Chapter 4 the stampede part 2 & Hakuna Matata part 1

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Nigel got over to them. "There, behind that rock." Nigel said. "Hold on, John!" Zack said. One of the deer came very close to him. "Aah!" John said. Zack bolted into action to save his son. "Oh, Branden, this is awful! What'll we do? I'll go back for help, that's what I'll do. I'll go back." Nigel said before getting wacked away by Branden. Zack ran past the rock and made a very dangerous turn and ran towards the rock when he got knocked down by a deer. The rock starts to roll as John got on top of the rock but it caused him to get flung into the air. Zack jumped up and caught him with his mouth. While moving over to one side of the gorge he bumps into a deer that made him lose his grip on John. Zack picked him up again and put him on a ledge but then got swept back into the stampede. "Dad!" John said. He couldn't see anything through the thick cloud of dust. Just then Zack leaped out of the stampede and started to climb up the side of the gorge. At the top of the gorge Zack was having trouble getting to the top. "Branden! Brother! Help me!" Zack said. Branden dug his paws into Zack's paws. Zack whimpered.

"Long live the alpha." Branden said before throwing Zack off the side of the gorge. Zack howled as he fell. "NOOOOOOOOO!" John said. He went down into the gorge as the rest of the herd made its way through the gorge. He looked and called for his dad but there was no answer. Then he herd something. "Dad?" John asked. That's when the last deer ran though. He saw his dad by the rock he hid behind. He walked over to his dad. "Dad? Dad, come on. You got to get up. Dad. We got to go home." John said before pulling his dad's ear but his dad didn't move. "Help! Somebody! Anybody. Help." John said before he started to cry. He walked back over to his dad and laid down next to his dad under his paw. Branden walked up to them. "John. What have you done?" Branden said. "There were deer, and he tried to save me. It was an accident. I didn't mean for it to happen." John said as he was crying. "Of course, of course you didn't. No one ever means for these things to happen... but the alpha is dead." Branden said as he hugged John. "And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive. What will your mother think?" Branden said. "What am I gonna do?" John asked. "Run away, John. Run. Run away and never return." Branden said. John runs away. Then Emma, Killian, and Henry walked up behind Branden. "Kill him." Branden said. Then they started to chase John. John looked over his shoulder when he heard something. He gets to the edge of a cliff and looked back to find out that the mountain lions were still after him. John jumps over the cliff and rolls down the cliff. He falls into thorn bushes. And crawls through them. "Whoa!" Killian said when he saw the thorn bushes. He slowed down just enough to stop himself when the other two bumped into him sending him into the thorns. Emma and Henry were laughing at him. "Aah! Ooh! Yeow!" Killian said as he climbed out of the thorns. He had thorns all over him. "Hey, there he goes. There he goes." Emma said. "So go get him." Killian said as he was pulling thorns out of his leg. "There ain't no way I'm going in there. You want me to come out looking like you, cactus butt?" Emma asked. "But we got to finish the job." Killian said while pulling thorns out of his butt. "Well, he's as good as dead out there anyway. And if he comes back, we'll kill him." Emma said. "Yeah! You hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill you!" Killian said. Later that night Branden took over as the alpha. "Zack's death is a terrible tragedy... but to lose John, who had barely begun to live. For me, it is a deep, personal loss. So, it is with a heavy heart... that I assume the position. (Alpha rank) Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy... we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era... in which wolf and mountain lion come together... in a great and glorious future." Branden said. Everyone thought that John was dead but he wasn't. John ran so far that he cloasped onto the ground. He was so exhausted that he passed out. Vultures circled around him overhead the next morning and they got chased off by a beaver and a bunny. "I love this! Bowling for buzzards." Jason said. "Hee hee hee! Gets them every time." Rocky said. "Uh-oh. Hey, Rocky, you better come look. I think it's still alive." Jason said. "All righty, what have we got here?" Rocky asked as he walked over. He sniffed one of the front paws and lifted the one covering John's face. "Jeez, it's a wolf! Run, Jason, move it!" Rocky said as he got on Jason's back. "Hey, Rocky, it's only a little wolf. Look at him. He's so cute and all alone. Can we keep him?" Jason asked. "Jason, are you nuts? You're talking about a wolf. Wolves eat guys like us." Rocky said. "But he's so little." Jason said. "He'll get bigger." Rocky said. "Maybe he'll be on our side." Jason said. "Ha! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he'll-- Hey, I got it. What if he's on our side? Having a wolf around might not be such a bad idea." Rocky said. "So, we're keeping him?" Jason asked. "Of course. Who's the brains of this outfit?" Rocky said. "Uh--" Jason said. "My point exactly. Jezz, I'm fried. Let's get out of here and find some shade." Rocky said. They take John over to a small, shallow pond of water where there was some trees and different kinds of brush. (Wild plants) Rocky splashed some of the water on John's face and John woke up. "You okay, kid?" Rocky asked. "I guess so." John said. "You nearly died." Jason said. "I saved you. Well, Jason helped-- a little." Rocky said. "Thanks for your help." John said as he started to walk away. "Hey, where you going?" Rocky asked. "Nowhere." John said. "Gee, he looks blue." Rocky said. "I'd say brownish gold." Jason said. "No, no, no. I mean he's depressed." Rocky said. "Oh." Jason said. They walk up beside John on either side. "Kid, what's eating you?" Jason asked. "Nothing, he's at the top of the food chain." Rocky said. He was laughing about it like it was a joke. "So, where you from?" Rocky asked. "Who cares? I can't go back." John said. "Ah, you're an outcast. That's great. So are we." Rocky said. "What'd you do, kid?" Jason asked. "Something terrible... I don't want to talk about it." John said. "Good. We don't want to hear about it." Rocky said. "Come on, Rocky. Anything we can do?" Jason said. "Not unless you can change the past." John said. "You know kid, in times like this, my buddy Rocky here says... you got to put your behind in your past." Jason said. "No, no, no. Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself. It's you got to put your past behind you. Look, kid, bad things happen... and you can't do anything about it, right?" Rocky asked. "Right." John said. "Wrong! When the world turns its back on you... you turn your back on the world." Rocky said. "That's not what I was taught." John said. "Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me. Hakuna matata." Rocky said. "What?" John asked. "Hakuna matata. It means no worries." Jason said. 🎶Rocky: Hakuna matata. What a wonderful phrase.
Jason: Hakuna matata. Ain't no passing craze.
Rocky: It means no worries for the rest of you days.
Rocky & Jason: It's our problem free philosophy.
Rocky: Hakuna matata.
(Mostly spoken: John: Hakuna matata?
Jason: Yeah. It's our motto.
John: What's a motto?
Rocky: Nothin'. What's a motto with you?
Jason: You know, kid, these two words will solve all your problems.
Rocky: That's right. Take Jason for example. Why... 🎶When he was a young beaver.
Jason: When I was a young beaver🎶
Rocky: Very nice.
Jason: Thanks.)
Rocky: He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal. He could clear the forest after every meal.
Jason: I'm a sensitive soul though I seem think-furred. And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind. And, oh, the shame!
Rocky: He was ashamed.
Jason: Thought of changing my name!
Rocky: Oh, what's in a name?
Jason: And I got down hearted.
Rocky: How did ya feel?
Jason: Every time I...
(Spoken: Rocky: Hey, Jason! Not in front of the kids.
Jason: Oh, sorry.)
Jason & Rocky: Hakuna matata. What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna matata. Ain't no passing craze.
John: It means no worries for the rest of you days.
Rocky: Yeah, sing it, kid!
Rocky & John: It's our problem free
Jason: Philosophy
All of them: Hakuna matata 🎶

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