A Past Hero, or a Villan?

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Sabre arrived in the four corners of his mind and looked around, admiring the place he hadn't visited since the final battle against Shadow. The place where he gave his final farewell to him, the words that Shadow shared when he first arrived, Sabre said to him when he left Shadow in the one place that he never wanted to see. Everything.

Sabre walked over to the portal leading to one of the four corners which represents Everything and heaved a sigh before walking into the portal. He felt the smooth rush of wind and then felt the stabbing pain of Shadow's presence.

He walked out and looked around. Observing the place he had left behind so long ago, looking for the person that he had trusted so long ago.

"I see you have returned after soo long, Elan..."

Sabre did a full 180 before landing on the one person he came to find.

"I thought I told you, and ASKED you, to never call me by that name. It's always either Sabre or you-know-what,"

Shadow smirked and turned around, walking away. Sabre stood, frozen in place. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to speak. Anything he came here for, he didn't want to accomplish. He knew he should, a part of him was alive, wanting to move, speak, to hurt, but the rest didn't.

Come on Elan! Get a grip! Control yourself like you told Shadow to do all those years ago!! Sabre told himself.

He twitched and was suddenly back in control. It was almost like he was in a trance or something similar. He looked around in search of Shadow, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Shadow! You do realize I still have control of you right?!" He shouted.

No response.

"Shadow! Come here!"





He tried once more. It was almost like Shadow had just disappeared into thin air. Sabre, still tense, walked over to the portal and tried stepping through to get back to The Four Corners.

He fell right through.

"What the..?"

He tried again to step through.


He tried jumping through, again and again, and again. It was no use.


No response. It wasn't like he was going to get one in the first place.


Sabre screamed his name over and over, hoping to get Shadow's attention as Shadow did to him. But, if Shadow learned anything, it was that he was going to ignore Sabre as Sabre did him.

"Shadow, please! Look, I get it, we've had our quarrels in the past but can we put that behind us? I have a child out there, I have children now! Can't you see I can't leave them behind? You of all people should know you can NEVER leave a person you trust behind! And, I know I already broke that but that doesn't mean I can't fix it! Because I can! I have a child, I have friends and family out there! Please let me out of here!"

He paused and took off his blindfold, revealing his code and his eye. One eye was a dark, foresty kind of green with his pupil a thin diamond, slowly growing wider. His other eye was completely black with 1s and 0s. Binary code it's known as but Sabre refers to it as code. Every time he blinked, the code would change to say other things. Sabre never knew what they said or was supposed to say but he never questioned it... until now.

"Look, I now know what my- our code- says! It says 'Friendship is Temporary, Love is a Bond, and Trust is Forever.' It has always said that and always will! So please! Are you a Hero or the Villan in this story?"

A Hero or a Villan?

Shadow thought about that for a second.

Friendship is Temporary, Love is a Bond, Trust is Forever.

Shadow knew all those things referred to himself, Sabre, and all the Steve's they've encountered as a whole.

Friendship is Temporary

The Steves' never stayed for long and some even got angry and left entirely, never to be seen again.

Love is a Bond

Sabre, the Yellow Leader, Time, and Dark Steve all loved one or multiple persons. Sabre loved them all, they all loved him separately.

Trust is Forever

The trust Sabre has put between himself, Shadow, and all the Steves'. Red, Orange, Yellow, were all very close to him. Green, Blue, Indigo, were skeptical at first but gained trust, the Violets' were the most affectionate but that was just them as Violet Steves', but near the end, they became very passive-aggressive and then became kind again during Shadow's and Sabre's huge fight and Sabre won.

Shadow knew that Sabre had been through a lot, even in the past he never mentions. Shadow has been through Sabre's memories plenty of times and Shadow knew that Sabre has had a rough past dealing with many, many things that have hit him very hard. But, Shadow also knew that there are memories that will forever haunt Sabre.

Shadow took off his blindfold, revealing his eyes, which were pure code, forming the words that Shadow has never heard of until that moment. He felt his eyes turn glassy and he turned towards the portal and walked through, feeling the cooling sensation of Everything and then the freezing, hot presence of Sabre.


"Yes, it is me."

"What are you doing back here," he sniffled, "I thought you were going to take control of my body and live my life while I stay trapped here?"

Sabre wiped at his nose and used his other hand to wipe his tears.

"I was, but then I decided better."

"Better as in, come back inside Everything and.... help me..?"

"Yes. So come on, let's go and talk to your child. What's his name by the way?"

"Lucas. He's the one with blonde hair like Yellow Leader, an ice blue eye like Dark when he turned good with a brown eye since he is part human like I am. Oh and he can control time as Time Steve can."

We both walk through the portal leading to the four corners of Sabre's mind. Sabre grabbed Shadow's hand as they both teleported back through the portal, feeling the warm, and sweet feeling of Everything as no one was inside the corner. Once the brothers arrived back in the place where Sabre was once haunted by the Shadow Demon things, Shadow turned to Sabre without letting go of his hand.

"Alright Sabre, let's get out of here and go talk to that son of yours. And it'll be nice to finally get out of here and smell that fresh air of the outside world."

"Haha, yeah. C'mon Shadow, it'll be nice to see you again outside of this place."

Sabre and Shadow both look towards the ground and lightning surrounded both of them. They both take one last glance at each other before teleporting back to an area that's location shall not be disclosed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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