Chapter 10

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I don't know how long I sat out there in the park, but it must have been awhile because when the guys finally found me they said they'd been looking for me everywhere.

"Niall? What the heck happened?" Louis asked me.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I screamed. "I GO ON INSTAGRAM TO FIND A PICTURE OF RENEE AND MATT KISSING!" The thought of it made me start crying so hard I was shaking.

"Niall, I'm so....sorry." Louis whispered, afraid if he talked to loud that I would break.

"Well sorry doesn't fix anything does it? No. And the worst part is, she didn't do anything wrong! He's her boyfriend! They can make out all they want! And I have to sit here as my heart breaks even more!" I was so hurt. Why was this happening to me?

"Niall...heartbreaks hurt. We all know, but-" Liam tried to tell me.

"Yea they do hurt, but want to know what hurts worse? I never got the chance to hold her, tell her she's beautiful, kiss her, or call her my girlfriend." I said between my cries. My voice cracked whenever I said girlfriend and I felt so hopeless. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

"Niall, why don't you at least tell Ren how you feel?" Zayn suggested.

"Because I don't want her to be freaked out. And besides she has a boyfriend...why would she care?"

"I think she'd care because not only is she a big fan of One Direction, but you've always been her favorite. From the very beginning she always thought you were attractive. Even if she hasn't always liked the band. She's always liked you." Harry told me.

"How do you know that?" I was curious as to how he knew such a thing.

"Matthew told me." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

At the sound of his name my hands formed into fists. " YOU TALKED TO HIM? WHAT THE HECK?" I screamed at Harry, as I stood up. I felt so betrayed.

"Niall, cool down a bit. Matthew is a friendly kid, you've said so yourself. Harry was just talking to him. He just found out a bit more about Ren." Liam said holding me back from trying to punch Harry.

I sighed as I sat down. "Whatever." I grumbled. I felt so broken and alone.

"You can stay with me tonight, alright mate?" Zayn asked me. I knew they were just worried about me being alone. I just nodded my head as we began the walk back to Zayn's place.


"For the millionth time Matt, it will be okay." I tried convincing him that Taylor wouldn't be mad because he knew where we were. "Just tell him there was traffic."

We were 30 minutes past curfew and Matt was scared that Taylor would be pissed. We finally made and we walked into Taylor and Cameron's room to find Nash and Mia in there as well, but Cam was gone.

I watched Taylor stand up from his seat on the couch, but before he could yell I stopped him. "Wait! Before you yell at us about curfew, there was a car accident so there was traffic."

Taylor sighed, relieved to know we weren't out partying. "Oh, okay. I'm not mad then." I sighed glad we avoided that argument. "But Cameron is pissed to the max. He's in Matt's room and he wants to talk to you both."

"Why is he upset?" Matt asked, his voice shaking because he's scared of Cam, even though he'd never admit it. Taylor just shrugged his shoulders and Matt groaned as we made our way to his room. We walked in and Cameron instantly stood up and started yelling.

"Ok first off, Renee you can't just hang up on me! And number two, what is this?" He asked as he held out his phone. It was a picture of Matt and I kissing down by the lake.

"Where did you get that?" I asked, panicked.

"It's all over Instagram and Twitter. I thought you said you hadn't kissed." Cam complained.

"We hadn't! That was after the phone call. Don't be mad at her, please. I kissed her. A fan took that picture of us." Matt tried explaining to Cam, so he would cool down.

"Oh...okay. I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just protective." He apologized and hugged me. Then he gave me devilish grin. "So how was it?"

"How was what?" I asked, confused, but grateful for his mood change.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "The kiss? How was it?" My eyes grew wide and I could feel my cheeks blush.

"Well the idiot fan who got this picture interrupted after two seconds," Matt complained.

"Well I'll leave you guys to it then. But, nothing other than kissing. Got it Espinosa? If I find out-"

"Ok thanks for stopping in Cameron, goodbye!" I said pushing him out the door. Matt just raised his eyebrows at me. I smiled and moved back towards him. He cupped his hands around my face just like he had at the lake and leaned down to attach our lips, giving me butterflies as I felt him smile into the kiss.


I had gone back to my room so I could have some alone time. I turned on the tv and went to make some popcorn in the kitchen. While it was in the microwave I heard a knock at my door. I figured it was just Ren and she forgot her key so I went to open the door and it was definitely not Ren.

"Shawn! What are you doing here?" I screamed as I jumped in his arms.

"Well when you had called me, I was already on my way out here. Taylor called me a couple days before and asked me if I could come out here and so I did and now I'm here." He smiled.

"I missed you so much." I told him as I let him in.

"I missed you more." He told me as he kissed me. Five minutes later that kiss had turned into a make-out session, but was soon interrupted.

"Aw guys c'mon! Seriously? Number one that's my bed, number two get off it, and number three put up a sign next time or something. Lordy." Ren complained, as she left the room. She had ruined the moment, so Shawn and I just sat around and ate popcorn. If she was good at anything, it was ruining a moment.

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