Chapter 6

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We couldn't find Niall anywhere, so we decided to go to his flat and see if he was there. We needed to find out what was up with him. We all tried to think of what could be upsetting him, but couldn't come up with anything. Instead we decided to talk about Ren and Mia.

"They're absolutely hilarious and I don't think they even try." Zayn said. I nodded my head in agreement.

I started to think about their personalities and asked the question that had been brewing in my head all day long. "Guys? Does Renee seem like the female version of Niall?"

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, trying to understand what was going through my head.

"Like they both have blue eyes, their both extremely pale, but not only physical qualities. Their personalities are alike." I answered, trying to explain how they were similar.

Louis jumped into the conversation before I could go on. "They're both extremely happy, talkative, and let's not forget they both have more of an appetite than all of us combined. I think Ren is a bit more closed off than Niall. He's so open about everything and she doesn't strike me as that type of person.

"I agree with Louis. I don't think she would just tell us about her problems. I don't even think...guys we haven't even asked her what happened to her foot! The girl is on crutches for crying out loud and we haven't even asked why!" I realized Zayn was right. We hadn't asked her what happened and why she was on crutches. I instantly felt terrible.

"I can't believe we haven't asked her what happened. She probably thinks we are jerks! I feel awful!" Liam exclaimed.

Leave it to Liam to make us all feel bad. I turned on the radio so we didn't have to talk about how we forgot to ask why she was on crutches. Our song 'Story Of My Life' came on the radio and we all started singing along. By the time it was done we were in the parking lot and headed up to Niall's flat. We went up to knock on the door and when he opened it, we were all shocked by what we saw. His eyes were red and his cheeks tear-stained and blotchy. Niall had been crying.


When Mia and I opened our room door, we were bombarded with hugs.

"We missed you two nut heads so much!" Nash said as he messed up our hair.

"We've only been gone for like five hours and I bet you guys just woke up an hour ago." I said as I fixed my hair.

"Whatever. So Mia, will you do a YouTube video with Cam, Taylor, and I?" Nash asked, turning to Mia.

"Sure. We can film it in here and Ren can go hang out with Matt." She offered.

I was about to tell her there was no way we could do that without Taylor yelling at us, but then he asked to talk to me. I followed him to his room and waited for him to talk.

"Renee, I've been an absolute jerk to you and Matt both. I just really view you as my little sister and wouldn't ever want you to get hurt by anything or anyone. After I talked to Matt last night, I realized he wouldn't do that and if he did, I would murder him. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm ok with Mia dating Shawn so if you want...I'm okay with you dating Matt. I really want to say I'm sorry and I don't want to ruin you're trip here in Great Britain. Forgive me?" Taylor finally looked up from the ground, waiting for my answer.

I was quiet for awhile and then I ran up and hugged him. "Taylor, I love you loads. You know I couldn't stay mad at you. I forgive you. Thank you for apologizing." I said as I squeezed him as tight as I could. We walked back to my room where they were all talking and waiting on us to get back.

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