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Five Thousand Years Ago...

Silver-grey wings beat against howling winds and relentless rain.

Don't fail. Don't fail. Don't fall, the dragon thought, risking a glance at the ground below. He blinked water out of his eyes and tried to focus on the beating of his wings. Swish. Swish. Swish.

Lightning crackled across the sky, and the dragon let out a yell before swerving to the right and down.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to fail, they'll all be so disappointed in me, the dragon's mind screamed. There was a sudden updraft of wind, catching on the white dragon's pair of wings and sending him flying upwards. He let out a yelp and wrapped his arms tighter around the satchel.

There was a shape, just on the edge of the horizon. A familiar shape.

The Silk Palace!

He pumped his wings harder, silver-grey-white slicing through the dark sky. Suddenly the storm ended. The rain disappeared behind him and the wind stopped. The Silk Dragon was so startled he nearly fell out of the now-clear midnight sky, which was a dark shade of blue speckled with tiny silver spots. Three full moons illuminated the grasslands, and Weave let out a sigh of relief as he neared the massive white shape swarming with dragons' wings.

Suddenly something eye-burningly bright flashed the Silk Dragon directly in the face and something very heavy landed on his back. The last thing he felt as he plummeted down to the ground below was powerful, cold talons taking the satchel from his claws.

Then there was nothing. 

A/N: Welcome to the story! I'm excited to introduce you to The Silken Seer, something dragonner and I have been working on for Clearsight knows how long. There will be many, many chapters. And, unlike my other fanfictions, this one is finished!! So I can have regular updating schedules like a normal person! How awesome does that sound?
Just so you know, author's notes may not be at the end of every chapter in this story because I won't have much to say all the time. And yes, there will be a post-epilogue. 
Updates will be every weekday (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri) unless life happens

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