Chapter 1 The new wolf pup

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One morning all of the animals in the forest woke up and started to walk over to the wolf den. There was a new wolf pup that was just born. The birds flew through the trees while the other animals walked across the forest. One of the birds was really good friends with the wolves. The bird was named Nigel. He flew over to the alpha and landed in front of the alpha. He bowed and the alpha smiled. Then the bear named Koda walked up to the alpha and they hugged each other. Then the alpha walked over to its mate and his mate nibbled the top of the pups head and the pup looked up. Koda picked up the wolf pup and walked up to the top of the den and held him up to the sky. All of the animals made some noise. Then the alpha pair walked out and the animals bowed. Later that morning a mouse crawled out of it's mouse hole and the wolf that was there caught it with his paw. "Life's not fair, is it? You see, why I shall never be alpha. And you, you shall never see the light of another day." Branden said. Before he could even put the mouse in his mouth Nigel showed up. "Didn't your mother ever tell you to not play with your food?" Nigel said. "What do you want?" Branden said. "I'm here to announce that Zack is on his way so you better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning." Nigel said. Then the mouse ran away. "Oh now look Nigel. You made me lose my lunch." Branden said. "You lose more than that when the alpha gets through with you. He's as mad as a bear with a hernia." Nigel said. "Oh, I quiver with fear." Branden said. "Now Branden, don't look at me that way. Help!" Nigel said before Branden got him in his mouth. "Branden, drop him." Zack said. "Impeccable timing your majesty." Nigel said while poking his beak out of Branden's mouth. Branden spit him out and walked up to his brother. "Why if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners." Branden said. "Lily and I didn't see you at the presentation of John." Zack said. "That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful. Must have slipped my mind." Branden said. "Yes, well as slippery as your mind is as the alpha's brother you should have been first in line." Nigel said. "Well I was first in line until the little pup was born." Branden said. "That pup is my son and your future alpha." Zack said. "Oh I shall practice my curtsey." Branden said before turning away. "Don't turn your back on me Branden!" Zack said. "Oh no Zack, perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me." Branden said. Zack growled at Branden as he got in front of him.

"Is that a challenge?" Zack said. "Temper temper, I wouldn't dream of challenging you." Branden said. "Pity, why not?" Nigel said. "Well, as far as brains go I got the wolves share but when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool." Branden said as he walked away. "There's one in every family, two in mine actually, and they always manage to ruin special occasions." Nigel said. "What am I going to do with him?" Zack said. "He'd make a very handsome throw rug." Nigel said. "Nigel." Zack said. "And just think, whenever we get dirty you can take him out and beat him." Nigel said. A few years go by and John is up at the crack of dawn. "Dad dad, come on dad we gotta go, wake up." John said. He ran up to his mom and dad. "Dad, dad, dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad, dad." John said. "My son's awake." Lily said. "Before sunrise he's your son." Zack said. "Dad, come on dad." John said before pulling his dad's ear. Then he charged at his dad and bumped into him which woke him up. "You promised." John said. "Okay okay, I'm up I'm up." Zack said. His dad came out and they went up to the very top of the den. "Look John, everything the light touches is our kingdom. An alpha's time as leader rises and falls like the sun. One day John the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new alpha." Zack said. "And this will all be mine?" John asked. "Everything." Zack said. "Everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place?" John asked "That's beyond our borders. You must never go there John." Zack said. "But I thought an alpha can do whatever they want." John said. "Well, there's more to being alpha than getting your way all the time." Zack said. "There's more?" John asked. Then they walked around the forest for a while. "Everything you see exist together in a delicate balance. As alpha, we need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping deer." Zack said. "But dad, don't we eat the deer?" John asked. "Yes John, but let me explain. When we die our bodies become the grass and deer eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the great circle of life." Zack said. Then Nigel showed up. "Good morning Zack." Nigel said. "Good morning Nigel." Zack said. "Checking in with the morning report." Nigel said. "Fire away." Zack said. Then Nigel started to give the morning report. 🎶Woodpeckers are pecking wood owls remain above it all. Squirrels remember. Though just what I can't recall. Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said no thanks. We haven't paid the robins and the vultures have a hunch. Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch. This is the morning report. Gives you the long and the short. Every grunt, roar, and snort. It's not a tale I distort. On the morning report.🎶 Zack noticed John doing something. "What are you doing son?" Zack said. "Stalking pray." John said. Let an old pro show you how it's done." Zack said. While Nigel was still giving them the morning report Zack was giving a stalking pray lesson. "Stay low to the ground. Not a sound. Take it slow, one more step, then." Zack said. That's when John tackled Nigel to the ground. 🎶This is the morning report gives you long and the short. Every grunt, roar, and snort. Not a tail I distort. On the morning report.🎶 John sang. Then he threw Nigel by grabbing his tail with his mouth and swung his head around in two circular motions before letting go. As he was walking back over to his dad Zack said "That's very good." Then a groundhog comes up and tells Nigel that there are mountain lions in the forest. "Zack, mountain lions, in the forest!" Nigel said. "Nigel, take John home." Zack said. "Aw, dad can't I come?" John asked. "No son." Zack said before leaving to get the mountain lions to leave the forest. "I never get to go anywhere." John said. "Oh young master, one day you will be alpha then you can chase those slobbering mangy stupid poachers from dawn until dusk." Nigel said as they went back home. Later that day John went to go talk to his uncle. "Hey uncle Branden guess what." John said. "I despise guessing games." Branden said. "I'm going to be the alpha of the wolf pack." John said. "Oh, goody." Branden said sarcastically. "My dad just showed me the whole kingdom... and I'm gonna rule it all." John said. "Yes, well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know." Branden said before falling onto the ground. "Hey, uncle Branden. When I'm alpha...what'll that make you?" John asked. "A monkey's uncle." Branden said. "You're so weird." John said with a laugh. "You have no idea. So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?" Branden said. "Everything." John said. "He didn't show you what's beyond that rise... at the northern border?" Branden said. "Well, no. He said I can't go there." John said. "And he's absolutely right. Far too dangerous, only the bravest wolves go there." Branden said. "Well, I'm brave, what's up?" John asked. "I'm sorry John, I just can't tell you." Branden said. "Why not?" John said. "John, I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew." Branden said. "I'm your only nephew." John corrected. "All the more reason for me to be protective. A mountain lion graveyard is no place for a young pup." Branden said. "A mountain lion what? Whoa." John said. "Oh dear I've said too much. Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later. You're being so clever. Just do me one favor. Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place." Branden said. "No problem." John said. "There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun and remember, it's our little secret." Branden said. Then John left.

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