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The pair sat on the couch, the light from the television shining upon them. The whole room was dark and the light coming from the tv was the only source of brightness. The small sounds of crickets and frogs can be heard outside along with the music and voices heard from the movie playing.

Soobin felt his eyelids start getting heavy as it became harder and harder to keep them open. His vision was starting to fade as he stared at the main character trying to light her way through a long and dark hallway. The scary and suspenseful music playing in the background.

Soobin turned his view from the tv to Yeonjun who was sitting down next to him. The boy was already passed out, hugging a pillow from the couch. The peaceful look covering his sleeping face.

Soobin paused the movie and turned the tv off, the room becoming incredibly dark. Thankfully the streetlights from outside shined into the room a bit to the point that Soobin was able to see Yeonjun's figure sleeping.

Soobin wanted to walk to his room but his legs were already tired and sore from walking around the mall today. He was too lazy to even get up at this point so he just let his sleepiness take control and laid down on the opposite side of the couch from where Yeonjun was sleeping at.

He used the soft and comfortable armchair to support his head like a pillow. It was a bit awkward in this position but his tiredness threw away those incontinent thoughts. He hasn't felt this sleepy without sleeping pills in a long time, this was probably the first time in many years that he slept without them.

His eye started shutting down, the drowsiness blacking him out and being the transportation to the imagination world. 


Yeonjun woke up with the air conditioner turning on automatically. It was a faint and soft sound but it was enough to wake up the light sleeping Yeonjun. He looked around the room and turned to his smartwatch. 2:31 am.

He still felt tired and wanted to go to sleep until he noticed the figure of Soobin laying down on the other end of the couch. He was curled up into a ball while his head laid on the arm of the chair.

Yeonjun moved over adjusting his position and sitting up. It was quite cold in the room and the younger boy didn't have anything to cover himself with, so he decided to get up and bring him a blanket.

Yeonjun went to his room and took out some soft and cozy blankets, he made his way back to the living room where the younger boy was sleeping and placed a blanket on top of him. It would have been better if he carried Soobin to his room but Yeonjun didn't want to disturb the tranquil boy.

He carefully covered the boy making sure he stayed warm and cozy. He went back to sit down where he originally was and stared silently at the boy. His heart was still beating for Soobin, he knew it. But he wanted to hide it with carelessness instead.

Soobin looked so perfect while snoozing off. He could probably stare at Soobin forever and never get tired of that precise and elegant face. He was afraid Soobin will leave him soon, he had to keep his reality in check and admit that one-day Soobin will have to leave and renew his life again.

Yeonjun could notice that Soobin was improving his lifestyle. After only three days Soobin was looking way better than what he looked like when he first appeared at his door. The eyebags left, his cheeks have finally become tinted with color and he was improving on the missing and unhealthy weight.

He was excited and happy that Soobin was getting used to food again. He would finally be able to have proper meals with him now. No more ramen or basic salads for Soobin anymore. 

Yeonjun sighed as he covered himself with an extra blanket he grabbed. He didn't want to leave Soobin alone in the dark and silent living room so he decided to stay as well. "Good night...Yeonjun" he whispers. He didn't wait for an answer since the younger boy was in a deep sleep so he let his eyes close.

Drifting along with his dreams.

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