Be my Pogchamp

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1 week ago

Valentine's day

My name is Izuku Theodore Midoriya. I'm 16 years old and of average height. My quirk is Bat Fangs. Self-exploratory. I get the premium strength, speed and stamina boost along with extra-sharp fangs that used to be my canines.

Last year, I began dating my first crush. Ochako Uraraka. Hands down she was the happiest thing to happen to me. A beacon of hope. Proof that someone still loved me.

I would love to think I was a good boyfriend, but here it was at the back of the school with my now ex and held current lover.

"Deku-kun. I'm sorry but... I don't love you anymore." Ochako's words hurt as if I had been run-over. "You heard her nerd. She's come for a real man." Katsuki gloated.

Well, I kinda expected this. She's been really distant. She loves hanging around Bakugo. It's no surprise she'd leave me for him. Wait a minute! "I thought you were dating Utsushimi-san," I noted. "Heh, and why would I give up a prime specimen like Ochako for her? She's annoying and loud-mouthed." He replied.

"Oh. Ok. Thanks for telling me." I said. "Wait? Your not mad?" Ocha- Uraraka exclaimed. "Of course I'm mad. But I'm not petty." I corrected. "Oh. Thanks for understanding." She said cheerily.

I nodded and walked off. I didn't feel like crying honestly. It's not like someone I loved doesn't reciprocate anymore.

I went through the rest of the week with a terrible headache. Eventually, everyone found out we broke up. I got condolences while they got congratulations.

Somehow I was able to push past the pain and keep going. A week later, Utsushimi-san's brother, Pro Hero Peek-a-boo, hosted a party at their home.

I had no social life anymore so why not go?

At the party

I sat on the couch with a red cup in hand; you've seen the movies. I watched everyone dance provocatively. Especially Uraraka and her hubby. I watched with envy until my peace was disturbed.

"Yo!" A tall figure sat at my side. "Utsushimi-san?" "Camie. Call me Camie fam." "What do you want?" I asked. "Nothin. Just thought you might need company." She replied.

"Thanks, I guess... They look happy, don't they?" I asked. She snorted and took my beer cup. "Can't believed I got dumped for that skank." She downed half the cup and handed it back. Eventually, we took turns sipping. "They both hurt us," I said. She nodded. "Wanna make them pay?" She asked. "And how would we do that?"

She gave me a seductive glance and crept closer until our faces were almost touching. "Be mine." She suggested with a whisper. "What?" "Date me. Make them wish they hadn't left us." "And why would I agree to that?"

She suddenly climbed on top of me. As she straddled me, she cupped my face. "Because I said so." "My answers no."

She smashed her lips into mine with ferocity. Everyone was either too drunk or too absent-minded to pay us any mind. When she freed me from her pink death traps I said, "My answer is still no."

"Aww. I was hoping you'd change your mind." She climbed off me and stood up. She then stooped down on her toes. "At least let me cheer you up." The way she said it was almost sickly sweet. Her eyes were lustful and begging. "Fine." I conceded. I downed my beer and launched the cup to wherever the wind would take it.

"Poggers! C'mon. Follow me upstairs. I'll give you a private show." She grabbed my hand and led me to up a flight of stairs and down the hall. "Are we supposed to be here?" I questioned. "I live here fam, remember?"

She opened the door and dragged me inside before locking it and turning on the lights.

"Woah." The room was entirely pink. Pink bed. Pink walls. Carpet, dresser, laptop. "Like it?" She queried. I nodded nonchalantly. "Good."

She shoved me onto the bed. And sat on my lap. "Ready for the show?" She cooed. I remained stern but on the inside, I was dying for something to ease the pain. She clicked something and lofi jazz began playing, "Were you planning this?" "No. Now shut up and enjoy me."

She began grinding on my groin just as the patrons did downstairs. I quietly grunted as she elegantly danced to the slow music. Every now and again I hear her moan. Either caused by back pain or lust. I think it's both.

"You can touch y'know. I won't bite." She cooed. I slowly trailed my arms to her stomach. I moved downwards but they quickly withdraw to tease her. I used to be a cinnamon roll, but you best believe you gotta learn to be sensual when you get a girlfriend.

I moved upwards and under her shirt. I slipped my fingers between her cleavage. "You got the touch~~." She whispered. "Lemme help you out." She grabbed the ends of her navy blue shirt and lifted it to reveal the sports bra she had underneath. I went back down to caress her lean muscles. "C'mon. Take charge." She taunted. "Didn't know you were into that." "Izu-babe, almost every girl is into that. Now stop keepin me waiting. Please~~."

I quickly slid from under her and got on top. I pulled up her legs around my shoulders and pulled her body to mine. I felt her legs wrap around my shoulders. I leaned down to plant kisses on her stomach. Slowly. "Mmm. It's too bad Urara-whore is missing this. She better takes back her man." Camie teased. "You know what?" "What?" "Let's do it." "Do what?" "Make them regret leaving us." "There you go ma little Pogchamp! Now take me. I can't wait."

I threw my shirt off and drew don't my tented shorts. "Looks like Mr Dickus The 1st wants to play~~." She began teasing me with her feet. "Oh, no-no-no."

I basically flipped her sideways. Removed the skirt she was wearing leaving her lower half in short tights. I stuck my fingers down there and whispered, "That's my job." "Omg! This is so hawt~~ Oh god. Mmm."

She began squirming around as I stimulated her thighs and in-between. I felt her bite my finger just to stop her from screaming. "Oh, we're biting now?" I revealed my fangs with hiss. She had a look of fear in her eyes.

I liked it. Is this what Bakugo felt after beating me up? Possibly. But even so, her fear was mixed with burning lust. That's when I saw it. The reflection in her eyes. My eyes were blood red.

I licked her stomach and planted kisses before deciding where to bite. I decided to go classic. I removed my hand from her nethers and sat her up. "This might hurt." I hissed. "W-w-what!? Wai-- Eeeeeeii... Ahhh."

I latched onto her with tremendous force, easily puncturing her neck. I sucked and sucked until I had had enough of her sweet red nectar. "You're an animal." She moaned. I hissed and removed my underwear.

"You said to take charge. Did you not?"

Words 1200

Posted 4/27/2021

Pure smut

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