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Sal looked at herself. Well not herself, but the person she could become.

"Let's go. The Father is waiting for us," Older Sal said while starting to run through the cave. The cave got darker and Sal saw her older self ignite an orange lightsaber. Sal ignited her crossblade and almost cut herself. Older Sal snorted.

"I hated that saber. The hilt, I mean," Older Sal explained.

"So, how did you get here?" Younger Sal asked.

"You ask unanswerable questions. I really don't know. One day I was on Lothal and the next I was here," Older Sal said while rubbing her chin with her free hand. Older Sal's lightsaber floated out of her hand and followed her.

"What are you doing on Lothal?" Sal questioned.

"Dealing with a group of Rebels."

"And did you put them to justice?"

"Justice? No! A lot will change, no matter what happens to you. Ask the father these things. Or Ahsoka."

"Ahsoka? Why would Ahsoka know?"

Older Sal sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. "You ask way too many questions. We are almost there. This place is as dark as Umbara."

When young Sal didn't respond, the older one sighed. "You haven't been to Umbara yet, have you?"


"So it's still all fun and games, eh? Good times. I loved the boys," Older Sal chuckled.


"I don't want to talk about that," Older Sal sighed. "The memories..."

Older Sal reached out in the force and a stone rolled open. Well, a door, if you could even consider it that. An old man was meditating on a mat while talking to a younger man.

"I sense a disturbance, Father," the younger man told the older man. "Is there someone here?"

"No. Nobody's here, Son," the Father told the Son. "You may be gaveling visions."

"Well then, father, why do I have possession of a human?"

The Father's eyes snapped open. "Where is this human?"

"He's in my castle. Safe, I promise. Only one bite..."


"He's fine, Father. I hope there aren't any more, Father. They get boring fast," the Son smirked.

"Just return him to me."

"So you knew he was here."

"What!? No! I want to return him to his world."

"Father, why are there humans here?"

"The Chosen One is here," the Father sighed. "I need an heir."

The Son stormed off without a question and the father sighed in relief. Older Sal walked up to the Father and young Sal followed. Older Sal bowed and turned into the Daughter.

"I brought the fourth," the Daughter announced while looking over at Sal.

"Good, my daughter. We now have two here in the castle. Where is the togruta?"

"She is in another cave, hiding from the storm," the Daughter replied. "I plan on retrieving her soon."

"What's going on?" Sal asked. The Father looked over at her and chuckled.

"We brought four of you here. The Chosen One and the good, neutral, and evil of his life."

"Evil? None of us treat Master Skywalker badly!" Sal exclaimed.

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