that Niall, that was just Matt calling because...well I don't really know." She tried explaining.

I just nodded my head trying to get a grip on my emotions so I didn't break down in front of her. I was a sensitive guy and I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of her.

"Ya know Ren? I just got a text from Louis and I guess he glued his butt to the toilet seat and Eleanor won't help him. I have to go, sorry!" I said, making up whatever story that came to my head.

"Um ok, I'll see-" I didn't even hear the rest of what she said. I was already out the door and making my way downstairs and heading out to the parking lot. I sat in my car just staring off into space. I decided that there was only one thing that I could do.

When I got home I packed my bags and booked the next flight out to Ireland. I needed to be home right now so I could get some advice from my brother, Greg.

8 hours later

I had gotten off my flight two hours ago and drove all the way out to my brothers house. The entire way there I cried. I've never experienced this type of pain before and needed some advice on how to handle it.

I pulled up into my brothers driveway not doing anything about the tears still running down my face as I rang the doorbell.

My brother answered the door with a smile on his face, but it quickly changed when he saw me. "Niall? What's wrong?"

"Can I come in?" I asked, while my voice cracked with every word.

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