Suck My Pog

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The next day I was the talk of a school. "Omg, he's that kid who knocked up that hot chick. What a Fukcing legend." Some gawked. Heh, I'm popular.

I was heading to class when three buff third years blocked my path. "Attention!" They clicked their heels like soldiers. "Salute! For honour and glory. We salute you for claiming the goddess Camie Utsushimi as your own. You fucking legend!"

"Yare yare. Uhm thanks. Imma just..." I excused myself and headed to class. "Alright!" I shouted. "Who told the entire school!"

Ochako raised her hand. "I believe it was I who did so. It's all of our business to know each other's relationship status."

The Rhythm

The Pitch

And the nerve of this flat-chested, skinny ass, skip leg day Bitch. 

"No no. You are the one who wanted to keep 'us' secret. Remember? And I'm pretty sure Katsuki kept Camie a secret too so you can suck my ginormous, white, unvirginized cock."

"H-how rude! When did you become like this?" She asked offendedly. "Ever since you saw the good in that idiot you call Katsuki Bakugo."

"What did you say, nerd!?" "Yeah, you're an idiot. What are you gonna do about it prick?"

Bakugo stomped over and grabbed him by the collar. "Cmon you can do better than that. NOw let go before I bite you." "Tch." He released his grip. 

"Time for class!"

So I'm trying a new thing where I write between 250 and 500 words for this book like a slice of line anime.

Words 254

Posted 5/10/2021

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