CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 6 part 3)


Right before he had found them finally, just when the moment Draco started sensing the surroundings of the magical tent about to change as Luna and Neville will be the ones to take down and wrap up their safe home to a traveling pack and such, Draco frowned upon seeing them eager and excited when they finished packing up their supplies, personal belongings and other stuff that they also had on them. But this time, he hated that besides giving them magical weapons--the others had magicked their backpacks and travel bags earlier already with the same charms and similar enchantments upon magically expanding them like they're carrying their own 'black holes' of bags, as well as double-enforcing them to be secured and shielded from weather elements and forceful impacts and encounters such as being snatched and ripped apart by monsters or grabbed and stolen by hostile survivors, aiming to steal their supplies if they noticed, and finally, they were charmed to be super light and completely weight-less so that they won't have any trouble carrying them while traveling under whatever heavy loads and back-rending weights as they trek to and through.

It didn't take long for one of them to notice Draco standing by the edge of the doorway with a fierce frown on his face like he's very displeased with their joyful merriness and excitement and then she asked aloud for the others to finally notice his sudden presence.

"Hey, Ice Prince. So what brings your royal grace here? Come to check if we have been snooping around, stole some stuff, and sneaking them into our bags?" Clarke taunted at him in the same usual word banter she's done ever since she first started it with Draco.

Draco scowled at her more fiercely, instantly not liking the nickname the Mundane long-haired blonde woman just called him but he visibly took a deep breath to keep himself calm and composed, and then he said coolly at them. "Much as I love to do such a thing--to somehow catch you in the act and expose you all as thieves that you truly are...but no. I only came here to check and see if you all got your things packed and I'm actually provide you with enchanted and magically modified weapons of your own so that you can protect and defend yourselves in the group during our long travel out there in the dark monster-infested forests."

Instantly, much to Draco's deep displeasure, the four survivor's eyes lit up with interest and excitement more upon hearing him announce this, but to his surprise, they behaved themselves so that they'll get on Draco's good side for now, as they are eager to see and have what kind of magical weapons they'll get each of their own.

Draco stared at them silently like he's trying to look deeper and study their ulterior motives when the four went quiet but just as he slowly reached his hands into his specially-made magicked coat, that can be able to holster and wield many weapons inside it--to two certain people's envy upon noticing this--he stopped slightly sudden and then glared at the four new members for good measure like he's giving them a fair but deadly warning with his dagger-glaring eyes as he spoke dangerously, "But I warn you...misuse these weapons for anything other than to provide safe protection and security in our group--I will not hesitate to take them back magically or turn them into itty-bitty little toys meant for babies...understood?"

When the four kept behaving themselves and stood still as they dimly nodded at Draco, the blond wizard nodded back silently like he's satisfied with his warning and intimidating them and he summoned the four kinds of weapons out for each of them to use and their eyes widened even more with amazed and impressed looks on their faces upon seeing them modified and improved by their magical ways.

Draco handed a compound-type intricate-carved wooden longbow and black quiver filled with both sharp long and short arrows right at Octavia Blake and swiftly told her what they do. "The quiver is secured with double-enforced magic to shield it from weather elements and keep sticking on you once you wrap around the strap upon you and you don't need to worry about reloading arrows, because every arrow you shoot from your bow, the quiver will magically create and replace the arrows you take out in both the long and short sizes. If you're wondering how that's possible, the quiver is enchanted to just summon any kind of stray material, such as wood, metal, or rock, takes bits and pieces from your surroundings wherever you go and magically energizes into creating and making them and then refilling your quiver like a mini-factory carried at your own back. The long and short arrows are also charmed to be light and fast and even when you miss a target or trying to aim at a blind spot or from a faraway distance, they are also enchanted to fire from your mind zeroing in on the target, but make sure you're aiming precisely and focusing straight on the target, so you don't want your eyes to stray on something or someone else from the intended one unless you meant to hurt or kill them by doing that."

Octavia heeded Draco's pointed warnings over that statement and she took the bow and arrow weaponry and gear from him just as he continued explaining about the other one. "The compound wooden long-bow is magically modified into two shape-changing features. Octavia, hold the longbow by its grip in a horizontal pose."

She followed his instructions exactly as he told her so, and the longbow suddenly transformed magically into an arm-strapped slightly big but lightweight-enchanted crossbow and she gasped in wide-eyed wonder and amazement as she stared at her arm-strapped bow weapon. Draco nearly smirked wide at her reaction but kept his face still blank as he said, "As you can see, with the way how you hold the grip of your bow will transform to that crossbow into the longbow by horizontal and vertical positions. So be mindful of what kind of bow you'll be using your weapon for. You'll end up getting your arm strung up if you keep flipping it around."

Octavia obeyed what Draco had told her as she turned the grip back to vertical position and it transformed back into the wooden compound longbow in her hands and smiled gratefully at Draco, thanking him verbally. Draco just nodded and he turned to his next one that is Clarke as she kept quiet for once and went on behaving herself well so that she'll get her special magic weapon.

Draco pulls out and hands over a stick-like baton and Clarke tried to stop her dubiousness and disappointment on showing her face but he instantly instructed her. "Hold the baton like how you're holding a dagger or a knife-bladed weapon."

Clarke did what Draco told her to do and the baton swiftly transformed into a sharp magic dagger before her eyes and she looked at it appreciatively and she was about to ask what it does, Draco continued on ordering her. "Next, hold it like you're holding a sword or machete."

Clarke did it again and then the dagger transformed into a wicked machete blade weapon before her, almost bigger and longer than a normal machete but slightly slender and lithe than a katana or scimitar sword. Draco finished in some sort of grand showing gesture. "Lastly, hold the grip with both hands in a horizontal position."

After she did that, the machete sword-blade weapon she held with both her hands on the grip, lengthened very long into a double-bladed spear but there's an added feature on it when Clarke noticed one of the blade-end seems to spark like static electricity or something. It turns out her suspicion was right when Draco warned her. "Be careful how you wield that double-blade spear, Ms. Griffin. One of the blade-ends emit a powerful electric taser upon contact or stabbing, so please be mindful on how and where you're swinging or stabbing that melee weapon at and on, alright?"

"Which blade-end exactly has the electric taser on?" Clarke asked, sounding delighted and happy with the kind of weapon she has.

Draco just looked at her blankly and said simply. "Figure it out on your own, Little Princess."

Draco turned away to hide the triumphant grin and ignore the sudden protest from Clarke to pay back the nickname she had given him and he can sense Octavia snorting with amusement at her friend's nickname making the other one look at her with betrayal. He turned his attention next to the two last males as they look at him expectantly but Bellamy Blake just looked calm and John Murphy looked more eager and excited, so Draco decided to go for John Murphy to get it done and over with before he might badger annoyingly at him. 


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