A March to the End...

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"Come. Let us begin the march to the Kingdom."

Sabre reluctantly followed, knowing if he let his guard down, it'd all be over. Shadow followed close behind, looking like he was deep in his thoughts. Corruption was right next to Sabre, with Soul near the front with Void- er- Rainbow Void. Man was he getting real sick of villains always changing their names after they grow more powerful. Sabre tilted his head backwards to move the green highlights out of his face. The highlights weren't his doing, as soon as he entered the world of Steves, his hair automatically changed and he gained a strange shaped mark from it as well. He also has something no one else has but he doesn't like to mention.

"Sabre, I must mention something that may come in hand later," Shadow said into his ear.

Sabre fiddled with the hood on his jacket covering his suit. He fell behind to speak with him without looking like an idiot, talking to the air.

"What is it that's so important right now, Shadow?" He asked in a whisper-shout.

"Please, Sabre, this time is a genuine plead. Please be cautious around lightning. Teleportation is fine but attack lightning or something other will result in me being seen by others. So please be careful!" Shadow sounded like he actually meant it this time. This is strange and different.

"Sabre, is something wrong?" Rainbow Void asked when Sabre fell back a good distance.

Sabre took a quick glance at Shadow and slightly nodded his head to agree with Shadow. He would be careful. And that was a promise he would keep. Sabre rushed forward his changed voice speaking once he was next to Soul.

"Yeah, of course, everything is fine. Why?" He asked, trying not to blow his cover.

"I was starting to think you were-- know what doesn't matter. Let's keep going."

Sabre looked back at Shadow, trying to see through his mask to see what his eyes were saying that he wasn't. But, if Sabre knew any better, he knew his blindfold and Shadow's were the same, one side looked as if it were some really thin cloth and the other looked solid and was impossible to see through. They held their stare for a little while longer, then they both walked on with the army and their leaders.

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