Let's go to the future...

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"Well that's all for this weeks video! Don't forget to subscribe like and follow me on Twitter, Vine, Tumblr, and Instagram. Love you guys bye!"

I just finished up this week's video and let's say I was a little pumped. I hit 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!! I was about to start editing my video when I got a call on my apartment phone. I really didn't want to pick it up, but I did.



C- hello?

B- Yes, hi. is this Cassie?

C- Um yes, may I ask who's calling?

B- Yes, hi my name is Bart. I'm the creator of MAGCON. We were wondering if you and Mack would like to join us on these trips?

C- Well what are we going to do there?

B- MAGCON is basically one big meet and great where you put on a show, take pictures with fans, and then just go and hangout in the hotel room for the rest of the day or until the next event.

C- Well all I can say is heck yes! It sounds like a lot of fun and Mack is totally on board!

B- Thanks a lot and we will be sending a taxi to take you to the airport for your first trip in 5 days. It's in Los Angeles.

C- Uh well, actually Bart, Mack and I live in L.A. so we can just drive ourselves to the hotel or the guys can stay in our house.

B- Well that makes the trip just that much easier. And the rest of the guys and gals can just stay in a hotel room.

C- Thanks a lot Bart. I'm really excited for this trip. Bye for now.

B- Bye.


"Hey, who was that?" "Oh it was this man from this thing called MAGCON and he asked us if we wanted to join and I said yes for the both of us. Are you mad?" I said. "No I'm totally siked. When is the first trip?" "It's in five days and we're actually staying here so we can just go to the hotel where everyone else is staying and just stay with them."


"Cass, what should I pack to go to the hotel?" "You do realize that the limo is picking us up, driving to the airport so we can go pick everyone up, and then back here so we can hang, right? So you actually don't have to pack. Like, literally, if you forget something, you can just drive here and back in 15 minutes." I explained to her. "Oh, ok."


"Ahhh the limo is here!!!! I can't wait to meet everyone."


"So we can go wait by their gate and see them all come out or we can go to starbucks and wait for Bart to call me. He has my number so I can just text him to meet us at the starbucks near gate 17." I said. "Let's just have him meet us at starbucks. Plus a few fans my see us at the starbucks and we can say hi and take pics, I love doing that." "Okay I texted Bart telling him to meet us at starbucks when they arrive."


"I can't believe they're still not here yet!!!!!" Mack said. Like, literally, as if this was rehearsed, like 15 girls started screaming. I turned around and I saw them. Not the MAGCON them, but them. They approached us as if they didn't know me which I hope and am praying they didn't. "Hey." said Shawn. There he stood, totally oblivious to who I really am, waiting for me to say hi back. All of them were there.

Nash, Cameron, Shawn, Matthew, Carter, Johnson, Gilinsky, Aaron, and Taylor.

How did I already know that this was going to be bad?

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