Once an Enemy, Now a Hero

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⚠️Curse and Blood warning (Some gore but not a lot)⚠️

"So, what you're telling me is, that you have a shadow that looks exactly like you and is literally you but the opposite?" Red paced back and forth on the green carpet while processing everything that Sabre told him.

"Yeah. He's still in the room right now cause he kind of can't leave."

"And this happened?" He went on.

"Back at the old Rainbow Hub when an Orange Steve was... destroyed... and I was infected by the Darkness."

Red kept on pacing and Shadow turned towards Sabre and spoke.

"Sabre, when is this guy gonna calm down and actually help you? It's... worrying... seeing you in this state."

"Geez, when did you get so caring?" Sabre rolled his eyes under his mask and shook his head. Red turned toward him and squinted.

"Were you talking to your 'Shadow?'" He asked.

"Yeah. He was asking when you were gonna help because he's worried about me, which has never happened and it is so adorable!"

"I am NOT adorable!" Shadow countered.

"Okay, hold on, before I start laughing, will it damage me more?"

"I wouldn't try it. Why? What'd he say?"

"He's countering saying he's not adorable."

"I most certainly am not!"

"Ok, can you please make yourself heard by him, please? You just sound so different! You have never acted like this before!"

"Yeah, because my brother wasn't actually dieing before!"

Everything went silent as soon as Shadow's words were said. Red couldn't hear him but knew that when Sabre went silent, he shouldn't intervene. He cleared his throat.

"I think we should get you healed up and then you can get going." He pushed his glasses up higher on his nose from the awkwardness of Sabre just staring in one direction and then turned away as he lay down on the bed.

⚠️Warning: Involves needles and stitches, plus some blood and some cursing, quite a bit too⚠️

"Ok, ready?" Red asked before starting.

Sabre looked in one direction but turned away looking disappointed and he nodded.

"Yeah, let's do this."

Red first cleaned up the blood surrounding the wound so he could see it more clearly. He then dabbed the wound with a numbing sort of substance he "borrowed" from the Professor. Sabre winced and groaned in the process of the numbing treatment and it made Red flinch. Red grabbed the needle and string he also "borrowed" from the Professor.

He exhaled, "Alright Sabre, are you sure you're ready?"

Sabre did nothing except nod rapidly.

Sabre thought he couldn't feel a thing because of the numbing ointment but as soon as Red pinched the wound together and started to stitch it up, he felt every little bit of it. He winced and bit his lip to hold back screams. Shadow turned from looking at the wall to looking at Sabre, seeing he was in pain from the stitching. Shadow turned around completely and walked over to Sabre's side. He leaned over and grabbed Sabre's hand to reassure him that he was still there and he still cared for him.

"It's alright, I'm still here," Shadow told him.

Sabre did nothing but bite his lip harder and squeeze Shadow's hand tightly. Shadow flinched but didn't care.

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