Chapter 16

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"Hey man should I invite everyone down here for a movie night?" I asked Cam who was sitting in the chair across our hotel room.

He nodded his head yes so I sent a group text to everyone and within minutes almost everyone had shown up. We had started to argue about movies until Cameron asked a very important question. "Wait where are Matt and Ren?"

"They weren't in our room." Mia said shrugging her shoulders.

"Has Ren even got back from hanging out with Niall?" Shawn asked.

"No I definitely saw both of them like 45 minutes ago." Nash told us.

I sighed heavily knowing they're probably doing something they shouldn't be doing. "I'll be right back." I quickly left and went across the hall, unlocking the door. I walked in and quickly regretted that decision.


Renee looked very annoyed and Matt was just plain scared. "Ugh Taylor, we weren't doing anything like that. We were just making out. That's why we have clothes on."

"NOTHING HAPPENED BECAUSE I CAME IN HERE AT THE RIGHT TIME! GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" I was absolutely furious with Matt at the moment.

I walked over and just threw Renee over my shoulder before walking back across the hall and sitting her right in between Cameron and Nash. "What the actual heck?" Renee asked.

"Yeah dude for real? What's wrong with you?" Nash asked me.

Matt came into the room still embarrassed and said, "he's just pissed because Ren and I were kissing."


"Wait, what?" Cameron asked, now suddenly interested.

"That is not true. We were fully clothed, but we were not doing anything like that. You guys know me better than that. Besides I don't want a baby." Renee defended herself.

"Wait...never?" Matt questioned, which only made me really pissed.

She rolled her eyes obviously annoyed with the situation as well. "Matthew don't be stupid. I meant I don't want to be on MTV's teen mom."

Cameron was extremely confused, as was everyone else. "Wait so you guys were only making out?"

They both nodded and he just rolled his eyes. "Are you serious Taylor? I know she's like our baby sister, but you need to realize that it's normal. Plus you were doing way worse stuff at her age."

I crossed my arms over my chest because I knew he was right. "Fine, but you guys aren't sitting together during this movie."


Renee had an entire week off so after convincing Taylor to let us go, we were able to travel around Great Britain some more. We were also able to do some meet and greets. This was my favorite par because I loved getting to tell the fans how much I love and appreciate them. Without their support, I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't have the same opportunities, the same friends, or the same girl. I can't imagine life without her.

I was currently cuddled up next to Ren while we watched some random movie on Netflix. I wasn't really sure why we were watching this movie because it was extremely boring. I looked down to see if she was paying any attention when I realized that she had fallen asleep on my chest. I couldn't stop myself from smiling and after a few minutes I realized I had just bee staring at her. I was in the middle of playing with her hair when my phone started ringing and I looked at the familiar caller, my manager. I gently moved Renee's head to a pillow and went to the other room so I didn't wake her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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