This Would Not be the End!

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⚠️Small Blood warning and some cursing⚠️

As the army and their leaders approached the gates of the Kingdom, Light watched from the top as he held his shield bearing the mark of the Colorless Guards and his Colorless Spear. He looked down at the guards at the front of the gate and the ones behind, in case they got in. He turned around completely and as the wind whipped around him, he watched over the Kingdom he and the Violet Leader built to keep the Steve's safe from the Darkness after Sabre did... well... let's just say it wasn't good. He turned back around to see a MASSIVE Darkness Beast coming over the hill. He shouted to his men.

"Alright men, this may be the end of everything, so put your best foot forwards don't let anyone past these gates!"

His men did nothing to acknowledge his shout but he knew they are listening to him. He watched as the army pressed forward and he saw an Indigo Steve covered with Darkness flying above, watching the army and circling to make sure none stray off and do other things, probably. Another Steve, Blue this time, was on the ground with Void and, who would've thunk, Sabre.

"Remember men, don't let anyone past these gates! Especially Sabre!" Light shouted loud enough so Sabre could hear him.

Sabre turned around and looked at Light in the eyes.

"Light, no please!"

Sabre then turned around completely and started running towards the gates.

"Shadow out. Out. Out. Out!" He stopped for a second, looked back after lightning hit him, and then rushed forward towards the gate.

"Light! Please!" Sabre pleaded.

"Don't let Sabre through this gate! He can not be trusted for his word anymore!" Light told his men, ignoring Sabre.

The Colorless Guards at the front of the gate stepped forward to block Sabre's entry. And when Sabre turned around, who other than Void was a few feet away from his position, his red eyes turned blue looked at him directly where his eyes would be. He quickly looked between Light atop of the gates, the Guards threatening to stab him with their Spears, Shadow looking absolutely hopeless, and Void who stood smirking.

"Well Sabre, it's been relatively nice being your shadow, but, it looks like this is our end. It's actually been nice knowing you. You are a very interesting person, Sabre, and, I would never have admitted it, but, I was lucky to be your shadow. Thanks, Sabre for all the adventure." Shadow gave his final words to Sabre but Sabre felt something inside him boiling and rising.

This would not be the end.

"No. NONONONONONONONO! Enough! ENOUGH! ENOUGH!!" Lightning started surrounding Sabre.

Shadow covered his head, knowing he would be seen, and he and Sabre started flying upwards. Sabre's voice changed and he pulled out the Shadow Sword.

"I'm sick of this! I'm sick of the Darkness! I'm sick of all of it!" Sabre started raining lightning on the army, destroying them all. They all collapsed to the ground and they lay there.

He had done it. He saved the Kingdom!

Sabre started slowing down, losing the adrenaline that started it all. He put the Sword away and turned towards Light. Light Steve stood on the gate, his eyes wide and he stood there in shock. Sabre then turned to Shadow, who looked like he didn't know what to say. His jaw was dropped and he looked tense.

"I- Woah. That was unexpected."

Sabre panted and a small smile came to his face as he lowered himself and Shadow down to the ground.

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