The Unpog Awakening

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My eyes fluttered open slowly. My head was pounding. Where am I? "You're awake." Said a gentle voice. I sat up to see Camie at her bedroom door. I was at her home. In her bed. The memories began flowing. Oh damn. "Sorry if I hurt you." I apologized. "Hurt me? Nah man, you were fantastic." "Glad I still have some use," I remarked. "Izu-babe, your one of the most hero-like people I know, like you totally have this hero vibe about you. You're more than useful." She complimented.

"Come downstairs when you are ready. My brother had to leave for work and my parents are on vacation." She stated. I nodded. "There are clothes on the chair. Hurry, I wanna start planning our revenge." Damn. She walked away and closed the door.

What the hell have I gotten myself into. I stood to my feet. My back ached and cracked as I stretched my rested body. "Damn." I cursed. I got myself dressed and slowly sauntered below. Camie was at the dinner table with two bowls of cereal. One for me, one for her. I sat at the table with my head tilted down. "Are you having regrets about last night?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry I pushed you like that. I just-- I just wanted to get back at him." She admitted.

"I know." I chuckled. "Are you upset?" She asked with a guilty face. "No. I'm not." I answered. "R-r-really? Even after I manipulated you like that?" She cried. Tears pricked at her eyes. "It the attraction was mutual. I wanted it as much as you; maybe even more." I replied. "Anyway," I started. "Let's plan our revenge." "Ait. Lemme tell ya m idea"

"So, we pretend we're dating, like do everything a couple would. The whole shabam. Slowly but surely they'll begin to miss us. Then if and when they ask for us back, we reject them hardcore. You get me?" She suggested. I nodded. "But we need rules," I said. "Like seriously dude?" "Yes"

"Rule 1. In public, we're like every other couple but in private we're just friends. Agreed?" "Oki." "Rule 2, no backing out." "Mhm." "The most last and most important rule is don't catch feelings." "Whatever man. But what happens if one of us breaks that rule?" "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

After breakfast, I remembered no one had seen me since yesterday. I wore one of Camie's elder brother's hoodies. We left her home and began walking. "And so it begins." "Yup... So, Katsuki-kun told me once that you knew each other." " A very long time ago."

Words 446

Posted 5/4/2021

Sorry for being so short. I'm planning big thing so I had the clear my head.

This was meant to be posted a while ago. a couple of weeks ago lmao

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