A Story Told by the Creator

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Each of the Leader's walked up and thanked him for his deed in saving the Kingdom, even if it still required using the darkness. Orange and Yellow were most supportive, Green, Blue, and Indigo tried their best, and Violet? Violet was very hesitant in thanking him but had no other choice because he too knew he couldn't have saved an entire Kingdom from a siege of Darkness.

Light then stepped forward and, even after the awkward hug, he seemed normal as if nothing happened. He put an arm around Sabre and guided him towards a house made of blue warped oak wood. Sabre turned to Light, a confused look on his face, and Light told him something Sabre almost started crying to again.

"This is your new house! Welcome to the Rainbow Kingdom, FavreMySabre,"

Sabre limped up the porch with the guidance of Light and Shadow and he turned around to look at the Leader's, Light, Shadow, and the massive crowd of Steve's surrounding the newly built house right next to the Citadel.

"I really can't thank you enough for this. I mean, a new house right next to the Citadel?! This is amazing! I-- thank you, all of you, I really do appreciate this."

Sabre smiled after a few "you're welcome's" from the Leader's, Light, and the people. After a couple of hours of talking with the people, the Leader's dismissed the crowds and everyone went back to their normal lives. Light told Sabre to check out his new place and Sabre happily followed him to his new house. They were walking up the steps when lightning started raining on top of the porch. Light drew his Spear and blocked Sabre from any attacks. The lightning slowed to a stop and a man stood in its place, he had short but shaggy hair coloured a light grey with darker grey near the bottom. He lifted his head and there was nothing but a mask on his face, a clock for that matter, and it covered everything except his mouth. He wore a light brown trench coat and black gloves. He smiled when he saw Sabre and Light.

Light put his Spear away and greeted the man with trust and kindness.

"Hey, Time Steve! What brings you here?"

"Oh, no reason, just... visiting! Yeah... hey is this your new place?"

Sabre glanced at Light before following Time into the house.

"You were watching us, weren't you?" Sabre had to ask.

"Okay, fine, yes I was. I also know that you have a wound on your side that cannot be healed the correct way."

"Are you able to reverse my time state then?!" Shadow perked up when he heard the offer and immediately moved to Sabre's side.

"Sadly, this is a battle between the darkness and the light inside you, Sabre. Reversing this would screw with your core because of how close together they are. For this, it would be better to let one or the other take over and heal itself. Right now it seems as though the light is taking over judging by your current state, but the darkness can retaliate and take control whenever it sees fit."

The news deepened Shadow's angst for his brother but he gained bravery and a new thought. He would protect his brother, even if it meant he would be seen and heard by others.

Shadow grabbed Sabre's arm and held on, letting his brother know he was still there, even if he couldn't be fixed. Sabre did nothing but let his arm relax in the grip of Shadow's hand.

"If... you guys don't mind... I'd, like to be alone for a bit..." Sabre lied. He wanted to talk to Shadow and gather his thoughts to figure something out.

"Oh, uh, o-of course, Sabre. We'll send Yellow to get you later for a meeting you have to fill in for me. I have business to take of with the Colorless Guards." Light told.

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