Where The Pog Have You Been

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I bid my 'girlfriend' farewell and began walking to UA. I began thinking of excuses. Ochako is the new class President so I'll have to face her. I began thinking until I reached the front door. Camie didn't live far.

I opened the door and the questions came flying in. "Izuku where were you!?" Uraraska cried. "It Midoriya to you." I corrected. She seemed somewhat offended. "Watch your mouth nerd!" Katsuki was so annoying. "I'd rather not. Anyway, I slept with Camie since it was late."

"You mean in her home?" Mina gasped. "No. In her bed. It's quite easy if you ask nicely." I corrected. Collective gasp. "Oh my goodness. Please tell me you didn't do anything nefarious." Iida exclaimed. I made my way to the elevator. "Is screwing her silly count?"

I entered the elevator and rode it. I began plotting my next move...


Gonna rewrite, I cant get a good plot lmao. like I have fuckin clue what to write. everything is sooo... dumb. fuck me.

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