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The next two days went by quickly. Anastasia and Draco were beginning to become really good friends. This made Anastasia think that this school year would not be as bad as she had previously thought. Of course, Anastasia was spending time with her other friends as well. Fleur and Stas liked to study together in the library and talk about the tournament. Especially since Fleur put her name in the Goblet of Fire, Anastasia, of course, could not enter the tournament because she was only fourteen. But, she hoped the goblet would choose Fleur to represent Beauxbatons. Anastasia and Viktor liked to practice quidditch together in the afternoon at the pitch. Anastasia liked that she would still be able to play quidditch this year, even with the tournament. She would also get to play against the four Hogwarts houses and Durmstrang!

The next day finally arrived. The day to pick the Triwizard Champions. Anastasia sat next to Draco in the Great Hall which was full of eager students.

"Who do you think the champions will be?" Draco whispered to her.

"I hope Fleur and Viktor become champions," She said.

"I agree; I want Viktor to win the whole thing."

Draco and Anastasia put their conversation to a halt when Dumbledore began speaking. He said a few words about the tournament before beginning to pick the champions.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore said.

Anastasia and Draco clapped and happily smiled at one another.

"The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore said.

This made Anastasia excitedly get up to hug her friend as she walked up to Dumbledore.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore said.

Anastasia knew of Cedric Diggory. She knew him as a cute popular boy, who was the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain. She learned this after listening in on conversations in the girl's lavatory.

Dumbledore said a few last words before the Goblet of Fire began acting up. The professors looked very concerned as fire swished in the air. Then finally, a piece of burnt parchment flew out of the goblet into the air. This caused whispers to fill the hall as Dumbledore slowly approached the goblet.

"Harry Potter."

Everyone had looks of shock and confusion on their faces now.

"Can't there just be one year when Potter isn't the star!" Draco said furiously.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled furiously.

Potter stumbled, getting up, as the girl behind him pushed him.

"He's a cheat!" Someone yelled.

"He's not even seventeen!" Goyle said furiously from a few seats down.

Anastasia stayed put, as many eyes were on her. Anastasia was quite confused about why everyone was looking at her, but she was in too much shock to care. Potter shamefully walked down the staircase where the other champions had gone.

Draco and his 'minions' were furious at this. They did not want Potter to be in the tournament.

In the midst of Draco's infinite rant at lunch, a short brunette girl came over and sat next to him.

"Oh, Draco, please do not be upset!"

After a good ten minutes, this girl made Anastasia annoyed. Especially since the girl was squishing her in her seat. Draco also looked quite annoyed. Anastasia could tell because he kept rolling his eyes at the girl and looking up at Anastasia. One of Draco's minions, Vincent Crabbe, finally noticed how annoyed Anastasia was becoming.

"Her name is Pansy Parkinson," He said, grinning at Stas.

"Thanks," Anastasia said, smirking.

"Could you please stop!" Anastasia said, annoyed.

"What is your problem?" Pansy said snobbishly, not knowing who she was talking to.

"Your desperation is my problem!" Anastasia said, cooly.

"Excuse me, but do you even know who my family is?" Pansy said as she contorted her face.

"Unfortunately, I know who you are, Parkinson. Needless to say, I am not impressed," Anastasia said, looking her up and down.

By now, many people at the Slytherin table were staring at the two girls that were arguing.

"Some half-blood French girl, am I right?" Pansy said, "No need to even tell me your name for me to know this."

Anastasia laughed as she said, "Please, are you really that daft?"

Parkinson stared at her with her arms crossed, waiting for her name.

"Anastasia Riddle," She said holding out her hand mockingly with a smirk.

Parkinson's face instantly turned a dramatic pale. The girl looked as if she were about to faint. Instead of taking Anastasia's hand, she ran out of the great hall.

Once she was gone, the entire Slytherin table erupted in laughter. Anastasia laughed too at how fast Pansy ran. Draco, on the other hand, looked somewhat distraught. Anastasia noticed and became concerned as this mood was odd to see compared to his usual cocky personality.

"I apologize for her. She's just a tramp." He said.

"You don't need to apologize for her" Stas said.

He nodded wordlessly. 

"Would you like to go someplace quieter?" He asked.

"The library, perhaps?"

Anastasia smiled with a nod.

The pair walked to the library together and sat down at one of the tables. They sat beside one another and pulled their schoolwork out of their bags. Anastasia and Draco proceeded to begin working on their homework together.

They worked on schoolwork for the rest of the afternoon until it was time for dinner.

Pansy and Anastasia's fight was the talk of the Great Hall. Everyone applauded Anastasia's actions except the Gryffindors, of course.

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