Chapter 3 The lesson under the stars & the stampede part 1

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We were walking back home when we stopped in our tracks. "Nigel." Zack said. Nigel flew over to him. "Yes Zack?" Nigel said. "Take Ariel home. I've got to teach my son a lesson." Zack said. John crouched down. Nigel flew over to us. "Come, Ariel. John, good luck." Nigel said before taking me home. "John!" Zack said. John started to walk over to his dad when he stopped and saw his paw in his father's pawprint. He walked over to his dad and sat down. "John, I'm very disappointed in you." Zack said. "I know." John said. "You could've been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me... and what's worse, you put Ariel in danger." Zack said. "I was just trying to be brave, like you." John said. "I'm only brave when I have to be. John, being brave... dosen't mean you go looking for trouble." Zack said. "But you're not scared of anything." John said. "I was today." Zack said. "You were?" John asked. "Yes. I thought I might lose you." Zack said. "Oh. I guess even alphas get scared, huh?" John asked. "Mm-hmm." Zack said. "But you know what?" John said. "What?" Zack said. "I think those mountain lions were even scareder." John said. "Cause nobody messes with your dad. Come here, you." Zack said as he pulled John close and messes up the fur on the top of his head. "Oh, no! No!" John said as he got free. Then his dad started to run away when he tackled his dad. "Come here!" John said while going after his dad. They were both laughing. "Gotcha!" John said as he tackled his dad to the ground. He was pulling his dad's ear with his mouth like he did before. John layed on top of his dad. "Dad?" John said. "Hmm?" Zack said. "We're pals, right?" John asked. "Heh heh. Right." Zack said. "And we'll always be together, right?" John said. "John, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars. The great alphas of the past... look down on us from those stars." Zack said. "Really?" John asked. "Yes. So, whenever you feel alone... just remember that those alphas will always be there to guide you... and so will I." Zack said. Then they go back home. The next day at the mountain lion den, "Man, that lousy Zack. I won't be able to sit for a week." Killian said. Herey was laughing. "It's not funny Henry." Killian said. Henry was still laughing. "Hey, shut up!" Killian said. They started to attack each other. "Will you knock it off?" Emma asked. "Well, he started it." Killian said. "Look at you guys. No wondering we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain." Emma said. "Man, I hate dangling." Killian said. "Yeah? You know, if it wasn't for those wolves... we'd be runnin the joint." Emma said. "Man, I hate wolves." Killian said. "So pushy." Emma said. "And hairy." Killian said. "And stinky." Emma said. "And, man, are they..." Killian said. "U-u-u-ugly!" Both of them said before laughing. "Oh, surely, we wolves are not all that bad." Branden said. "Oh." Emma said. "Oh, Branden. It's just you." Killian said. "We were afraid it was somebody important." Emma said. "Yeah, you know, like Zack." Killian said. "I see." Branden said. "Now, that's power." Killian said. "Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder." Emma said. "Zack!" Killian said. "Ooh! Do it again." Emma said as she shuddered. "Zack!" Killian said. Emma shuddered again. "Zack! Zack! Zack!" Killian said. "Ooh, it tingles." Emma said. "I'm surrounded by idiots." Branden said. "Now, you, Branden, I mean, you're one of us. You're our pal." Killian said. "Charmed." Branden said. "Oh, I like that. He's not alpha, but he's still so proper." Emma said. "Did you bring us anything to eat, Branden, old buddy? Did ya, did ya, did ya?" Killian said. "I don't think you really deserve this. I practically gift-wrapped those pups for you... and you couldn't even dispose of them." Branden said while giving them a leg of a deer he was eating earlier. They started to eat it. "Well, you know... it wasn't like they were exactly like they were alone, Branden." Emma said. "Yeah. What were we supposed to do... kill Zack?" Killian said. "Precisely." Branden said before jumping down from where he was. 🎶Branden: I know that you're powers of retention are as wet as a crocodiles scales. But thick as you are, pay attention. My words are a matter of pride. It's clear from your vacant expressions. The lights are not all on upstairs. But we're talking alphas and successions. Even you can't be caught unawares. So prepare for the chance of a lifetime. Be prepared for sensational news. A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer.
Emma: And where do we feature?
Branden: Just listen to teacher. I know it sounds sordid but you'll be rewarded. When at last I am given my dues. And injustice deliciously squared. Be prepared.
(Mostly spoken: Killian: Yeah, be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what?
Branden: For the death of the alpha.
Killian: Why, is he sick?
Branden: No, fool, we're going to kill him... and John too.
Emma: Great idea. Who needs an alpha?
The mountain lions: 🎶No alpha, no alpha. La-la la-la la la🎶
Branden: Idiots! There will be an alpha.
Killian: Hey, but you said--
Branden: I will be alpha! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again.
Killian: Yeah!
Emma: Yeah! All right! Long live the alpha!
All of the mountain lions: 🎶Long live the alpha! Long live the alpha! Alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha.🎶)
The mountain lions: It's great that we'll soon be connected with an alpha who'll be all time adored.
Branden: Of course, quid pro quo you're expected to take certain duties on board. The future is littered with prizes. And though I'm the main addressee. The point I must emphasize is you won't get a sniff without me. So prepare for the coup of the century be prepared for the murkiest scam. Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning.
The mountain lions: We'll have food.
Branden: Decades of denial is simply why.
The mountain lions: Lots of food, we repeat.
Branden: I'll be alpha, undisputed, respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder I am. Yes my teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared.
The mountain lions and Branden: Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared.🎶
The next day Branden took John to a gorge by the edge of the forest. "Now, you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you." Branden said. "Ooh, what is it?" John asked. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." Branden said. "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised." John said. "Ho ho ho! You are such a naughty boy." Branden said. "Come on, uncle Branden." John said. No, no, no, no, no. This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of father-son... thing. Well, I better go get him." Branden said. "I'll go with you." John said as he started to follow Branden. "No! Heh heh heh. No. Just stay on this rock. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the mountain lions." Branden said. "You know about that?" John asked. "John, everybody knows about that." Branden said. "Really?" John said. "Oh, yes. Lucky daddy was there to save you, eh? Oh, and just between us... you might want to work on that little howl of yours." Branden said. "Oh, okay." John said. Then Branden started to walk away. "Hey, uncle Branden, will I like this surprise?" John asked. "John, it's to die for." Branden said before leaving. Meanwhile at the top of the gorge there was herd of deer eating grass. "Shut up." Emma said. "I can't help it. I'm so hungry. I got to have a deer." Killian said. "Stay put." Emma said. "Can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones?" Killian said. "No. We wait for the single from Branden." Emma said. Then Branden showed up. "There he is. Let's go." Emma said. Meanwhile in the gorge on the rock, John was waiting for his dad. "Little howl. Puhh." John said. Just then a frog comes by. John howls at it three times but his third howl echoed in the gorge. Then some small stones that are by John's paws started to rattle. He looked up at the top of the gorge and saw a herd of deer coming straight at him. He runs. Meanwhile on the top of the gorge Nigel noticed the herd of deer. "Oh, look Zack. The herd is on the move." Nigel said. "Odd." Zack said. "Zack, quick! Stampede in the gorge. John's down there." Branden said. "John?" Zack said. John is still running when he finally found a huge rock to hide behind until the whole herd passes. Zack, Branden, and Nigel all go to the gorge and Nigel flew ahead and found John behind the rock. "Nigel, help me!" John said. "Your father is on the way! Hold on!" Nigel said. "Hurry!" John said as Nigel went to show Zack and Branden where he is.

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